giovedì 30 marzo 2017
Danno e risarcimento
Pier Giuseppe Monateri, Davide Gianti, Luca Siliquini Cinelli - G Giappichelli Editore, 2013
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Contratti transattivi e negozi di accertamento
Istituzioni di diritto civile. 5° edizione
manuale moderno nell'impianto e nelle soluzioni, ispirato al rispetto
della legalità costituzionale e di quella comunitaria; attento alle
sollecitazioni e alle soluzioni della prassi giurisprudenziale e ai più
recenti apprezzabili risultati della dottrina; caratterizzato da una
metodologia rispettosa della tecnica e dei concetti e soprattutto dalla
consapevolezza del loro stretto legame con le "ideologie" ed i "valori".
Un diritto civile, incentrato su un procedimento ermeneutico che ha
nella dignità dell'uomo il suo fondamento primario, torna ad essere,
nell'unitarietà dell'ordinamento, il diritto dei cives nei confronti
dello Stato e del mercato.
Manuale di diritto civile
Pietro Perlingieri - Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2014

Manuale del processo tributario
Francesco Tesauro - G Giappichelli Editore, 2016
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la terza edizione del noto "Manuale del processo tributario", unico nel
suo genere, destinato, oltre che agli studenti, ai cultori del processo
tributario e agli operatori del settore (magistrati, avvocati,
commercialisti e altri professionisti del processo tributario). Il
manuale, in questa rinnovata edizione, è stato sottoposto a restyling
per recepire le novità , non solo dottrinali, ma anche e soprattutto
normative e giurisprudenziali (specie in tema di ricorso per
cassazione), intervenute dopo la precedente edizione. In particolare,
l'aggiornamento include le modifiche introdotte, in esecuzione della
legge di delega 11 marzo 2014, n. 23, dal D. lgs. 24/09/2015, n. 156,
in tema di reclamo-mediazione, sospensione del processo, spese di lite,
conciliazione, ottemperanza, sospensione della riscossione nelle fasi di
gravame, giudizio di rinvio, ecc., insieme con l'analisi delle
innumerevoli novità giurisprudenziali.
Il risanamento delle attività economiche
Federico Jorio - Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2016

Lo scudo di Cristo: Le guerre dell'impero romano d'Oriente
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Le possenti mura di Costantinopoli hanno arginato per secoli le ondate
di nemici che insidiavano l'Europa cristiana. Le armate dell'impero
romano d'Oriente si erano trasformate nello scudo di Cristo: questa è la
storia della loro lunga lotta, fino alla vittoria.
romano d'Oriente visse suo malgrado per oltre mille anni in uno stato di
guerra continua. La sua capitale Costantinopoli, la splendida 'regina
delle città', non smise mai di attirare conquistatori avidi di preda dai
quattro angoli del mondo: Goti, Unni, Slavi, Avari, Persiani, Arabi,
Bulgari… L'impero, spesso sull'orlo della disfatta, riuscì sempre a
trovare la forza necessaria per rialzarsi dopo le sconfitte. Aveva
ereditato da Roma antica uno dei più potenti eserciti della storia:
attraverso molti cambiamenti organizzativi, strategici e tattici, fu
comunque in grado di mettere in campo armate capaci di respingere le
continue invasioni. Il libro ripercorre i primi turbinosi secoli di
questa storia, dalla disfatta di Adrianopoli del 378, che costrinse
Teodosio I a riformare l'intero sistema difensivo imperiale, fino alle
vittorie sugli Arabi e sui Bulgari, che nel IX secolo restituirono alla
Nuova Roma uno spazio di dominio nei Balcani e in tutto il Mediterraneo
orientale. Vengono analizzate sia la strategia dell'impero che le
tattiche di combattimento, spesso all'avanguardia, delle sue armate,
nonché la loro organizzazione, legata ad aspetti cruciali della vita
sociale ed economica dello Stato. Al riparo dello scudo bizantino ebbe
modo di prosperare e svilupparsi l'Europa latina: che però non riconobbe
mai ai fratelli d'oriente il merito di aver difeso con il proprio
sangue la pace di tutta la Cristianità.
L'abuso del diritto
G. Visintini
(a cura di) - Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 2016
Il presente volume raccoglie gli Atti di un convegno che si era proposto di
presentare alla comunità
scientifica e agli operatori del diritto una
moderna teoria dell'abuso del diritto e di attribuire a
tale figura un
ruolo autonomo rispetto alle regole sulla correttezza e buona fede
contrastando la frequente sovrapposizione tra queste clausole
generali, l'una non scritta nel
codice civile e le altre recepite nello
stesso codice.
Scritti per Alessandro Corbino volumi 1/7
di Isabella Piro - Libellula edizioni, 2016

Enciclopedia di bioetica " Nanoscienza e Nanotecnologia - Ortodossia" Vol. IX
Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 2015

Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 2015
La comunione ereditaria
Giovanni Bonilini - Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2013

Nullità di protezione e sistematica delle invalidità negoziali
Stefano Polidori - Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2016

Stefano Pagliantini - Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 2016
Territori e autonomie. Un'analisi economico-giuridica
Bassanini - Il Mulino, 2016
Le riforme costituzionali e legislative degli anni tra il 1990 e il 2001
hanno radicalmente trasformato il sistema delle istituzioni
territoriali italiane, ma i loro effetti e risultati non sono stati
all'altezza dei progetti e delle aspettative che le avevano ispirate.
Questa valutazione, assai diffusa, ha alimentato negli ultimi anni una
nuova fase di riforme, in parte in corso di approvazione, in altra parte
già definitivamente varate dal Parlamento e in corso di
implementazione. Ma è mancata fino ad oggi un'analisi degli effetti di
queste riforme sulla concreta realtà territoriale del Paese. A questo
puntano i saggi contenuti nel volume che, con rigore scientifico e con
un approccio interdisciplinare, intrecciano e integrano strumenti di
indagine e metodi di analisi economica e giuridica. I lavori della
ricerca, realizzata con il patrocinio della Fondazione Cariplo, sono
stati svolti e coordinati dalla Fondazione Astrid e dal Cranec che si
sono posti come obiettivo principale quello di far emergere i punti di
forza e di debolezza del concreto funzionamento del sistema
istituzionale italiano nella sua articolazione territoriale.
lunedì 20 marzo 2017
Nuovi arrivi in biblioteca!
Math Noortmann, August Reinisch, Cedric Ryngaert
The role and position of non-state actors in
international law is the subject of a long-standing and intensive scholarly
debate. This book explores the participation of this new category of actors in
an international legal system that has historically been dominated by states.
It explores the most important issues, actors and theoretical approaches with
respect to these new participants in international law. It provides the reader
with a comprehensive and state-of-the-art overview of the most important legal
and political developments and perspectives.
Relevant non-state actors discussed in this volume
include, in particular, international governmental organisations, international
non-governmental organisations, multinational companies, investors and armed
opposition groups. Their legal position is considered in relation to specific
issue-areas, such as humanitarian law, human rights, the use of force and
international responsibility. The main legal theories on non-state actors'
position in international law – neo-positivism, the policy-oriented approach
and transnational law – are covered at the beginning of the book, and the
essential political science perspectives – on non-state actors' role in
international politics and globalisation, as well as their soft power – are
presented at the end.
Commentaire article par article et études thématiques
Sous la direction de : Giovanni
Distefano, Gloria Gaggioli, Aymeric Hêche
La Convention de Vienne de 1978
traite d’un problème intemporel dans la vie internationale des États, à savoir
leurs mutations territoriales. Il s’agit là d’une réalité internationale qui
survit au phénomène de la décolonisation, mutation territoriale hautement typée
et délimitée historiquement. Les exemples sont innombrables. L’on peut
mentionner la réunification de l’Allemagne, l’éclatement de l’Union soviétique,
le démembrement de la Yougoslavie, la séparation entre la Tchéquie et la
Slovaquie, la sécession de l’Erythrée de l’Ethiopie, la séparation du Timor
oriental de l’Indonésie, la sécession du Pakistan oriental (Bangladesh) du
Pakistan. La pratique récente, relative au Kosovo notamment, qui a déclaré son
indépendance le 17 février 2008, met en exergue l’actualité juridique du sujet.
Des cas de succession d’États dans un
futur proche ou lointain ne sont donc pas à exclure. Les régions
sécessionnistes et les pulsions séparatistes sont nombreuses, même si très
généralement non reconnues par la communauté internationale. Pourtant, la
succession d’États n’est toujours pas dotée d’un régime juridique cohérent
complet. Il convient dès lors de s’intéresser à cette lacune juridique
en partant du traité-clef en la matière qu’est la Convention de 1978. Un
commentaire exhaustif, article par article, de cette Convention se révèle donc
être nécessaire. Cet ouvrage contient une analyse serrée des apports et des
lacunes de cette Convention à la lumière des travaux préparatoires ainsi que de
la pratique récente. Il permet ainsi d’identifier les éléments de codification
de la Convention de Vienne de 1978, mais aussi de voir en quoi celle-ci a pu
donner naissance à des principes et règles coutumières en la matière. Il a pour
ambition de remettre au goût du jour cette Convention et d’offrir aux
chercheurs intéressés, mais également aux États et sujets concernés et à la
communauté internationale une vue d’ensemble détaillée, analytique et
systématique du droit actuel en matière de succession d’États et de découvrir
ainsi les éléments de continuité et de rupture qui la caractérisent.
by Joshua Gans
"Disruption" is a business buzzword that has
gotten out of control. Today everything and everyone seem to be characterized
as disruptive -- or, if they aren't disruptive yet, it's only a matter of time
before they become so. In this book, Joshua Gans cuts through the chatter to
focus on disruption in its initial use as a business term, identifying new ways
to understand it and suggesting new tools to manage it.
Almost twenty years ago Clayton Christensen
popularized the term in his book The Innovator's Dilemma, writing of disruption
as a set of risks that established firms face. Since then, few have closely
examined his account. Gans does so in this book. He looks at companies that
have proven resilient and those that have fallen, and explains why some
companies have successfully managed disruption -- Fujifilm and Canon, for
example -- and why some like Blockbuster and Encyclopedia Britannica have not.
Departing from the conventional wisdom, Gans identifies two kinds of
disruption: demand-side, when successful firms focus on their main customers
and underestimate market entrants with innovations that target niche demands;
and supply-side, when firms focused on developing existing competencies become
incapable of developing new ones.
Gans describes the full range of actions business
leaders can take to deal with each type of disruption, from
"self-disrupting" independent internal units to tightly integrated
product development. But therein lies the disruption dilemma: A firm cannot
practice both independence and integration at once. Gans shows business leaders
how to choose their strategy so their firms can deal with disruption while
continuing to innovate.
Invalidity and the Law of Treaties
Author: DW Greig
The invalidity of treaties is a topic which is
scarcely dealt with in legal literature and much the same is said of the
separability of invalid treaty provisions.
Don Greig's Invalidity and
the Law of Treaties is designed to rectify this neglect. It deals with the
consideration of the topics by the International law Commission and how the
Commission failed to pick up the defects in its own recommendations,
particularly with regard to the difficulty of applying separability to several
of the invalidity provisions. It also includes a discussion of the powers of
the Security Council as they might affect the validity of a treaty
Studies in Honor of Andre
by Andre Gouron, Laurent
Mayali, Bernard Durand
The Convention on the Prohibition of the Use,
Stockpiling, Production, and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and ... 1
by Stuart Maslen
This commentary is a detailed guide to the interpretation
of the 1997 Convention banning Anti-Personnel Mines, which was adopted after a
worldwide campaign to ban landmines made famous by the late Princess Diana. It
includes a description of the development of anti-personnel mines, their
military utility, and the negotiating history of Convention.
Inga T. Winkler
The United Nations General Assembly and the Human
Rights Council recognised the human right to water in 2010. This formal
recognition has put the issue high on the international agenda, but by itself
leaves many questions unanswered. This book addresses this gap and clarifies
the legal status and meaning of the right to water through a detailed analysis
of its legal foundations, legal nature, normative content and corresponding
State obligations.The human right to water has wide-ranging implications for
the distribution of water. Examining these implications requires putting the
right to water into the broader context of different water uses and analysing
the linkages and competition with other human rights that depend on water for
their realisation. Water allocation is a highly political issue reflecting
societal power relations, with current priorities often benefitting the
well-off and powerful. Human rights, in contrast, require prioritising the most
basic needs of all people. The human right to water has the potential to
address these underlying structural causes of the lack of access to water
rooted in inequalities and poverty by empowering people to hold the State accountable
to live up to its human rights obligations and to demand that their basic needs
are met with priority.
Edited by Malgosia Fitzmaurice and Duncan French
The book analyzes the question of legitimacy and
efficacy of certain organs created on the basis of Multilateral Environmental
Agreements, i.e. Conferences and Meetings of the Parties. It analyzes their
structure, new developments and collaborative efforts regarding the powers of
these bodies in achieving desired goals of environmental protection.
A Commentary
by Patrick Thornberry
The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Racial Discrimination is the centrepiece of international efforts to address
racial discrimination, defined in broad terms to include discrimination based
on skin colour, descent, ethnic, and national origin. Victims of discrimination
within the scope of the Convention include minorities, indigenous peoples,
non-citizens, and caste or descent groups. Virtually all national societies are
diverse in terms of ethnicity or 'race' and none is free from discrimination,
making it one of the great issues of our time.
Against the background of international human rights
standards and mechanisms to counter racial and ethnic discrimination, this book
provides the first comprehensive legal analysis of the provisions of the
Convention on an article-by article basis. The book addresses the place of the
Convention within the broader framework of United Nation's action against
discrimination. The different chapters analyse and discuss broad topics of
race, ethnicity, and international law, the genesis and drafting of the
Convention, the aims and objectives of the Convention in light of its preamble,
and principles of non-discrimination and equality. In particular, the book
includes a critical appraisal of the contribution of the Convention to the
eradication of racial discrimination. It also reflects on whether there is
scope for modification of the substance or procedures of the Convention in
light of challenges arising from enhanced transnational population movements,
the intersection between discrimination on the ground of race and
discrimination against religious communities, and the intersection of racial
and gender-based discrimination.
Edited by Jacqueline Peel, University of Melbourne and
David Fisher, International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent
In The Role of International Environmental Law in
Disaster Risk Reduction, edited by Jacqueline Peel and David Fisher, expert
authors from four continents offer perspectives on the growing intersection
between environmental law and disaster risk management. Chapters discuss the
potential for retasking environmental law tools and principles for purposes of mitigating
the harms of potential disasters, including those exacerbated by climate
change, and approaches for linking institutions and approaches across the
environmental, climate adaptation and disaster risk management fields
internationally. This book illustrates the blurring distinction between natural
and manmade disasters and the consequences for legal norms and practice in the
formerly distinct areas of international environmental law and international
disaster law.
An International Law Perspective
Edited by Francesca Romanin
Jacur, Angelica Bonfanti, Francesco Seatzu
The growing demand for natural resources has triggered
a “race” to their exploitation and possession, especially in developing
countries. Most desired are water, land, forests, raw materials (oil, gas,
mineral and precious stones), fisheries and genetic resources. Emerging
economies, Western states, multinational corporations and international
financial institutions have become the biggest “buyers” in a race that on one
hand strengthens economies and creates investment opportunities and on the
other threatens local communities and environmental protection.
Natural Resources Grabbing: An International Law
Perspective aims at filling a gap in the legal literature by addressing the
adverse effects that large-scale investments in natural resources may pose to
fundamental human rights and the protection of the environment.
The Effect of Conservative Economic Analysis on U.S.
by Robert Pitofsky (Editor)
How the Chicago School Overshot the Mark is about the
rise and recent fall of American antitrust. It is a collection of 15 essays,
almost all expressing a deep concern that conservative economic analysis is
leading judges and enforcement officials toward an approach that will
ultimately harm consumer welfare.
For the past 40 years or so, U.S. antitrust has been
dominated intellectually by an unusually conservative style of economic
analysis. Its advocates, often referred to as "The Chicago School,"
argue that the free market (better than any unelected band of regulators) can
do a better job of achieving efficiency and encouraging innovation than
intrusive regulation. The cutting edge of Chicago School doctrine originated in
academia and was popularized in books by brilliant and innovative law
professors like Robert Bork and Richard Posner. Oddly, a response to that kind
of conservative doctrine may be put together through collections of scores of
articles but until now cannot be found in any one book. This collection of
essays is designed in part to remedy that situation.
The chapters in this book were written by academics,
former law enforcers, private sector defense lawyers, Republicans and
Democrats, representatives of the left, right and center. Virtually all agree
that antitrust enforcement today is better as a result of conservative analysis,
but virtually all also agree that there have been examples of extreme
interpretations and misinterpretations of conservative economic theory that
have led American antitrust in the wrong direction. The problem is not with
conservative economic analysis but with those portions of that analysis that
have "overshot the mark" producing an enforcement approach that is
exceptionally generous to the private sector. If the scores of practices that
traditionally have been regarded as anticompetitive are ignored, or not
subjected to vigorous enforcement, prices will be higher, quality of products
lower, and innovation diminished. In the end consumers will pay.
Edited by Korwa G. Adar and Nicasius A. Check
Of the more than 300 million inhabitants in the eleven
riparian states, the Nile River Basin is home to nearly 160 million people. The
interlocking controversies surrounding the utilization of the waters of the
Nile River and the resources therein have centred on the 1929 Anglo-Egyptian
and the 1959 Egypto-Sudanese treaties which have largely ignored the interests
of the upstream states. Through the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) established in
1999, the riparian states concluded, in 2010, the Agreement on the River Nile
Basin Cooperative Framework (CFA) based on the principle of equitable and
reasonable utilisation, the objective of which is to establish durable legal
regime in the Nile River Basin. This book addresses the complexities inherent
in the colonial and post colonial treaties and agreements and their
implications on the interests of the riparian states and the region in general.
It is the first book of its kind that covers the eleven riparian states in a
single volume and deals comprehensively with politico-legal questions in the
Nile River Basin as well as conventions on the international water courses and
their relevance to the region.
Stephen McCaffrey
The Law of International Watercourses examines the
rules of international law governing the navigational and non-navigational uses
of international watercourses. The continued growth of the world's population
places increasing demands on Earth's finite supplies of fresh water. Because
two or more States share many of the world's most important drainage basins -
including the Danube, the Ganges, the Indus, the Jordan, the Mekong, the Nile,
the Rhine and the Tigris-Euphrates - competition for increasingly scarce fresh
water resources is likely to increase. Agreements between the states sharing
international watercourses will be negotiated, and disputes over shared water
will be resolved, against the backdrop of the rules of international law
governing the use of this precious resource.
The basic legal rules governing the use of shared
freshwater for purposes other than navigation are reflected in the 1997 UN
Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International
Watercourses. This book devotes a chapter to the 1997 Convention but also
examines the factual and legal context in which the Convention should be
understood, considers the more important rules of the Convention in some depth
and discusses specific issues that could not be addressed in a framework
instrument of that kind. The book reviews the major cases and controversies
concerning international watercourses as a background against which to consider
the basic substantive and procedural rights and obligations of states in the
The present second edition adds a chapter on the law
of navigation on international waterways. The chapter considers the historical
development of the law of freedom of navigation, reviews the major cases in the
field and draws conclusions regarding the present state of the law.
This edition also updates the entire book, adds new
material to many of the chapters and adds a number of new case studies to the
chapter devoted to those.
A Commentary
Edited by August Reinisch
Peter Bachmayer
The Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the
United Nations and the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the
Specialized Agencies entered into force more than 60 years ago. This Commentary
offers for the first time a comprehensive discussion covering both Conventions in
their entirety, providing an overview of academic writings and jurisprudence
for a legal field of particular practical relevance and gives both the academic
researcher as well as the practitioner a unique source to understand the
complexity of legal issues that the UN, its Specialized Agencies, their
officials, Member States' representatives, and experts face in today's world.
A Commentary
Edited by Walter Krutzsch, Eric Myjer, and Ralf Trapp
This book provides an article-by-article commentary on
the text of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and its Annexes, one of the
cornerstone disarmament and arms control agreements. It requires the verified
elimination of an entire category of weapons of mass destruction and their
means of production by all its States Parties within established time lines,
and that prohibits any activities to develop or otherwise acquire such weapons.
Cross-cutting chapters alongside the detailed
commentary, by those intimately involved in the development of the Convention,
assess the history of the efforts to prohibit chemical weapons, the adoption of
the Convention and the work of the Preparatory Commission, the entry into force
of the Convention to the Second Review Conference, and the need for a new
approach for the governance of chemical weapons.
Written by those involved in its creation and implementation,
this book critically reviews the practices adopted in implementing the
Convention, as well as the challenges ahead, and provides legal commentary on,
and guidance for, its future role. It assesses how to adapt its implementation
to advances in science and technology, including the discovery of new chemicals
and the development of biochemical 'non-lethal' compounds that influence
behaviour. It addresses the legal framework within which the Organization for
the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) takes decisions, both with regard to
the OPCW's own regulatory framework and regarding wider international norms,
accepted principles, and practices. The Commentary draws conclusions on how the
prohibitions against chemical weapons can be strengthened and the stature of
the OPCW protected. It highlights the involvement of industry and academia in
this prohibition, creating a symbiosis between effective governance and the
legal framework of the Convention.
This book is an authoritative, scholarly work for
anyone interested in the Chemical Weapons Convention, in international
disarmament and arms control law, and in the work of international
organizations, and a practical guide for individuals and institutions involved
in the Convention's day-to-day implementation.
Series: International Hydrology Series
Jerome Delli Priscoli
Aaron T. Wolf
What is the one thing that no one can do without?
Water. Where water crosses boundaries – be they economic, legal, political or
cultural – the stage is set for disputes between different users trying to
safeguard access to a vital resource, while protecting the natural environment.
Without strategies to anticipate, address, and mediate between competing users,
intractable water conflicts are likely to become more frequent, more intense,
and more disruptive around the world. In this book, Delli Priscoli and Wolf
investigate the dynamics of water conflict and conflict resolution, from the
local to the international. They explore the inexorable links between three
facets of conflict management and transformation: Alternative Dispute
Resolution (ADR), public participation, and institutional capacity. This
practical guide will be invaluable to water management professionals, as well
as to researchers and students in engineering, economics, geography, geology,
and political science who are involved in any aspects of water management.
• Covers water disputes on all scales, from the local
to the international, rather than restricting discussions to specific local
areas or to issues applicable only to international waters • Offers clear
applications for those involved in dispute resolution, as well as far-reaching
case study analyses, drawn from decades of real-world conflict experience •
Provides a wealth of reference material in the appendices, including detailed
case studies and treaty components that can be found nowhere else • A
skills-building workbook for students that follows the themes and structure of
the text will be made available via the Cambridge website, and distributed in
hardcopy by UNESCO and the World Bank
Edited by Philippe Aghion, Mathias Dewatripont, Patrick
Legros, Luigi Zingales
The 1986 article by Grossman and Hart "A Theory
of Vertical and Lateral Integration " has provided a framework for
understanding how firm boundaries are defined and how they affect economic
performance. The property rights approach has provided a formal way to
introduce incomplete contracting ideas into economic modeling.
The Impact of Incomplete Contracts on Economics
collects papers and opinion pieces on the impact that this property right
approach to the firm has had on the economics profession. It shows that the
impact has been felt sometimes in significant ways in a variety of fields,
ranging from the theory of the firm and their internal organization to
industrial organization, international trade, finance, management, public
economy, and political economy and political science. Beyond acknowledging how
the property rights approach has permeated economics as a whole, the
contributions in the book also highlight the road ahead—-how the paradigm may
change the way research is performed in some of the fields, and what type of
research is still missing. The book concludes with a discussion of the
foundations of the property rights, and more generally the incomplete
contracting, approaches and with a series of contributions showing how
behavioral considerations may provide a new way forward.
Maurice Stucke and Allen Grunes
Big Data and Big Analytics are a big deal today. Big
Data is playing a pivotal role in many companies' strategic decision-making.
Companies are striving to acquire a 'data advantage' over rivals. Data-driven
mergers are increasing. These data-driven business strategies and mergers raise
significant implications for privacy, consumer protection and competition law.
At the same time, European and United States' competition authorities are
beginning to consider the implications of a data-driven economy on competition
policy. In 2015, the European Commission launched a competition inquiry into the
e-commerce sector and issued a statement of objections in its Google
investigation. The implications of Big Data on competition policy will likely
be a part of the mix.
Big Data and Competition Policy is the first work to
offer a detailed description of the important new issue of Big Data and
explains how it relates to competition laws and policy, both in the EU and US.
The book helps bring the reader quickly up to speed on what is Big Data, its
competitive implications, the competition authorities' approach to data-driven
mergers and business strategies, and their current approach's strengths and
Written by two recognized leading experts in
competition law, this accessible work offers practical guidance and theoretical
discussion of the potential benefits (including data-driven efficiencies) and
concerns for the practitioner, policy maker, and academic alike.
Edited by Brett M. Frischmann, Michael J. Madison, and
Katherine J. Strandburg
"Knowledge commons" describes the
institutionalized community governance of the sharing and, in some cases,
creation, of information, science, knowledge, data, and other types of
intellectual and cultural resources. It is the subject of enormous recent interest
and enthusiasm with respect to policymaking about innovation, creative
production, and intellectual property. Taking that enthusiasm as its starting
point, Governing Knowledge Commons argues that policymaking should be based on
evidence and a deeper understanding of what makes commons institutions work. It
offers a systematic way to study knowledge commons, borrowing and building on
Elinor Ostrom's Nobel Prize-winning research on natural resource commons. It
proposes a framework for studying knowledge commons that is adapted to the
unique attributes of knowledge and information, describing the framework in
detail and explaining how to put it into context both with respect to commons
research and with respect to innovation and information policy. Eleven detailed
case studies apply and discuss the framework exploring knowledge commons across
a wide variety of scientific and cultural domains.
Investment Law within International Law
Integrationist Perspectives
by Dr Freya Baetens
Developments within various sub-fields of
international law influence international investment law, but changes in
investment law also have an impact on the evolution of other fields within
international law. Through contributions from leading scholars and
practitioners, this book analyses specific links between investment law and
other sub-fields of international law such as the law on armed conflict, human
rights, sustainable development, trade, development and EU law. In particular,
this book scrutinises how concepts, principles and rules developed in the
context of such sub-fields could inform the content of investment law.
Solutions aimed at resolving problems in other settings may provide instructive
examples for addressing current problems in the field of investment law, and
vice versa. The underlying question is whether key sub-fields of public
international law, notably international investment law, are open to
cross-fertilisation, or, whether they are evolving further into self-contained
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