Werner Scholtz, Jonathan Verschuuren– Edward Elgar
Publishing, 2015
This perceptive work presents a unique comparative
legal analysis, ascertaining how regional environmental law can contribute to
the prevailing pursuit of global sustainable development. The book provides an
introduction to and analysis of the environmental law adhered to by each
regional organisation in an accessible and discerning discussion.
Regional Environmental Law analyses the manner in
which four distinct regional organisations - the European Union (EU),
Organization of American States (OAS), Association of Southeast Asian Nations
(ASEAN) and the African Union (AU) - facilitate cooperation concerning regional
environmental law in order to promote sustainable development. The fundamental
environmental issues that require regional cooperation are considered: human
rights and the environment, climate change and shared watercourses. Leading
scholars critically analyse how states may pool sovereignty, pursuant to
finding solutions to these salient environmental problems. The book puts
forward conclusive thoughts about how to work towards the sustainable
development agenda through both specific regional action and collaborative
Researchers and students interested in international
and environmental law will benefit from the comparative analysis of the
respective regional organisations and their contribution to the sustainable
development commitment. Practitioners and policy makers will find practical
insight from the conclusions drawn.