Le materie di competenza regionale : commentario
a cura di G. Guzzetta, F. S. Marini e D. Morana - Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 2015
martedì 31 maggio 2016
Sui principi democratici dell'Unione europea : (lezioni Jean Monnet 2010-2012)
Andrea Manzella - Editoriale scientifica, 2013
Andrea Manzella - Editoriale scientifica, 2013
L'articolo 11 della Costituzione. Baluardo della vocazione internazionale dell'Italia
Autonomia finanziaria regionale e vincoli europei di bilancio
Marcello Salerno - Editoriale scientifica, 2013
Marcello Salerno - Editoriale scientifica, 2013

Perrone Roberto - Editoriale scientifica, 2015
La tecnica normativa tra legislatore e giudici
Cavino M., Conte L. (a cura di) - Editoriale scientifica, 2014
La giustizia elettorale : atti del seminario svoltosi a Firenze il 16 novembre 2012
a cura di Elisabetta Catelani, Filippo Donati, Maria Cristina Grisolia - Editoriale scientifica, 2013
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Itinerari di una ricerca sul sistema delle fonti: XIX. Studi dell'anno 2015
Antonio Ruggeri - G Giappichelli Editore, 2016
Il valore delle autonomie. Territorio, potere e democrazia
Barbara Pezzini, Silvio Troilo - Editoriale Scientifica, 2015
Riflessioni sulle funzioni amministrative delle regioni e degli enti locali
Riflessioni in tema di unioni di fatto. Le esperienze italiana e francese a confronto
Ivone M. Gabriella - Editoriale scientifica, 2006

Ivone M. Gabriella - Editoriale scientifica, 2006
Sulla funzione costituzionale dei partiti e delle altre formazioni politiche
Paola Marsocci - Editoriale scientifica, 2012

Giustizia costituzionale e Unione europea. Una comparazione tra Austria, Francia, Germania, Spagna e Portogallo
lunedì 30 maggio 2016
Dalla Repubblica delle autonomie ad un nuovo accentramento dei poteri nello Stato
Di Marco C., Sciannella L.G. -Editoriale Scientifica, 2014

Di Marco C., Sciannella L.G. -Editoriale Scientifica, 2014
Politiche e regolazioni per lo sviluppo locale sostenibile – Il Patto dei Sindaci.
A cura di N. Rangone e J. Ziller - Editoriale scientifica, 2013
Ordinamento dell'unione Europea, mercato, risorse, pubbliche e contratti
della pubblica amministrazione. Profili sostanziali e processuali
Fracchia Fabrizio, Gili Luigi - Editoriale Scientifica, 2013

Lotta al terrorismo e patrimonio costituzionale comune. Appunti intorno alla traslitterazione interna delle norme internazionali ed eurounitarie in materia di lotta al terrorismo
Gian Luca Conti - Editoriale scientifica, 2013
Le corti regionali tra stati e diritti. I sistemi di protezione dei
diritti fondamentali europeo, americano e africano a controllo
Cappuccio Laura; Lollini Andrea; Tanzarella Palmina

Cappuccio Laura; Lollini Andrea; Tanzarella Palmina
La Costituzione dinamica: Quinta Repubblica e tradizione costituzionale francese
Paolo Passaglia - Giappichelli, 2008
Indirizzo politico e collegialità del governo: miti e realtà nel governo parlamentare italiano
Stefano Merlini - G. Giappichelli, 2011
Itinerari' di una ricerca sul sistema delle fonti: XIX. Studi dell'anno 2015
Antonio Ruggeri - G Giappichelli Editore, 2016
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di una ricerca sul sistema delle fonti è una raccolta di scritti
dell'anno 2015 accomunati, oltre che per l'oggetto trattato
(essenzialmente costituito dalla "materia" costituzionale delle fonti),
specialmente per la prospettiva da cui esso è osservato, che è "mobile" e
"relativa", e non statica o assoluta.Pur con riguardo a campi separati
di esperienza (e ad esigenze parimenti distinte, che li caratterizzano),
tutti i lavori qui riuniti tentano, infatti, di mostrare, dove con
maggiore dove con minore evidenza, come per un puntuale e soddisfacente
inquadramento delle fonti occorra guardare, più che agli atti in sé,
alle norme da essi prodotte. E, potendosi avere, anziché uno solo, una
pluralità di "fondamenti" per ciascun atto, a seconda dei profili
osservati, se ne ha che la finale sistemazione di essi oscilla in
relazione appunto alle norme ed agli aspetti di volta in volta
considerati. ANTONIO RUGGERIinsegna Diritto Costituzionale a Messina. In
tema di fonti ha pubblicato Gerarchia, competenza e qualità nel sistema
costituzionale delle fonti normative (GiuffrÈ, Milano 1977),
Costituzione scritta e diritto costituzionale non scritto (Editoriale
Scientifica, Napoli 2012) e, per i tipi della nostra casa editrice,
Fonti e norme nell'ordinamento e nell'esperienza costituzionale, I,
L'ordinazione in sistema (1993); Fatti e norme nei giudizi sulle leggi e
le "metamorfosi" dei criteri ordinatori delle fonti (1994); La
Costituzione allo specchio: linguaggio e "materia" costituzionale nella
prospettiva della riforma (1999); Le fonti di diritto regionale: ieri,
oggi, domani (2001); Fonti, norme, criteri ordinatori. Lezioni5 (2009),
in aggiunta ai diciotto volumi precedenti di questi "Itinerari", che
raccolgono gli studi degli anni 1987/91 (1992), 1992/95 (1996), 1996/98
(1999), 1999/2000 (2000), 2001 (2002), 2002 (2003, in due tomi), 2003
(2004, in due tomi), 2004 (2005), 2005 (2006), 2006 (2007), 2007 (2008),
2008 (2009), 2009 (2010), 2010 (2011), 2011 (2012), 2012 (2013), 2013
(2014), 2014 (2015).
giovedì 26 maggio 2016
Fresh Water and International Economic Law
Fresh water resources are at the same time ecological,
economic, social, and cultural goods and must be managed accordingly. However,
efforts to manage these resources are complicated by tensions arising from
possible clashes between the regimes favouring privatization, trade and
investment liberalization, and domestic and international regimes governing
water resources, environmental protection and human rights. The relationships
between the international economic and legal framework on the one hand and
fresh water resource management and protection on the other, are complex and
This book addresses the key interdisciplinary issues
that increasingly confront policy makers, tribunals, arbitration bodies and
other institutions. It focuses primarily on law, but also includes perspectives
from economics, political science and other disciplines. It examines such
questions as are governments free to decide whether or not to export water
resources? Can foreign investors sue host states for adopting measures to
control water pollution? Can international trade rules be used to reduce or
eliminate water related subsidies? Do rules on the liberalization of water
services affect domestic and international human rights obligations relating to
water supply? More generally, how do the procedural rights of states, individuals,
affected communities and investors affect decisions regarding the right to
drinking water, the rights of investors to exploit water resources, and the
rights of governments to protect their lakes, rivers and groundwater?
Randolph Clarke, Michael McKenna, Angela M. Smith
What is it to be morally responsible for something?
Recent philosophical work reveals considerable disagreement on the question.
Indeed, some theorists claim to distinguish several varieties of moral
responsibility, with different conditions that must be satisfied if one is to
bear responsibility of one or another of these kinds.
Debate on this point turns partly on disagreement
about the kinds of responses made appropriate when one is blameworthy or
praiseworthy. It is generally agreed that these include "reactive
attitudes " such as resentment and gratitude, but theorists disagree about
the nature of these attitudes. They dispute the connections between moral
responsibility, desert, and the justification of punishment as well.
Many theorists take it that, whatever the appropriate
responses are, they are responses to an agent's "quality of will, "
but there is no consensus on what this comes to. Are the agent's beliefs about
the moral status of her behavior what matter, or is it what she cares about, or
what she judges important?
This volume presents twelve original essays from
participants in these debates. The contributors include prominent established
figures as well as influential younger philosophers. A substantive introduction
by the editors surveys recent debates and situates the contributions within it.
The First Civil Right:
by Naomi Murakawa
The explosive rise in the U.S. incarceration rate in
the second half of the twentieth century, and the racial transformation of the
prison population from mostly white at mid-century to sixty-five percent black
and Latino in the present day, is a trend that cannot easily be ignored. Many
believe that this shift began with the "tough on crime" policies
advocated by Republicans and southern Democrats beginning in the late 1960s,
which sought longer prison sentences, more frequent use of the death penalty,
and the explicit or implicit targeting of politically marginalized people. In
The First Civil Right, Naomi Murakawa inverts the conventional wisdom by
arguing that the expansion of the federal carceral state-a system that
disproportionately imprisons blacks and Latinos-was, in fact, rooted in the
civil-rights liberalism of the 1940s and early 1960s, not in the period after.
Murakawa traces the development of the modern American
prison system through several presidencies, both Republication and Democrat.
Responding to calls to end the lawlessness and violence against blacks at the
state and local levels, the Truman administration expanded the scope of what
was previously a weak federal system. Later administrations from Johnson to
Clinton expanded the federal presence even more. Ironically, these steps laid
the groundwork for the creation of the vast penal archipelago that now exists
in the United States. What began as a liberal initiative to curb the mob
violence and police brutality that had deprived racial minorities of their
'first civil right-physical safety-eventually evolved into the federal
correctional system that now deprives them, in unjustly large numbers, of
another important right: freedom. The First Civil Right is a groundbreaking
analysis of root of the conflicts that lie at the intersection of race and the
legal system in America
mercoledì 25 maggio 2016
La rupture du mariage en
droit comparé
Cet ouvrage est le résultat de l'étude
menée entre 2012 et 2014 par l'Institut de droit comparé Edouard Lambert et le
Centre de droit de la famille de l'Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, afin
d'accompagner l'entrée en vigueur du règlement européen Rome III sur la loi
applicable en matière de divorce. Toutefois, le champ de l'étude n'a pas été
limité aux États membres participant à cette coopération renforcée ; l'intérêt
suscité par la connaissance de systèmes juridiques dotés de spécificités a
conduit à élargir son domaine. L'étude comparative porte ainsi sur huit États
participant au règlement Rome III et cinq n'y participant pas. Treize États ont
donc été étudiés en contemplation du droit français, afin de donner des repères
au lecteur : l'Allemagne, l'Angleterre, l'Autriche, la Belgique, la Bulgarie,
l'Espagne, la Grèce, la Hongrie, l'Italie, les Pays-Bas, la Pologne, la
Roumanie et la Suède. Le rapport comparatif publié aujourd'hui repose sur les
réponses à un questionnaire exhaustif (pas moins de 96 questions ont été
traitées par les rapporteurs nationaux) visant à permettre une vue précise et
pratique du droit matériel et procédural du divorce dans les ordres juridiques
étudiés. Les différents cas de
divorce et les particularités procédurales sont traités dans une première
partie, qui réserve une place toute particulière à l'enfant et à sa place dans
la procédure. La question des mesures provisoires y est également évoquée, avec
en perspective le traitement des situations de violences entre époux. Les
conséquences du divorce, tant à l'égard du couple que des enfants, sont
abordées dans un second temps. Le sort des conventions entre époux relatives
aux effets du divorce, qui sont promues dans l'ensemble des systèmes étudiés, a
en conséquence fait l'objet d'un traitement spécifique dans la deuxième partie.
Un apport historique et statistique, ainsi que des éléments de prospective,
permettront au lecteur de mettre en contexte les différentes législations
étudiées. Enfin, l'étude comparée des règles de droit international privé
applicables au divorce est traitée dans une troisième partie. Celle-ci, au-delà
du cadre général des règles de conflits et de la circulation des décisions de
divorce, aborde la question nouvelle du divorce des couples de même sexe.
Cruft Liao Renzo
This book brings together a set of essays on the
philosophical foundations of human rights, along with critical replies. It is
the first comprehensive survey of the topic, comprising of research essays from
academics in the fields of law, philosophy, international relations, social
science, and economics.
Fresh Water in International Law
This book addresses the diverse ways in which
international law governs the uses, management, and protection of fresh water.
The international law of fresh water is most comprehensively understood in the
light of the different bodies of norms applicable to these varied uses and
The regulation of fresh water has primarily developed
through the conclusion of treaties concerning international watercourses. Yet a
number of other legal regimes also apply to the governance of fresh water. In particular,
there has been an increasing recognition of the importance of fresh water to
environmental protection. The development of international human rights law and
international humanitarian law has also proven crucial for ensuring the sound
and equitable management of this resource. In addition, the economic uses of
fresh water feature prominently in the law applicable to watercourses, while
water itself has become an important element of the trade and investment
regimes. These bodies of rules and principles not only surface in an array of
dispute settlement mechanisms, but also stimulate wider trends of
The book investigates the origin and scope of these
bodies of norms as they apply to fresh water, and demonstrates how they connect
and adapt to one another, forming an integrated body of international
principles. This approach is accompanied by a detailed analysis of the practice
of states and of international organizations, taking into account the
activities of the many non-state actors involved in the treatment of fresh
Industrial Policy in Ethiopia
Arkebe Oqubay
Made in Africa presents the findings of original field
research into the design, practice, and varied outcomes of industrial policy in
the cement, leather and leather products, and floriculture sectors in Ethiopia.
It explores how and why the outcomes of industrial policy are shaped by
particular factors in these industries. It also examines industrial structures
and associated global value chains to demonstrate the challenges faced by
African firms in international markets. The findings are discussed against the
backdrop of 'industrial policy', which has recently found renewed favour among
economists and international organizations, and of the history of thought about
and practice in industrialization. The book seeks to learn from the failures
and successes in the three sectors, all of them functioning under the umbrella
of a single industrial strategy. It argues that an effective industrial policy
requires a more interventionist state than most development economists would
accept, including those recently claiming to champion a 'new industrial
policy'. Moreover, it argues that success lies in the interactions among
policy, specific industrial structures, and institutions. Specifically, a
successful policy, he posits should maximize linkage effects, but will founder
in the absence of a clear understanding of the political economy of each
ed. Jonathan P. Stern
This is the first book in any language to focus
exclusively on the pricing of internationally traded gas. Gas accounts for
around 25 per cent of global energy demand, and international gas trade is
growing rapidly. The first chapter of this book examines some of the analytical
issues and the contribution that economic theory can make to the study of
international gas pricing. This is followed by an historical chapter tracing
the origins and development of international gas pricing in the four regions
which dominated natural gas trade – North America, Europe, LNG importing Asia,
and the former Soviet Union – up to the early 2000s. The main part of the book
focuses on developments in the 2000s, with a view to how gas pricing is likely
to develop during the 2010s and beyond. Aside from the established gas trading
regions, the book includes chapters on international gas pricing in: the Middle
East, North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa; Latin America and the Caribbean; south-east
Asia; India; China; and Pacific Basin LNG markets. These national and regional
studies are followed by thematic chapters on the globalization of gas markets
and prices, and the potential development of a ‘gas-OPEC’.
The concluding chapter considers the extent to which
international gas pricing is likely to remain regional, or whether gas could
become a ‘global market’ – with a global price – akin to the crude oil market.
A third possibility is whether international pricing is likely to come under
the control of a small group of countries, similar to the influence of OPEC in
the crude oil market. Overall it is argued that domestic gas price reform will
increasingly be driven by international gas prices and that, as gas becomes a
more important fuel in the energy balances of many countries around the world,
it is becoming increasingly urgent for its pricing to reconnect with economic
and market fundamentals, rather than continue to be determined by crude oil and
oil product prices, or politically driven subsidies.
Natural Gas Markets in the Middle East and North
Edited by Bassam Fattouh and Jonathan Stern (eds)
Contributors: Siamak Adibi, Randa Alami, Andrew
Cleary, Hakim Darbouche, Justin Dargin, Bassam Fattouh, Fereidun Fesharaki,
Andy Flower, Franz Gerner, David Ledesma, Robert Mabro, Waniss A. Otman, Ian
Rutledge, Jonathan Stern, Silvana Tordo, Lorian Yacoub
The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies has recently
published an academic book on the gas supply, demand and trade prospects for
the entire Middle East and North African region. This is the first academic
book in any language to provide a comprehensive analysis of market prospects in
countries with 40% of the world’s proven gas reserves. The main conclusion of
the book is that the majority of countries are encountering increasingly
serious problems in meeting very rapidly increasing gas demand, mainly for power
generation but also for new petrochemical projects. Despite huge reserves,
countries are struggling to cope with demand growth of 6-7% per annum, partly
resulting from very low domestic prices which are one third to one sixth of the
cost of new domestic production, and an even smaller fraction of the price of
internationally traded gas. This situation is causing countries, including
those which have traditionally been exporters, to import pipeline gas and LNG.
Middle East and North African countries urgently need to raise domestic gas
prices to at least cost-based – and eventually to internationally traded –
levels, a task which would have been extremely difficult even prior to the
recent political upheavals in the region, but now seems beyond either existing
or new governments. Failure to increase prices will either cause subsidies, and
hence financial deficits, to increase to unmanageable levels or a future of
increasingly serious power shortages.
The only exception to these general trends will be Qatar,
already the largest LNG exporter in the world, but where growth potential
beyond current projects is uncertain. Saudi Arabia may continue its current
policy of no imports/no exports, but only at the expense of increasing use of
oil in power generation. Algerian exports will continue to grow slowly but will
peak before the end of this decade. Iraq and Israel could become modest
exporters of gas but (aside from Qatar) the general outlook for exports from
the region is relatively bleak.
Liberalisation and Policy
Anil K. Jain
India is in transition. It is simultaneously passing
through a number of economic transformations, some of them historically
momentous. The driving forces for some of the changes are peculiar to the
nation, or even to particular sectors. But others are shared with other parts
of the world and are influenced by international pressures and examples. This
book analyses an ongoing economic transformation in the natural gas sector,
which exemplifies the main question underlying policy debates: how to make the
transition to a more efficient economy, whilst meeting distributional
objectives that are imperative to bringing India's population out of poverty.
This is a classic dilemma encountered in any economy in transition, and the
experience in India's natural gas sector offers an insight into potential
solutions. The transition in the gas sector is part of the larger movement of
the economy from a centrally planned and administered system to one based on
market principles. During transition, the situation cannot be understood simply
in terms of the conventional paradigm of demand and supply being balanced by
price. Demand and supply are influenced by different factors, but have been
kept broadly in balance by a complex system of administered pricing and
quantitative allocation. The resulting distortions have been spread across the
main gas consuming sectors. As distortions mount, parts of the system are
modified, usually in the broad direction of liberalisation and reform. But
partial reform often has the effect of displacing the problems, presenting
further challenges, and requiring further changes. In order to allow for a
liberalised policy framework without sacrificing social objectives, policy
makers have had to evolve newer forms of policy implementation, including,
perhaps, more targeted forms of subsidisation.
This book is the first to meticulously explore these
challenges and analyse the existing policy framework in the gas sector,
including the system of awarding acreages, the systems of gas allocation and
pricing, and the likely demand and supply scenarios for domestic and imported
gas. It draws together different pieces of a larger gas sector story, viewed
against the backdrop of India's broader transitions and its increasingly
important role within the world economy.
Edited by Dennis Faber, Niels Vermunt, Jason Kilborn,
Tomáš Richter, and Ignacio Tirado
This book is the third volume in the Oxford
International and Comparative Insolvency Law Series. It addresses one of the
critical issues of any insolvency by providing comprehensive analysis of the
law and practice in relation to creditor claims.
As with the two previous volumes in the series the
book provides a comparative view by setting out the relevant law and practice
in over 20 jurisdictions drawing out the divergences and common features of
domestic insolvency laws from a broad spectrum of countries. Areas covered
include submission of claims, verification and admission of claims, ranking of
insolvency and administration claims, treatment of non-enforceable claims, and
voting and participation rights.
Quality, uniformity and the high level of detail of
National Reports are the key benefits of this volume. The book assists
practitioners in assessing which ranking and participation rights could be
asserted by the various types of creditors in the jurisdictions covered. For
scholars it provides access to a wealth of information which is currently not
accessible in English.
Vittoria Barsotti, Paolo G.
Carozza, Marta Cartabia,
and Andrea Simoncini
Italian Constitutional Justice in Global Context is
the first book ever published in English to provide an international
examination of the Italian Constitutional Court (ItCC), offering a
comprehensive analysis of its principal lines of jurisprudence, historical
origins, organization, procedures, and its current engagement with
transnational European law. The ItCC represents one of the strongest and most
successful examples of constitutional judicial review, and is distinctive in
its structure, institutional dimensions, and well-developed jurisprudence.
Moreover, the ItCC has developed a distinctive voice among global
constitutional actors in its adjudication of a broad range of topics from
fundamental rights and liberties to the allocations of governmental power and
regionalism. Nevertheless, in global constitutional dialog, the voice of the
ItCC has been almost entirely absent due to a relative lack of both English
translations of its decisions and of focused scholarly commentary in English.
This book describes the "Italian Style" in
global constitutional adjudication, and aims to elevate Italian constitutional
jurisprudence to an active participant role in global constitutional discourse.
The authors have carefully structured the work to allow the ItCC's own voice to
emerge. It presents broad syntheses of major areas of the Court's case law,
provides excerpts from notable decisions in a narrative and analytical context,
addresses the tension between the ItCC and the Court of Cassation, and
positions the development, character, and importance of the ItCC's
jurisprudence in the larger arc of global judicial dialog.
The Guardian of the Constitution
This volume provides the first English translation of
Hans Kelsen's and Carl Schmitt's influential Weimar-era debate on
constitutional guardianship and the legitimacy of constitutional review. It
includes Kelsen's seminal piece, 'The Nature and Development of Constitutional
Adjudication', as well as key extracts from the 'Guardian of the Constitution'
which present Schmitt's argument against constitutional review. Also included
are Kelsen's review of Schmitt's 'Guardian of the Constitution', as well as
some further material by Kelsen and Schmitt on presidential dictatorship under
Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution. These texts show Kelsen and Schmitt responding
to one another, in the context of a debate focused on a concrete constitutional
crisis, thus allowing the reader to assess the plausibility of Kelsen's and
Schmitt's legal and constitutional theories.
Kaarlo Tuori
European Constitutionalism redraws the perimeters in
the debate on the nature of the European constitution. Offering a fresh
approach to both doctrinal and theoretical issues, this book discusses general
characteristics of the European constitution under the headings of
relationality, perspectivism and discursiveness, and contains forays to sectoral
constitutionalization in the micro- and macroeconomic, social and security
dimensions. European constitutionalism must be examined in its interaction with
Member State constitutionalism, which plays an essential role in channelling
democratic legitimacy to the EU. Written by a leading expert in the field, this
book will be of great interest to students and scholars alike.
Sul libro latino antico.
Ricerche bibliologiche e
Il volume di Serena Ammirati
rappresenta l'approdo di anni di indagini condotte dalla studiosa ed è
caratterizzato da una particolare ricchezza tematica e da un arco temporale di
studio molto ampio (I sec. a.C.-VIII sec. d.C.). In cinque capitoli l'autrice
ricostruisce aspetti materiali e forme di veicolazione dei testi letterari e
paraletterari latini in epoca antica e tardoantica, senza trascurare fenomeni
fondamentali della storia della cultura, quali l'influsso delle pratiche
librarie greche su quelle latine, il passaggio dal rotolo al codice, il
bilinguismo e il digrafismo. Tra i pregi maggiori dell'opera è la costante
attenzione che in essa viene riservata al mondo del libro e della scrittura
greca, la cui suggestione su quello del libro e della scrittura latina, pur
innegabile, viene talora dimenticata; ma non esiste una paleografia latina
avulsa da quella greca, come non esistono la filologia o la papirologia latina
scollegate da quelle greche. Anche grazie alla 'sterminata' e aggiornata
bibliografia citata dalla Ammirati, il libro rende utili servigi a chi voglia
acquisire buone conoscenze di bibliologia e paleografia (ma in qualche misura
anche di storia tout court) del libro antico latino e greco. Da Ercolano
all'Egitto, dall'Egitto all'area siropalestinese, dagli esercizi di scrittura
alle opere di Sallustio e Livio, dai glossari ai codici 'biblioteca': la
sistematicità e la rigorosa visione diacronica dei temi affrontati fanno del
volume un'opera di consultazione, un manuale destinato ad essere per molto
tempo un punto di riferimento per quanti studiano la fenomenologia grafica e
libraria nell'area mediterranea antica e tardoantica.
martedì 24 maggio 2016
Geschichte der juristischen Methodenlehre in der
Neuzeit (1500-1933)
von Jan Schröder
Zum Werk
Wie ist vorzugehen, um das geltende Recht zu
ermitteln? Wie gehen wir mit Regelungslücken um? Wie verhält sich die
Interpretation der Rechtssätze zum logisch richtigen Arbeiten mit ihnen?
Dieses Buch geht auf Grundfragen ein und zeigt, wie
sich die Antworten darauf entwickelt haben. Dabei beschreibt es einen besonders
ereignisreichen Abschnitt der Rechtsgeschichte bis in unsere jüngere Gegenwart.
Die Ergebnisse sind auf überraschende Weise aktuell.
Das Werk belegt: Methodenlehre und Rechtsbegriff
stehen in engstem Zusammenhang, Rechtsquellen- und Methodenlehre gehören
zusammen und beleuchten sich gegenseitig.
Rezenszionen zur 1. Auflage
"… ein Werk, das ohne Übertreibung als
bahnbrechend bezeichnet werden darf."
"Das Buch ist ohne Zweifel ein großer Wurf
"Bestechend ist überhaupt die klare,
schnörkellose Sprache, die beweist, dass man ein höchst kompliziertes Thema
verständlich darstellen kann."
Clausdieter Schott in "Zeitschrift der
Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Germanistische Abteilung," 124.
"… klare Struktur, … dem Gegenstand angemessen,
präzise und ohne Schnörkel … handelte es sich bei den verhandelten Themen um
‚kontextresistente', durchlaufende und abstrakte Fragen, die sich dem
wissenschaftlich und praktisch tätigen Juristen immer wieder neu stellen. Dies
ist der wichtigste Grund für die auch an Nicht-Historiker gerichtete
Leseempfehlung. Alle juristisch vorgebildeten Leserinnen und Leser werden ihre
Entdeckungen machen, wenn sie erfahren, was frühere Juristen vorgetragen haben,
wenn es um die Festlegung der relevanten Rechtsnorm, um eine Entscheidung
zwischen Analogie und Umkehrschluss oder um den Vorrang zwischen der Auslegung
nach philologischen, historischen, autoritativen oder systematischen
Gesichtspunkten ging."
Prof. Dr. Michael Stolleis bei der Begründung zur
Auszeichnung als eines (von vier) "Büchern des Jahres 2002" in NJW
2002, 3593
Wer sich als Jurist über die
geistesgeschichtlichen Grundlagen seiner Wissenschaft klar werden will, auch um
sie im modernen Sinn weiterzuentwickeln, kommt an diesem Buch nicht vorbei.
Geradezu Pflichtlektüre sollte es für alle Hochschullehrer sein, vor allem wenn
sie Rechtsgeschichte, Rechtsphilosophie oder Methodenlehre unterrichten. Auch
für Theologie, Medizin und Philosophie, die ähnliche Interpretationsprobleme
haben, bietet das Werk interessante Aspekte.
Les Romains et le commerce
André Tchernia è stato un
pioniere dell’archeologia subacquea, ha contribuito a far emergere le anfore
come fonti della storia economica e approfondito le conoscenze sul vino romano.
E’ anche autore di numerosi contributi sul funzionamento del commercio nel
mondo romano, dodici dei quali sono raggruppati in questo volume.
Governing the Nile River Basin
The Search for a New Legal Regime

Written by scholars trained in economics and law, and
with significant experience in African political economy, this book explores
new ways to deal with conflict over the allocation of the waters of the Nile
River and its tributaries. The monograph provides policymakers in the Nile
River riparian states and other stakeholders with practical and effective
policy options for dealing with what has become a very contentious problem—the
effective management of the waters of the Nile River. The analysis is quite
rigorous but also extremely accessible.
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