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mercoledì 25 marzo 2015


Si comunica che la sezione di Diritto Penale della Biblioteca di Scienze Giuridiche e dello Sport è momentaneamente chiusa.

Coloro che volessero ottenere in prestito volumi della suddetta sezione dovranno rivolgersi al personale del Circolo Giuridico

lunedì 16 marzo 2015

Sezione Diritto Privato

Das neue Privatinsolvenzrecht

Martin Ahrens

15 Das Buch bietet eine umfassende systematische Darstellung der neuen Gesetzeslage. Auch das veränderte Prozesskostenhilferecht bei den Stundungsregeln wird berücksichtigt. Der Gliederungsplan folgt dabei soweit möglich dem Verfahrensablauf. Vertiefend und auf die praktischen Fragen und Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten setzt sich der Autor mit der neuen Rechtslage auseinander und analysiert die neuen Regelungen in Hinblick auf ihre Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und Probleme. Damit wird gerade dem hohen Informationsinteresse über das veränderte Verbraucherinsolvenz- und Restschuldbefreiungsverfahren Rechnung getragen. 01 Prof. Dr. Martin Ahrens ist Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Bürgerliches Recht, Anwaltsrecht und Zivilprozessrecht an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. Er ist Mitherausgeber mehrerer insolvenzrechtlicher Zeitschriften, Mitherausgeber eines insolvenzrechtlichen Kommentars und Autor in zahlreichen insolvenzrechtlichen, zivilprozessrechtlichen und bürgerlichrechtlichen Kommentaren sowie Handbüchern. Daneben hat er mehrere Werke zum Privat- und Verfahrensrecht mitherausgegeben sowie zahlreiche Beiträge zum Insolvenz-, Verfahrens- und Privatrecht veröffentlicht. Er trägt regelmäßig im In- und Ausland zum Insolvenz- sowie Verfahrensrecht vor und war mehrfach als Gastprofessor an der Universität Nanjing, VR China, tätig.

Sezione Diritto e Società

Concepciones del derecho y de la verdad juridica
German Sucar

En el presente libro, Germán Sucar se propone avanzar sobre el tópico sosteniendo que todo intento serio de respuesta exige una indagación acerca de las diferentes teorías sobre la naturaleza del derecho, así como de la distinción de ciertos niveles de análisis. De esta suerte, se examinan críticamente distintas concepciones del derecho en sus diversas variantes, y se defiende una versión del positivismo que contesta las más importantes objeciones que le han sido dirigidas y que permite explicar adecuadamente las numerosas cuestiones involucradas en la elucidación de la verdad jurídica. En el contexto de esta discusión se abordan con precisión y originalidad temas de la mayor actualidad para la teoría del derecho, como la naturaleza y alcance de las tesis que definen el positivismo jurídico, su eventual compromiso con el antirrealismo, la interpretación del derecho, las dificultades que generan su identificación y aplicación, la indeterminación y la derrotabilidad de las normas y su impacto en la determinación de los valores de verdad de los enunciados jurídicos, así como el juego de las nociones de aplicabilidad y pertenencia en el marco de la reconstrucción sistemática del material normativo. Uno de los méritos principales de esta obra es el haber logrado articular esa vasta multiplicidad de cuestiones en una exposición sistemática. Este libro, lúcido y de exposición clara, contribuirá con toda certeza a una mejor intelección de las perplejidades que suscita la complejidad de la práctica y la teoría jurídica actual.
ÍNDICE (Resumen): Ontología, semántica y verdad. Naturaleza del derecho y verdad jurídica. Defensa del modelo positivista-normativista. Indeterminación del derecho y verdad de los enunciados jurídicos.

Sezione Diritto e Società

Los intersticios del derecho
Indeterminacion, validez y positivismo juridico

Angeles Rodenas

La expresión intersticios del derecho, empleada en el título de este libro, hace referencia a la zona, de límites borrosos, situada entre aquellas pautas que son inequívocamente reconocidas como derecho y aquellas otras que claramente no lo son. La indagación sobre esta área de penumbra es la constante que vertebra los tres núcleos temáticos del libro: la indeterminación del derecho, la validez jurídica y la crisis actual del positivismo jurídico. El conjunto de los tres ensayos permite contemplar, bajo una luz nueva, esta área intersticial o penumbrosa del derecho. ÍNDICE: La indeterminación del derecho. Derrotabilidad. Interpretación y creación judicial de derecho. La validez jurídica. Existencia convencional y validez normativa. Validez regulativa y validez constitutiva. Validez formal y validez material. Los desafíos del positivismo jurídico. Los síntomas de la crisis y las raíces del problema. La cuestión del método jurídico.

Sezione Diritto e Società

Interpretacion literal y significado convencional
Una reflexion sobre los limites de la interpretacion juridica

Victoria Iturralde Sesma

Las teorías de la argumentación jurídica ponen el centro de atención en las razones que se deben dar para que la discrecionalidad, inherente en muchos casos a la plicación del derecho, no devenga en arbitrariedad. Por ello, una de las tareas de dichas teorías reside en el análisis de los diferentes argumentos interpretativos. En este trabajo, se analiza la interpretación literal (o argumento lingüístico) a fin de señalar que una de las exigencias básicas de la aplicación judicial (y administrativa) en un Estado democrático de Derecho es el respeto del principio de legalidad y la limitación de la actividad interpretativa por los márgenes dados por el significado de los enunciados jurídicos. Esto, que parece obvio, es frecuentemente ignorado por los aplicadores del derecho, descalificando la interpretación literal con el adjetivo de formalista.
La autora analiza este criterio interpretativo, para lo cual examina dicha noción en los ámbitos filosófico-lingüístico y jurídico y propone sustituir la expresión «interpretación literal» por la de «interpretación o significado convencional». Se trata, con ello, de poner de relieve que los términos jurídicos, no obstante su indeterminación, tienen un significado convencional. Frente a la idea escéptica de que el intérprete no tiene un punto de partida lingu¨ístico y que los significados varían en relación con los elementos pragmáticos que se manifiestan en cada caso particular, no puede prescindirse de las reglas o convenciones que regulan el empleo de los términos. En otras palabras, el significado convencional establece cuáles son los límites de la interpretación y dónde empieza la invención.

Sezione Diritto e Società

Accion, dolo eventual y doble efecto
Un analisis filosofico sobre la atribucion 
de consecuencias probables

Maria Laura Manrique Perez

En el derecho penal contemporáneo, debido a la creciente importancia de la doctrina del dolo eventual, la distinción entre resultados intentados y consecuencias previstas no es tomada como normativamente relevante. De acuerdo a esta doctrina, ambos efectos de nuestras acciones son equivalentes en el momento de atribuir responsabilidad penal. Por el contrario, en filosofía moral se utiliza esta distinción por medio de la doctrina del doble efecto, que entiende que nuestra responsabilidad es mayor cuando provocamos un daño de manera directa que cuando el daño es producto de nuestra intención oblicua. 
Nuevas aproximaciones a la doctrina del doble efecto conectan esta estrategia con el liberalismo moral y político. Si el derecho penal necesita estar justificado por principios liberales —como las constituciones y los códigos penales parecen exigir—, la doctrina del doble efecto genera un importante desafío a nuestras concepciones de responsabilidad penal. Más específicamente, este trabajo sostiene que la doctrina del doble efecto provee de una mejor solución al problema de la distinción entre resultados intentados y consecuencias previstas que la doctrina del dolo eventual.
ÍNDICE: Responsabilidad, dolo eventual y doble efecto. Acción, resultado y consecuencia. Inferencia práctica y explicación de acciones. Intencionalidad y estados mentales. El dolo eventual. Desafíos al dolo eventual. Consecuencias probables y la doctrina del doble efecto. El problema de la cercanía. disolviendo el problema de la cercanía. El problema de la relevancia. Doble efecto y las formas del dolo. Doble efecto y derecho penal. Algunas consecuencias.

Sezione Diritto e Società

Pedro Oliver Olmo (coordinator)
Sanciòn administrativa y control social
La burorrepresión, en su sentido estricto y duro, es la utilización. Por parte de las instituciones de control, del arsenal de sanciones administrativas disponibles en el entramado de leyes, normas y ordenanzas, con el fin de desactivar la protesta de los movimientos sociales, políticos y ciudadanos. En su sentido extenso y blando, la burorrepresión, pretendiendo controlar la potencial disfuncionalidad de sectores sociales que están inmersos en procesos de empobrecimiento y exclusión, adopta la forma de trabas burocráticas o legales que se convierten en graves impedimentos funcionales para los individuos y colectivos afectados.
Cuando se está castigando a la ciudadanía, cuando escribir sobre represión ha vuelto a ser una tarea imperiosa en España, la burorrepresión como concepto se abre paso gracias a lo que, por derivación lingüística, podemos denominar burorresistencia. Estar a la altura de las circunstancias históricas es hacer frente de forma cooperativa y proactiva a ese tropel de multas y sanciones que se lanza contra la protesta y la resistencia, no dejándose amedrentar por quienes quizás piensan que, excepcionalmente, será la burocratización velada de una vasta acción represiva lo que salvará al sistema en sus horas más bajas.
Pedro Oliver Olmo

Sezione Diritto Privato

Guido Alpa

Il contratto in generale
Principi e problemi

Sezione Diritto Privato

Oberdan Tommaso Scozzafava

Studi sulla Proprietà

"Personalmente, sono convinto che un libro non abbia bisogno di premessa. Ma, in questo caso, una soluzione diversa si giustifica, tenendo conto, che gli scritti, che ho qui raccolto, sono stati redatti in periodi diversi e che essi perseguivano differenti finalità; da qui deriva, probabilmente, una sostanziale, scarsa omogeneità del presente lavoro. Tuttavia, un filo conduttore, che unisce i vari scritti, forse si può ritrovare; ed esso si identifica con la circostanza che il diritto di proprietà viene attribuito per consentire al suo titolare il conseguimento di un reddito. La parte storica si propone di ricercare il cammino, lungo il quale si dipana e si è dipanato il diritto di proprietà: ed essa si propone la finalità di porre in evidenza come il diritto in esame si sia sviluppato nel corso degli anni. Ma la parte storica è, altresì, funzionale a far comprendere sia la struttura che la funzione del diritto di proprietà. Lo stesso scopo si propongono gli scritti, dedicati ad insigni giuristi, che, sia pure in prospettive diverse, hanno dato un contributo a quello che, in senso lato, definirei l'elaborazione delle situazioni proprietarie. I lavori sui frutti e sui modi di acquisto a titolo originari della proprietà delle nuove risorse hanno il fine di confortare l'idea di fondo, che anima buona parte di questi lavori. Gli scritti più propriamente tecnici sono stati inseriti, nella convinzione che sia indispensabile conoscere la struttura di un istituto, per comprenderlo."

Sezione Diritto Privato

Diritti e culture
Un'antologia critica

a cura di Roberto Cammarata 
Letizia Mancini
Persio Tincani

Anteprima del libro

Quella tra diritti e culture è una relazione complessa che ha caratterizzato la storia dei diritti umani fin dall’elaborazione della Dichiarazione Universale del 1948. Sebbene nel corso di questi settant’anni la dialettica tra la dichiarata universalità dei primi e la particolarità delle seconde sia stata a più riprese enfatizzata in senso critico, appare oggi assai riduttivo limitarne la lettura nei termini dell’opposizione classica tra universalismo e relativismo.
Tanto le culture quanto i diritti sono in continua trasformazione e lo è quindi anche il loro rapporto, che è necessario continuare ad indagare se non si vuole assistere a un’involuzione del livello di tutela della libertà e della dignità umana. Le voci raccolte in questa antologia provengono dall’antropologia giuridica, dalla sociologia del diritto e dalla filosofia. Esse mostrano l’impegno di numerosi studiosi a superare il paradigma della reciproca incompatibilità e a dare forma e sostanza a un dialogo interculturale sui diritti umani fondato sull’idea che i linguaggi e la produzione dei diritti traggono dalle culture (e portano in esse) sempre nuovi elementi con i quali rafforzarsi reciprocamente quali concreti strumenti di liberazione dell’essere umano.

Sezione Diritto Pubblico

Oreste Massari
I partiti politici nelle democrazie contemporanee

"I partiti sono più che mai sotto attacco; eppure nessuno riesce a dimostrare in maniera seria e convincente come la democrazia rappresentativa potrebbe funzionare senza le cinghie di trasmissione poste in essere dai partiti e dal sistema dei partiti. Questa è anche la persuasione che ha indotto Massari a inoltrarsi in una "selva oscura" nella quale anch'io, dopo aver letto il suo libro, mi oriento meglio." (Giovanni Sartori)

Sezione Diritto Pubblico

Le proposte di riforma della Costituzione
a cura di Andrea Cardone

Il volume raccoglie gli atti di un seminario di studi svoltosi il 13 febbraio 2014 presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche dell'Università di Firenze. L'incontro è stato dedicato al tema delle riforme costituzionali, con particolare riferimento ai lavori ed alle conclusioni della Commissione per le riforme costituzionali istituita dal Governo Letta nel giugno del 2013. E ciò, per sottolineare il rilievo del tutto peculiare che, nel processo riformatore attualmente in corso, è venuta ad assumere la scienza giuscostituzionalistica.

Sezione Diritto Privato

La classe politica

Gianfranco Pasquino

Le classi politiche sono centrali in tutti i sistemi e inevitabilmente nelle democrazie contemporanee qualsiasi discorso, anche critico, sulla classe politica si intreccia con il ruolo dei partiti, il problema della rappresentanza e il funzionamento della democrazia stessa. Infatti, le classi politiche contemporanee sono sostanzialmente di estrazione partitica e si collocano prevalentemente in ruoli parlamentari e di governo. Questo volume illustra le modalità con le quali esse si formano, funzionano, si ricambiano e analizza le soluzioni che vengono proposte per migliorarne la qualità, controllarne il potere e favorirne il ricambio. 

Sezione Storia del Diritto

Jean-Pierre Coriat
Jan Hallebeek 
Roberto Fiori 
Ernest Metzger
Martin Schermaier

Inter Cives Necnon Peregrinos

Essays in Honour of Boudewijn Sirks

The contributions to this volume are concerned with the Roman law of antiquity in its broadest sense, covering both private and public law from the Roman Republic to the Byzantine era, including legal papyrology. They also examine the reception of Roman law in Western Europe and its colonies (specifically the Dutch East Indies) from the Middle Ages to the promulgation of the German Burgerliche Gesetzbuch in 1900. They reflect the wide interests of Professor Boudewijn Sirks, whom the volume honours on the occasion of his retirement and whose work and career have transcended frontiers and nations.

Sezione Storia del Diritto

Usus Antiquus Juris Romani:

Antikes Recht in lebenspraktischer Anwendung

Wolfgang Ernst, Eva Jakab

Die Erforschung des römischen Rechts wendet sich zunehmend den Realitäten des antiken Rechtslebens zu. Dahinter steht die Erkenntnis, dass sich auch das rechtswissenschaftliche Schrifttum der römischen Juristen zu einem erheblichen Teil auf die Vorgänge des Rechtsverkehrs bezog. Zugleich erlaubt die epigraphische Überlieferung einen unmittelbaren Einblick in die Rechtsgeschäfte des antiken Alltags. Die urkundlich überlieferte Rechtspraxis und das rechtswissenschaftliche Schrifttum der iurisconsulti sind aufeinander zu beziehen und erschließen sich in ihrer Wechselbeziehung der heutigen Forschung. Mit diesem Blickwinkel greifen die Autoren des Bandes verschiedene Sachfragen des römischen Vertragsrechts auf. Beiträge zur Ausbreitung des römischen Rechts und zu Nachbarrechten der Antike, aber auch zur kulturellen Bedeutung des romanistischen Erbes in der europäischen Geistesgeschichte, runden den Band ab.

Sezione Diritto e Società

Building better Beings
A theory of Moral Responsibility

Building Better Beings presents a new theory of moral responsibility. Beginning with a discussion of ordinary convictions about responsibility and free will and their implications for a philosophical theory, Manuel Vargas argues that no theory can do justice to all the things we want from a theory of free will and moral responsibility. He goes on to show how we can nevertheless justify our responsibility practices and provide a normatively and naturalistically adequate account of responsible agency, blame, and desert. Three ideas are central to Vargas' account: the agency cultivation model, circumstantialism about powers, and revisionism about responsibility and free will. On Vargas' account, responsibility norms and practices are justified by their effects. In particular, the agency cultivation model holds that responsibility practices help mold us into creatures that respond to moral considerations. Moreover, the abilities that matter for responsibility and free will are not metaphysically prior features of agents in isolation from social contexts. Instead, they are functions of both agents and their normatively structured contexts. This is the idea of circumstantialism about the powers required for responsibility. Third, Vargas argues that an adequate theory of responsibility will be revisionist, or at odds with important strands of ordinary convictions about free will and moral responsibility. Building Better Beings provides a compelling and state-of-the-art defense of moral responsibility in the face of growing philosophical and scientific skepticism about free will and moral responsibility

Sezione Diritto Pubblico

The Oxford Handbook of Papyrology

Roger S. Bagnall

Thousands of texts, written over a period of three thousand years on papyri and potsherds, in Egyptian, Greek, Latin, Aramaic, Hebrew, Persian, and other languages, have transformed our knowledge of many aspects of life in the ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern worlds. The Oxford Handbook of Papyrology provides an introduction to the world of these ancient documents and literary texts, ranging from the raw materials of writing to the languages used, from the history of papyrology to its future, and from practical help in reading papyri to frank opinions about the nature of the work of papyrologists. This volume, the first major reference work on papyrology written in English, takes account of the important changes experienced by the discipline within especially the last thirty years. Including new work by twenty-seven international experts and more than one hundred illustrations, The Oxford Handbook of Papyrology will serve as an invaluable guide to the subject.

lunedì 9 marzo 2015

Sezione Diritto Penale

Medieval Crime and Social Control
Barbara A. Hanawalt and David Wallace

Anteprima del libro

Crime is a matter of interpretation, and never was this truer than in he Middle Ages, when societies faced with new ideas and pressures were continually forced to rethink what a crime was -- and what was a crime. This collection undertakes a thorough exploration of shifting definitions of crime and changing attitudes toward social control in medieval Europe.
These essays reveal how various forces in medieval society interacted and competed in interpreting and influencing mechanisms for social control. Drawing on a wide range of historical and literary sources -- legal treatises, court cases, statutes, poems, romances, and comic tales -- the contributors consider topics including fear of crime, rape and violence against women, revenge and condemnations of crime, learned dispute about crime and social control, and legal and political struggles over hunting rights.

Sezione Diritto Penale

Crime, Law and society
in the later middle ages

by Antony Musson with Edward Powell

Sezione Diritto Pubblico

Religione e autonomie locali

La tutela della libertà religiosa 
nei territori di 
Cremona, Lodi e Piacenza

a cura di Antonio G. Chizzoniti

Sezione Diritto Pubblico

Pablo Lerner
Alfredo Mordechai Rabello

Il divieto di macellazione rituale
(schechità kosher e halal) 
e la libertà relilgiosa delle minoranze

con una presentazone di Roberto Toniatti

Sezione Diritto Pubblico

Francesco Alicino

La legislazione sulla base di intese.
I test delle religioni "Altre" e degli ateismi

Anteprima del libro

Sezione Diritto Penale

Ulrich Sieber
Konstanze Jarvers
Emily Silverman

National Criminal Law in a Comparative Legal Context
volume 1.1
Introduction to National Systems
National characteristics, fundamental principles, and history of criminal law

Sezione Storia del Diritto

Les constitutions des Sévères : 

Règne de Septime Sévère 

Volume 1, Constitutions datées de la première période du 

règne (juin 193 - automne 197 ap. ... Sévère cité comme seul 
auteur de la décision 

di Jean-Pierre Coriat

Sezione Storia del Diritto

Massimiliano Ambruoso

Castel del Monte 

Manuale storico di sopravvivenza

Cos'è in realtà Castel del Monte? Perché fu costruito su quella collina, con quella forma ottagonale? Era davvero un edificio completamente isolato, privo di difese e inabitabile? Ma, soprattutto, era veramente un castello o, come si afferma da più parti, un tempio, un osservatorio astronomico, un hammam o struttura termale? Il volume, un vero e proprio "manuale di resistenza", contro le deformazioni antistoriche di ricercatori improvvisati e di appassionati "cacciatori di scoop", cerca di rispondere a queste domande ripercorrendo la vera storia di Castel del Monte, restituendo il castello più fascinoso e interessante tra quelli ordinati da Federico II, alla sua e alla nostra storia. Il volume è arricchito da un'Appendice di Anna Castriota dedicata al Manoscritto numero 408 o Codice Voynich.

Sezione Storia del Diritto

Matthias Armgardt
Fabian Klinck
Ingo Reichard

Liber amicorum Christoph Krampe zum 70. Geburtstag

Sezione Diritto e Società

Carlos A. Ball

The Morality of Gay Rights

An exploration in political philosophy

In The Morality of Gay Rights, Ball presents a comprehensive exploration of the connection between gay rights and political philosophy. He discusses the writing of contemporary political and legal philosophers-including Rawls, Walzer, Nussbaum, Sandel, Rorty and Dworkin-to evaluate how their theoretical frameworks fit the specific gay rights controversies, such as same-sex marriage and parenting by lesbians and gay men, that are part of our nation's political and legal debates.

Sezione Diritto Pubblico

Adoraciòn Castro Jover

Interculturalidad y Derecho

En este volumen se aborda el estudio de la Interculturalidad como modelo de gestión de la diversidad. Este modelo se caracteriza por una estructura política y jurídica integrada, de un lado, por la Democracia, Estado de Derecho y Derechos Fundamentales, pilares que se constituyen como valores comunes que deben ser aceptados por toda la ciudadanía y, de otro lado, por el reconocimiento de la diferencia, siendo el diálogo intercultural un instrumento que facilita la inclusión de la diferencia y favorece la cohesión social. El estudio se ha realizado teniendo en cuenta varios niveles. En primer lugar el nivel europeo en el que se advierte con claridad que el modelo de gestión de la diversidad por el que se opta en Europa es la Interculturalidad. En segundo lugar, el nivel correspondiente al Derecho interno español en el que se han tenido en cuenta los distintos niveles de gobierno: Estatal, Comunidades Autónomas y Gobierno local y en el que el estudio se ha realizado desde el ámbito más general de los principios que informan en esta materia el ordenamiento jurídico español, hasta el estudio de ámbitos concretos, seleccionando aquellos en que en mayor medida se manifiesta la diversidad: Educación; Sanidad; Deporte, Acuerdos con las confesiones religiosas; Gobierno local; Seguridad; Derecho penal. Finalmente, se ha abordado el estudio de otros países europeos, Francia, Inglaterra, Bulgaria, con el objetivo de que nos sirvieran para comparar los distintos modelos de gestión de la diversidad existentes bajo el mismo marco europeo.

Sezione Diritto Pubblico

Roberta Medda

Old and New Minorities:

Reconciling Diversity and Cohesion

a Human Rights Model for Minority Integration

Questions concerning whether and how the rights of minorities should be recognized in politics, and how to maintain and strengthen the bonds of community in ethnically diverse societies, are among the most salient and vexing on the political agenda of many societies. The growing diversity of national communities has generated pressures for new and more defensible forms of accommodating social cohesion and diversity. Although societies need to develop appropriate models of integration suited to their history, traditions, demographic composition, political requirements, and so on, their decisions should be guided by two general principles, namely respect for diversity and fostering a sense of common belonging and unity. This book states that it is possible to develop a defensible model for minority integration that reconciles unity and diversity. Studying the interaction between "old" and "new" minority groups and how they complement each other is a rather new task. So far these topics have been studied in isolation from each other. It is also an important task for future research in Europe where many states have established systems of "old" minority rights, but have not yet developed sound policies for the integration of "new" minority groups originating from recent migration. Old and New Minorities: Reconciling Diversity and Cohesion is a valuable resource for academics, scholars, students, and practitioners working on international human rights law, and the law and policy surrounding minorities, migrants, refugees, and all categories of non-citizens.

Sezione Diritto e Società

Commonsense Consequentialism: 

Wherein Morality Meets Rationality

Douglas W. Portmore

Anteprima del libro

Commonsense Consequentialism is a book about morality, rationality, and the interconnections between the two. In it, Douglas W. Portmore defends a version of consequentialism that both comports with our commonsense moral intuitions and shares with other consequentialist theories the same compelling teleological conception of practical reasons. Broadly construed, consequentialism is the view that an act's deontic status is determined by how its outcome ranks relative to those of the available alternatives on some evaluative ranking. Portmore argues that outcomes should be ranked, not according to their impersonal value, but according to how much reason the relevant agent has to desire that each outcome obtains and that, when outcomes are ranked in this way, we arrive at a version of consequentialism that can better account for our commonsense moral intuitions than even many forms of deontology can. What's more, Portmore argues that we should accept this version of consequentialism, because we should accept both that an agent can be morally required to do only what she has most reason to do and that what she has most reason to do is to perform the act that would produce the outcome that she has most reason to want to obtain. Although the primary aim of the book is to defend a particular moral theory (viz., commonsense consequentialism), Portmore defends this theory as part of a coherent whole concerning our commonsense views about the nature and substance of both morality and rationality. Thus, it will be of interest not only to those working on consequentialism and other areas of normative ethics, but also to those working in metaethics. Beyond offering an account of morality, Portmore offers accounts of practical reasons, practical rationality, and the objective/subjective obligation distinction.

Sezione Diritto Privato

Familienrecht: Vereinbarungen - Verfahren -

Außergerichtliche Korrespondenz

Karin Meyer-Götz

Nomos Verlagsges

Sezione Diritto Privato

Enzyklopädie Europarecht 

Europäischer Grundrechteschutz

Zugleich Band 2 der Enzyklopädie Europarecht

Sezione Diritto Privato

Mit Zusatzprotokollen

Stefanie Schmahl

venerdì 6 marzo 2015

Sezione Diritto e Società

Kenji Yoshino

The Hidden Assault on our Civil Rights

Anteprima del libro

In this remarkable and elegant work, acclaimed Yale Law School professor Kenji Yoshino fuses legal manifesto and poetic memoir to call for a redefinition of civil rights in our law and culture.

Everyone covers. To cover is to downplay a disfavored trait so as to blend into the mainstream. Because all of us possess stigmatized attributes, we all encounter pressure to cover in our daily lives. Given its pervasiveness, we may experience this pressure to be a simple fact of social life.
Against conventional understanding, Kenji Yoshino argues that the demand to cover can pose a hidden threat to our civil rights. Though we have come to some consensus against penalizing people for differences based on race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, and disability, we still routinely deny equal treatment to people who refuse to downplay differences along these lines. Racial minorities are pressed to “act white” by changing their names, languages, or cultural practices. Women are told to “play like men” at work. Gays are asked not to engage in public displays of same-sex affection. The devout are instructed to minimize expressions of faith, and individuals with disabilities are urged to conceal the paraphernalia that permit them to function. In a wide-ranging analysis, Yoshino demonstrates that American civil rights law has generally ignored the threat posed by these covering demands. With passion and rigor, he shows that the work of civil rights will not be complete until it attends to the harms of coerced conformity.
At the same time, Yoshino is responsive to the American exasperation with identity politics, which often seems like an endless parade of groups asking for state and social solicitude. He observes that the ubiquity of the covering demand provides an opportunity to lift civil rights into a higher, more universal register. Since we all experience the covering demand, we can all make common cause around a new civil rights paradigm based on our desire for authenticity–a desire that brings us together rather than driving us apart.

Yoshino’s argument draws deeply on his personal experiences as a gay Asian American. He follows the Romantics in his belief that if a human life is described with enough particularity, the universal will speak through it. The result is a work that combines one of the most moving memoirs written in years with a landmark manifesto on the civil rights of the future.

Sezione Diritto e Società

Law in the Domains of Culture

Austin Sarat and 
Thomas R. Kearns

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DIVThe concept of culture is troublingly vague and, at the same time, hotly contested, and law's relations to culture are as complex, varied and disputed as the concept of culture itself. The concept of the traditional, unified, reified, civilizing idea of culture has come under attack. The growth of cultural studies has played an important role in redefining culture by including popular culture and questions of social stratification, power and social conflict.
/divDIVLaw and legal studies are relative latecomers to cultural studies. As scholars have come to see law as not something apart from culture and society, they have begun to explore the connections between law and culture. Focusing on the production, interpretation, consumption and circulation of legal meaning, these scholars suggest that law is inseparable from the interests, goals and understandings that deeply shape or compromise social life. Against this background, Law in the Domains of Culture brings the insights and approaches of cultural studies to law and tries to secure for law a place in cultural analysis. This book provides a sampling of significant theoretical issues in the cultural analysis of law and illustrates some of those issues in provocative examples of the genre. Law in the Domains of Culture is designed to encourage the still tentative efforts to forge a new interdisciplinary synthesis, cultural studies of law.
/divDIVThe contributors are Carol Clover, Rosemary Coombe, Marjorie Garber, Thomas R. Kearns, William Miller, Andrew Ross, Austin Sarat, and Martha Woodmansee.

/divDIVAustin Sarat is William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Jurisprudence and Political Science, Amherst College. Thomas R. Kearns is William H. Hastie Professor of Philosophy, Amherst College.

Sezione Diritto e Società

Austin Sarat 
Christian Boulanger

The Cultural Lives of Capital Punishment
Comparative Perspectives

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How does the way we think and feel about the world around us affect the existence and administration of the death penalty? What role does capital punishment play in defining our political and cultural identity?
After centuries during which capital punishment was a normal and self-evident part of criminal punishment, it has now taken on a life of its own in various arenas far beyond the limits of the penal sphere. In this volume, the authors argue that in order to understand the death penalty, we need to know more about the "cultural lives"—past and present—of the state’s ultimate sanction.

They undertake this “cultural voyage” comparatively—examining the dynamics of the death penalty in Mexico, the United States, Poland, Kyrgyzstan, India, Israel, Palestine, Japan, China, Singapore, and South Korea—arguing that we need to look beyond the United States to see how capital punishment “lives” or “dies” in the rest of the world, how images of state killing are produced and consumed elsewhere, and how they are reflected, back and forth, in the emerging international judicial and political discourse on the penalty of death and its abolition.

Sezione Diritto e Società

James P. Sterba
From Rationality to Equality

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Most contemporary moral and political philosophers would like to have an argument showing that morality is rationally required. In From Rationality to Equality, James P. Sterba provides just such an argument and further shows that morality, so justified, requires substantial equality. His argument from rationality to morality is based on the principle of non-question-beggingness and has two forms. The first assumes that the egoist is willing to argue for egoism non-question-beggingly, and the second only assumes that the egoist is willing to assent to premises she actually needs to achieve her egoistic goals. Either way, he argues, morality is rationally (i.e., non-question-beggingly) preferable to egoism. Sterba's argument from morality to equality non-question-beggingly starts with assumptions that are acceptable from a libertarian perspective, the view that appears to endorse the least enforcement of morality, and then shows that this perspective requires a right to welfare which, when extended to distant peoples and future generations, leads to equality. He defends his two-part argument against recent critics, and shows how it is preferable not only to alternative attempts to justify morality, but also to alternative attempts to show that morality leads to a right to welfare and/or to equality.

Sezione Storia del Diritto

Marco P. Pavese

Iter Actus
Ricerche sulla viabilità privata nell'esperienza giuridica romana
I documenti della prassi

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Sezione Storia del Diritto

Iter actus:

Ricerche sulla viabilità privata nell'esperienza 

giuridica romana. I documenti della prassi

Marco Pavese