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martedì 18 giugno 2019
Sezione Diritto pubblico
Sezione Diritto pubblico
Violazioni di carattere sistemico e Convenzione europea dei diritti dell'uomo
Andrea Cannone - Cacucci, 2018
Sezione Diritto privato
Guida pratica al lavoro agile dopo la legge n. 81/2017. Formule contrattuali, schemi operativi, mappatura della contrattazione collettiva
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Circolo giuridico
EU Employment Law
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new edition of EU Employment Law provides a complete revision and
update of the leading English language text in the field. The coverage
in the new edition has been expanded with material on all the latest
developments, incorporating the changes made by the Lisbon Treaty; the
EU2020 strategy; the Charter of Fundamental Rights; the 'Article 19
Directives'; the Temporary Agency Work Directive; the revisions to the
existing including the Directives on Parental Leave and European Works
Council; and the new Social Security Regulations 883/2004. It also
analyses the ever-expanding body of employment case law, including the
momentous decisions in Viking, Laval, Rueffert, and Commission v
Luxembourg. The book begins with an examination of the development of EU
employment law focusing on the shift from employment law to employment
policy. The text then studies rule-making in the field of employment
law, considering both the traditional routes to legislation and
governance techniques such as the Open Method of Coordination. The final
chapters look closely at the substantive area of employment law,
examining the free movement of persons, equal treatment, health and
safety and working conditions, the restructuring of enterprises, worker
participation, and collective action. Throughout, the book addresses the
fundamental question as to the purpose of EU employment law: is it
primarily economic, or social, or both?
Sezione Storia del diritto
Contribuciones al Derecho Romano de Sucesiones y Donaciones
Ortuño Pérez, María Eugenia - Dykinson, 2015
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obra se estructura en cuatro capítulos. El primero contempla un caso
concreto de la práctica testamentaria en la España visigoda, en un
momento en el que la misma no era uniforme. La Autora analiza, desde un
punto de vista jurídico, uno de los pocos documentos que se han
conservado de esta época: el testamento del obispo de Huesca, Vicente.
El segundo capítulo está destinado a la limitación de la capacidad de
testar. En primer lugar, se estudia dicha limitación en relación a las
mujeres. En segundo lugar, el estudio se centra en la Lex Falcidia de
Legatis (año 40 aC.) con la que se estableció que el causante no podía
legar más que las tres cuartas partes de la herencia, porque el cuarto
restante -la cuarta falcidia- debía reservarse en todo caso al heredero.
El tercer capítulo versa sobre la aceptación de la herencia y se
centra, en primer lugar, en el análisis del aforismo o regulae iuris:
Vel omnia admittantur, vel omnia repudientur. Sigue este capítulo con la
referencia a la aceptación tácita de la herencia. Termina la obra en el
capítulo cuarto en el que, siguiendo la sistemática tradicional, la
Autora trata sobre la problemática de la donación, centrándose
concretamente en la donatio mortis causa realizada con la intención de
defraudar a los acreedores. Para ello se basa en un único fragmento del
jurista Salvio Juliano que forma parte de sus Libri Digestorum.
Sezione Diritto e società
Thinking Without a Banister: Essays in Understanding, 1953-1975
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In 1951 she published The Origins of Totalitarianism, in 1958 The Human Condition, in 1961 Between Past and Future, in 1963 On Revolution and Eichmann in Jerusalem, in 1968 Men in Dark Times, in 1970 On Violence, in 1972 Crises of the Republic, and in 1978, posthumously, The Life of the Mind. Starting at the turn of the twenty-first century, Schocken Books has published a series of collections of Arendt’s unpublished and uncollected writings, of which Thinking Without a Banister is the fifth volume.
The title refers to Arendt’s description of her experience of thinking, an activity she indulged without any of the traditional religious, moral, political, or philosophic pillars of support. The book’s contents are varied: the essays, lectures, reviews, interviews, speeches, and editorials, taken together, manifest the relentless activity of her mind as well as her character, acquainting the reader with the person Arendt was, and who has hardly yet been appreciated or understood.
Sezione Diritto privato
The Constitution of Brazil: A Contextual Analysis
Virgílio Afonso da Silva - Hart Publishing, 2019

Sezione Storia del diritto
In den Gefilden der romischen Feldmesser: Juristische, Wissenschaftsgeschichtliche, Historische Und Sprachliche Aspekte
di Eberhard Knobloch e Cosima Möller - de Gruyter, 2014
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Den Schriften der römischen Feldmesser wird seit etwa 20 Jahren
verstärkt Interesse verschiedener Wissenschaftsdisziplinen entgegen
gebracht. Die Texte der Gromatici veteres geben zu Fragen
Anlass: Welche rechtsgeschichtlichen Schlüsse lassen sich ziehen? Welche
Welt- und Raumvorstellungen liegen zugrunde? Wie sind sie geschichtlich
zu kontextualisieren und wie wurden sie rezipiert? Die hier vorgelegten
Beiträge ergeben ein facettenreiches Bild, dem modernste Forschungen
und erste Werkstatt-Ergebnisse der Forschergruppe B-I-1 zugrunde liegen.
Der neue Blick auf die Texte führt oft zu neuen Interpretationen. Es
werden mathematische Hintergründe und ihre Rezeption, die Rolle bei
Grenzstreitigkeiten von Gemeinwesen und in der diokletianischen
Steuerreform, die Rezeption griechischer Geographen, die Prägung des
Wegesystems und der frührömische Hintergrund der Landnutzung behandelt.
Die Rolle in der antiken Fachliteratur wird beleuchtet und das Vokabular
terminologisch analysiert.
Das reiche Sach- und Quellenregister ermöglicht dem an Einzelproblemen interessierten Leser einen schnellen Zugriff.
Der Band ist unverzichtbar für jeden, der sich mit den römischen Feldmessertexten beschäftigt.
Das reiche Sach- und Quellenregister ermöglicht dem an Einzelproblemen interessierten Leser einen schnellen Zugriff.
Der Band ist unverzichtbar für jeden, der sich mit den römischen Feldmessertexten beschäftigt.
Sezione Storia del diritto
Problemi di diritto pubblico nelle XII tavole
Emanuela Calore - UniversItalia, 2017
diritto arcaico probabilmente non conosceva una distinzione tra
privatus e publicus, la cui origine sembrerebbe piuttosto da collocare
verso gli ultimi secoli del periodo repubblicano. Attraverso il Digesto
ci è tramandata la famosa distinzione ulpianea tra le due positiones
dello studio del diritto, con la chiara esplicitazione di cosa siano lo
ius publicum e lo ius privatum.
Sezione Diritto pubblico
a cura di
Satya N. Nandan,
James Kraska - Martinus Nijhof, 2011
This is the seventh and final volume of the most authoritative reference
on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), which
was negotiated at the Third UN Conference of the Law of the Sea from
1973-1982. Volume VII provides the original text of the 1982 convention
as fully integrated with the provisions of the 1994 Agreement on the
Implementation of Part XI, presenting the consolidated convention in its
final form. It also includes an extensive subject index to Volumes I
through VI of the series, consolidated tables of cases and treaties, in
addition to the one fisheries agreement specifically implementing the
Convention. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982: A
Commentary is a collection of commentaries based almost entirely on the
formal and informal documentation the Convention. Each volume is written
with the personal knowledge of the editors, many of whom were principal
negotiators or UN personnel who participated in the conference.
Sezione Diritto pubblico

United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982: A Commentary: 6
di Satya N. Nandan, Michael W. Lodge, e al. - 15 lug. 2003
Sezione Diritto pubblico
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982: A Commentary. 5.
commentaries are based almost entirely on the formal and informal
documentation of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the
Sea (UNCLOS III, 1973-1982), coupled, where necessary, with the personal
knowledge of editors, contributors, or reviewers, many of whom were
principal negotiators or UN personnel who participated in the
Sezione Diritto pubblico
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982: A Commentary. 3.
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III is the fourth substantive volume to be published in this series,
covering articles 86 to 132 of the 1982 Convention. These articles
address the issue of States' rights and jurisdiction in maritime areas
beyond the limits of national jurisdiction (with the exception of the
international seabed area), as well as the regime to be applied to
islands, in enclosed and semi-enclosed seas, and with the access of
landlocked States to and from the sea. Volume III is a direct
continuation of Volume II, which deals with maritime areas under the
sovereignty of jurisdiction of a State, and completes the commentary on
the provisions of the Convention negotiated under the auspices of the
Second Committee at UNCLOS III. The work of the Second Committee was an
integrated whole, and the unity of the theme has been spread over two
volumes solely as a matter of convenience. A number of documentary
annexes have been included in this volume.
Sezione Diritto pubblico
Sezione Diritto pubblico
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982: A Commentary. volume I
commentaries are based almost entirely on the formal and informal
documentation of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the
Sea (UNCLOS III, 1973-1982), coupled, where necessary, with the personal
knowledge of editors, contributors, or reviewers, many of whom were
principal negotiators or UN personnel who participated in the
Sezione Diritto pubblico
Climate Change, Forced Migration, and International Law
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caused by climate change is an area of growing concern. With current
rises in sea levels and changes to the global climate, it is an issue of
fundamental importance to the future of many parts of the world. This
book critically examines whether States have obligations to protect
people displaced by climate change under international refugee law,
international human rights law, and the international law on
statelessness. Drawing on field work undertaken in Bangladesh, India,
and the Pacific island States of Kiribati and Tuvalu, it evaluates
whether the phenomenon of 'climate change-induced displacement' is an
empirically sound category for academic inquiry. It does so by examining
the reasons why people move (or choose not to move); the extent to
which climate change, as opposed to underlying socio-economic factors,
provides a trigger for such movement; and whether traditional
international responses, such as the conclusion of new treaties and the
creation of new institutions, are appropriate solutions in this context.
In this way, the book queries whether flight from habitat destruction
should be viewed as another facet of traditional international
protection or as a new challenge requiring more creative legal and
policy responses. law, and the international law on statelessness.
Drawing on
Sezione Diritto pubblico
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Blurring Boundaries: Human Security and Forced Migration
In Blurring Boundaries
scholars from law and social sciences offer a critical account of the
main topics of forced migration and advance a much-needed fresh view on
forced migration through the lens of human security.
lunedì 10 giugno 2019
Sezione Diritto pubblico
Protection Des Migrants Et Des Réfugiés Au Xxie Siècle / Migration and Refugee Protection in the 21st Century: Aspects de droit international / International Legal Aspects
International migration and refugee protection are at a crossroads. On
the one hand, contested rules and the absence of competent institutions
open the door to exploitation, smuggling and trafficking, and also to
inefficient, often ineffective management at the State level; on the
other, long-accepted rules of refugee protection, such as
non-refoulement, are under strain as States struggle to cope with
increasing numbers of the displaced and an international infra-structure
seemingly incapable of dealing adequately with causes, including
conflict, of promoting solutions and sharing responsibility fairly and
equitably, and of ensuring protection of the rights of those on the
move. This collection of essays could not be more timely. Coming from a
wide range of backgrounds and experience, the authors take up these
issues, from the very nature of migration and displacement in a world of
sovereign States, through tentative efforts to improve migration
management by way of treaty, to the ever-present tension between
individual rights and State interests.This volume provides essential
reading for anyone interested in the burning questions of today, and in
the role of international law in steering coherent responses and
facilitating humane solutions.
Sezione Diritto privato
Sezione Storia del diritto
IL DIRITTO DELL'IMPERO ROMANO D'ORIENTE: Introduzione alle fonti e ai protagonisti (KANONIKA Vol. 21)
Danilo Ceccarelli Morolli - Orientalia Christiana : Valore italiano Lilamé, 2016
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Danilo Ceccarelli Morolli è docente ordinario presso il Pontificio Istituto Orientale e membro corrispondente del Pontificio Comitato di Scienze Storiche. Nel corso delle sue ricerche si è interessato ai rapporti tra diritto romano e diritti orientali, con particolare attenzione alla storia delle fonti e degli istituti del diritto canonico orientale.
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