Frontex and Non-Refoulement: The International Responsibility of the EU
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the Frontex Border Agency's establishment in 2004, its activities have
foregrounded the complexity and difficulty of protecting the human
rights of those seeking access to the European Union. In this
connection, protection from refoulement should be paramount in the
Agency's work. By navigating through the intricacies of Frontex's
structure and working methods, this book answers abiding questions:
which circumstances would trigger European Union responsibility if
violations were to occur in Frontex's joint operations? What is the
legal standing of the principle of non-refoulement in relation to
Frontex's activities? Can Frontex be entrusted with an exclusive search
and rescue mandate? This book offers a theoretical and practical insight
into the legislative intricacies of Frontex's work, examining the
responsibility of the EU, and scrutinising the interaction of
international law and EU law with a focus on the principle of