edited by Nicole Roughan
The interaction between
state, transnational and international law is overlapping and often
conflicting. Yet despite this messiness and multiplicity, law still creates
obligations for its subjects. Despite its plurality, law still claims some kind
of authority.
The implications of this
plurality of law can be troubling. It generates uncertainty for law-users over
which law they are bound by, or for law-makers over the limits of their
authority. Thus the practical problem is not plurality of law in itself, rather
confusion over law's authority in such pluralist circumstances.
Roughan argues that
understanding authority in such pluralist circumstances requires a new
conception of 'relative authority.'
This book seeks to provide
the theoretical tools needed to bring the disciplines examining legal and
constitutional pluralism, into more direct engagement with theories of
authority, by examining the one practice in which they are all interested: the
practice of public authority.