EU Law: Text, Cases, and Materials
Sixth Edition
by Paul Craig and Gráinne de Búrca
by leading scholars on European law, EU Law: Text, Cases, and Materials
provides an insightful analysis of the subject by experts in the field
and clear commentary sets out the law, illuminates the accompanying materials,
and delivers critical and contextual analysis of all the legal and political
aspects of EU law and policy
carefully chosen extracts from a wide range of sources including case
judgments, EU legislation, and academic articles providing easy access to the
materials which are key to understanding this dynamic and diverse area of law
well-designed learning features to guide the reader through each topic, including
concise 'central issues' and helpful 'conclusions' in each chapter, as well as
detailed further reading advice
New to this Edition:
of all important recent developments, including:
new case law such as the landmark Opinion 2/13 on EU Accession to the ECHR;
implications of the European Parliament elections for the relationship between
the Commission, the European Parliament and the European Council;
strategies adopted by the new Commission President and his team;
The issues
surrounding the possible UK referendum on membership.
of chapter 20, Free Movement of Capital and Economic and Monetary Union, to
include thorough discussion of the issues concerning the financial crisis.