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mercoledì 11 dicembre 2013

Sezione IURA: Diritto pubblico

Principles of International Environmental Law

Philippe SandsJacqueline Peel - Cambridge University Press, 2012 
The third edition of this classic textbook offers comprehensive and critical commentary on international environmental law. It fully covers the key topics of the course and is clearly structured to include the history and framework in which international environmental law exists, key areas of regulation and implementation, links to other areas of law and future developments. It has been updated to incorporate all the latest developments in treaty and case law. Extensive feedback on previous editions results in a restructuring of material, including a new part focused on linkage to other areas of international law including human rights, international trade and foreign investment. There is also a new chapter on future developments charting the directions in which the subject is moving. Specialist authors writing on oceans, seas and fisheries and biodiversity add to the expertise of the two principal authors for an authoritative overview of the subject.