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lunedì 23 ottobre 2017

Sezione Diritto Pubblico

Collisions in the Digital Paradigm
Law and Rule Making in the Internet Age
David John Harvey

It has been said that the only asset that a lawyer has is time. But the reality is that a lawyer's greatest asset is information. The practice and the business of law is all about information exchange. The flow of information travels in a number of different directions during the life of a case. A client communicates certain facts to a lawyer. The lawyer assimilates those facts and seeks out specialised legal information which may be applicable to those facts. In the course of a generation there has been a technological revolution which represents a paradigm shift in the flow of information and communication. Collisions in the Digital Paradigm is about how the law deals with digital information technologies and some of the problems that arise when the law has to deal with issues arising in a new paradigm.