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mercoledì 6 settembre 2017

Sezione Diritto Penale

Smith, Hogan, & Ormerod's Essentials of Criminal Law
John Child and David Ormerod

Smith, Hogan, & Ormerod's Essentials of Criminal Law takes students to the heart of this fascinating subject, providing focused, expert coverage alongside a wealth of student-friendly learning features to aid study. It provides an ideal gateway to understanding the dynamic world of criminal law.
Dr John Child and Professor David Ormerod QC introduce the field of criminal law to the new undergraduate reader, addressing all the key topics on the LLB. The text does not shy away from complex issues but instead conveys a clear understanding of all offences and principles.
Particular attention is paid to considering student assessment, with end of chapter sections offering advice on how to approach essay and problem questions. Short learning and assessment tips are provided throughout the chapters.