edited by Stuart Casey-Maslen,
Andrew Clapham, Gilles Giacca and Sarah Parker
The United Nations Arms Trade Treaty became binding
international law in late 2014, and although the text of the treaty is a
relatively concise framework for assessing whether to authorize or deny
proposed conventional weapons transfers by States Parties, there exists
controversy as to the meaning of certain key provisions. Furthermore, the
treaty requires a national regulatory body to authorize proposed transfers of
conventional weapons covered by the treaty, but does not detail how such a body
should be established and how it should effectively function. The Arms Trade
Treaty: A Commentary explains in detail each of the treaty provisions, the
parameters for prohibitions or the denial of transfers, international
cooperation and assistance, and implementation obligations and mechanisms. As
states ratify and implement the Treaty over the next few years, the commentary
provides invaluable guidance to government officials, commentators, and
scholars on the meaning of its contentious provisions. This volume describes in
detail which weapons are covered by the treaty and explains the different forms
of transfer that the Arms Trade Treaty regulates. It covers international human
rights, trade, disarmament, humanitarian law, criminal law, and state-to-state
use of force, as well as the application of the treaty to non-state actors.