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martedì 25 novembre 2014

Polo Bibliotecario Giuridico, Economico e Sociale
Biblioteca di Scienze Giuridiche e dello Sport
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lunedì 17 novembre 2014

Sezione Diritto e Società

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Esquimesi in Amazzonia. Dialoghi intorno alla depatologizzazione della transessualità

A cura di :  Christian Ballarin, Roberta Padovano

Come Esquimesi in Amazzonia, le persone transgender e transessuali vivono in un contesto che non le ha previste, in continuo contrasto con le regole sociali e le convenzioni culturali dell'habitat. Ad ogni latitudine e in ogni tempo sono esistite persone con un genere non conforme, definite con vari nomi, le "Hijras" in India, le "Vergini Giurate" nei Balcani, "i Due Spiriti" dei nativi americani, i "Femminielli" napoletani... Le realtà delle esistenze trans, liberate dallo stigma della patologizzazione, può mettere in gioco una ridefinizione complessiva di ciò che siamo, come donne, uomini, trans, lesbiche, gay, intersessuali. Affermare che le persone trans non sono malate psichiatriche destabilizza il modello binario sesso/genere, omosessuale/eterosessuale, maschio/femmina e l'impianto normante che ne deriva. Dunque la condizione transgender può rappresentare la punta di un iceberg, che minaccia secolari certezze scientifiche, culturali e sociali. Questo volume raccoglie i contributi del convegno "Chi ha paura della depatologizzazione?" svoltosi a Torino nel marzo 2012. Esponenti del mondo accademico e della ricerca indipendente si interrogano a partire dagli ambiti disciplinari di riferimento, insieme a protagonisti del mondo dell'associazionismo e del movimento gay, lesbico, transgender e queer.

venerdì 14 novembre 2014

Sezione Diritto Privato Generale

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Riflessioni in tema di responsabilità dei professionisti.

Autore : Concetta Parrinello

Sezione Diritto Privato Generale

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Introduzione allo studio del diritto privato
edizione 2014

Autore : Renato Clarizia

Il libro offre una visione sintetica, organica e semplice del Diritto Privato, il cui corso universitario è talvolta articolato in due semestri, rischiando così di dare allo studente la sensazione di una sua asistematicità. Ci si rivolge soprattutto agli studenti universitari, ma la chiarezza espositiva, moderatamente tecnica, non esclude dalla lettura anche chi voglia avere un quadro rapido ma completo del nostro sistema giuridico. Le numerose esemplificazioni consentono di percepire il diritto non come pura astrazione, bensì quale concreta manifestazione della vita quotidiana.

Sezione Diritto Privato Generale

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La responsabilità civile. Contratto e torto

Autori Antonino Procida Mirabelli Di Lauro, Maria Feola

Un itinerario sulle strutture e sulle funzioni delle responsabilità contrattuale ed extracontrattuale. La nascita e l'affermazione delle obbligazioni di sécurité, degli obblighi di protezione e di inediti rimedi contrattuali per terzi testimoniano una tendenza comune della giurisprudenza europea volta ad attrarre, all'interno di una struttura complessa del rapporto obbligatorio, interessi diversi rispetto alla prestazione ai quali la disciplina della responsabilità contrattuale può garantire un più intenso livello di tutela. Così gli ulteriori istituti esaminati (ingiustizia e patrimonialità del danno risarcibile, rapporto di causalità, danno da perdita di chances, danni non patrimoniali, responsabilità professionali, culpa in contrahendi), contratto di trasporto, trasferimento della proprietà, danni da perdita della vita e da "nascita malformata" ecc.) rappresentano dati paradigmatici sui quali costruire un "diritto comune" delle responsabilità pensato non tanto sulla tradizionale partizione tra le fonti, quanto sui diversi criteri d'imputazione. Responsabilità oggettiva, colpa prouvée o presunta si rivelano modelli che, in modo obliquo, attraversano un unitario sistema di responsabilità, contrattuale e delittuale, che si caratterizza per un principio di fungibilità tra le regole ed i rimedi avverso i danni civili (patrimoniali e non patrimoniali) e "da reato", sul fondamento di una funzione compensativa o satisfattivo-punitiva.

giovedì 13 novembre 2014

Sezione Diritto Penale

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Eye for an eye

Autore : William Ian Miller

This book is a historical and philosophical meditation on paying back and buying back, that is, it is about retaliation and redemption. It takes the law of the talion - eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth - seriously. In its biblical formulation that law states the value of my eye in terms of your eye, the value of your teeth in terms of my teeth. Eyes and teeth become units of valuation. But the talion doesn't stop there. It seems to demand that eyes, teeth, and lives are also to provide the means of payment. Bodies and body parts, it seems, have a just claim to being not just money, but the first and precisest of money substances. In its highly original way, the book offers a theory of justice, not an airy theory though. It is about getting even in a toughminded, unsentimental, but respectful way. And finds that much of what we take to be justice, honor, and respect for persons requires, at its core, measuring and measuring up.

Sezione Diritto Penale

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Retributivism Has a Past. Has it a future?

Autore : Michael Tonry

The fundamental contrast between the ideas that punishment is morally justified because people have behaved wrongly (retributivist) and that punishment is morally justified only when it has good consequences (consequentialist/utilitarian) has long existed and most likely always will. Beginning in the 1960s and 1970s, retributivist ways of thinking became much more influential than they had been for the preceding century, but it is clear now that no paradigm shift from consequentialist to retributivist ideas occurred, and that thinking about punishment is in a period of flux. Retributivism Has a Past: Has It a Future? reconsiders the extent of its resurgence and its current prospects. Essays by major figures in punishment theory, law, and philosophy and many prominent younger contributors to these debates engage with contemporary ideas about restorative justice, therapeutic jurisprudence, rehabilitation of offenders, and mandatory punishments that are difficult to reconcile with retributive analytical frameworks. It is crucial to understand why and when individuals can be deprived of their property, their liberty, and their lives in the pursuit of collective interests, and this book grapples anew with contemporary debates over these perennial questions.

Sezione Diritto Penale

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Inferno. An anatomy of american punishment

Autore : Robert A. Ferguson

America's criminal justice system is broken. The United States punishes at a higher per capita rate than any other country in the world. In the last twenty years, incarceration rates have risen 500 percent. Sentences are harsh, prisons are overcrowded, life inside is dangerous, and rehabilitation programs are ineffective. Police and prosecutors operate in the dark shadows of the legal process--sometimes resigning themselves to the status quo, sometimes turning a profit from it. The courts define punishment as "time served," but that hardly begins to explain the suffering of prisoners. Looking not only to court records but to works of philosophy, history, and literature for illumination, Robert Ferguson, a distinguished law professor, diagnoses all parts of a now massive, out-of-control punishment regime. He reveals the veiled pleasure behind the impulse to punish (which confuses our thinking about the purpose of punishment), explains why over time all punishment regimes impose greater levels of punishment than originally intended, and traces a disturbing gap between our ability to quantify pain and the precision with which penalties are handed down. Ferguson turns the spotlight from the debate over legal issues to the real plight of prisoners, addressing not law professionals but the American people. Do we want our prisons to be this way? Or are we unaware, or confused, or indifferent, or misinformed about what is happening? Acknowledging the suffering of prisoners and understanding what punishers do when they punish are the first steps toward a better, more just system.

Sezione Diritto Penale

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Bloodtaking and peacemaking. Feud, alw, and society in Saga Iceland

Autore : William Ian Miller

This work seeks to delve beneath the chaos and brutality of the Norse world to discover a complex interplay of ordering and disordering impulses. William Miller's readings of ancient Iceland's sagas and extensive legal code aim to reconstruct and illuminate the society that produced them.

Sezione Diritto Penale

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The anatomy of disgust

Autore : William Ian Miller

Does disgust bring order and meaning to lives? Does it help to animate the world, and make it a more dangerous, magical and exciting place? The author analyzes the world of disgust and makes these points, arguing that disgust and contempt play roles in creating and maintaining social hierarchy.

Sezione Diritto Penale

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Punishment and the moral emotions. Essay in law, morality, and religion

Autore : Jeffrie G. Murphy

This collection of essays presents Jeffrie G. Murphy's most recent ideas on punishment, forgiveness, and the emotions of resentment, shame, guilt, remorse, love, and jealousy. In Murphy's view, conscious rationales of principle -- such as crime control or giving others what in justice they deserve -- do not always drive our decisions to punish or condemn others for wrongdoing. Sometimes our decisions are in fact driven by powerful and rather base emotions such as malice, spite, envy, and cruelty. But our decisions to punish or condemn can also be driven by noble emotions. Indeed, if we punish to express the justified resentment and indignation that decent people feel toward the wronging of a human being, punishment and condemnation can be seen acts of love.
Once we realize the vital roles that emotions can play in punishment and other forms of condemnation, we can explore them in a variety of important ways. Jealousy sometimes causes crimes, forgiveness allows us to overcome resentment, and mercy -- inspired by compassion -- limits the severity of punishment. All these emotions may be called "moral emotions"-meaning simply that they are emotions that essentially involve a moral belief.
The essays in this collection explore, from philosophical and religious perspectives, a variety of moral emotions and their relationship to punishment and condemnation or to decisions to lessen punishment or condemnation. Those interested in ethics, philosophy of law, and the nature and role of the emotions, will find much of interest in these essays by this highly distinguished scholar.
"This volume brings together a number of Jeffrie Murphy's ground-breaking essays of the last twelve years on an impressive range of deeply important issues: the moral emotions (in particular, resentment, shame, jealousy, and remorse); forgiveness and mercy; the foundations of the theory of punishment; and the nature of dignity. Murphy's wonderfully clear and perceptive essays are indispensable for anyone interested in these and related topics." - Charles L. Griswold, Boston University
"In this new collection of exceptionally stimulating essays a distinguished philosopher engages topics of great interest to philosophers and non-philosophers alike - the nature of guilt, shame, remorse, forgiveness, repentance, love, jealousy, punishment and their roles in our lives. Few philosophers, until relatively recently, directed any sustained attention to these significant aspects of our lives. Murphy's essays go a substantial distance toward remedying this neglect. His approach is analytic; his arguments are clearly presented; his style is personal and engaging; insights are frequently accompanied by apposite quotes from poetry and fiction. There is an appealing humility and openness to the views of others. Readers will be drawn in by both the drama of his engagement with his earlier views that he now finds wanting as well as the ongoing drama of his responses to others with whom he disagrees. There is no plodding through arid discourse in order to uncover jewels in this work. This is philosophy done in a manner that promotes both knowledge and enjoyment.

Sezione Diritto Penale

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Why is your axe bloody?

Autore : Njals Saga

Njals saga, the greatest of the sagas of the Icelanders, was written around 1280. It tells the story of a complex feud, that starts innocently enough in a tiff over seating arrangement at a local feast, and expands over the course of 20 years to engulf half the country, in which both sides are effectively exterminated, Njal and his family burned to death in their farmhouse, the other faction picked off over the entire course of the feud. Law and feud feature centrally in the saga, Njal, its hero, being the greatest lawyer of his generation. No reading of the saga can do it justice unless it takes its law, its feuding strategies, as well as the author's stunning manipulation and saga conventions. In 'Why is your axe bloody' W.I. Miller offers a lively, entertaining, and completely orignal personal reading of this lengthy saga.

Sezione Diritto penale

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The Oxford handbook of ethnicity, crime, and immigration

Autori . Sandra M. Bucerius, Michael Tonry

Social tensions between majority and minority populations often center on claims that minorities are largely responsible for crime and disorder. Members of some disadvantaged groups in all developed countries, sometimes long-standing residents and other times recent immigrants, experience unwarranted disparities in their dealings with the criminal justice system. Accusations of unfair treatment by police and courts are common. The Oxford Handbook of Ethnicity, Crime, and Immigration provides comprehensive analyses of current knowledge about these and a host of related subjects. Topics include legal and illegal immigration, ethnic and race relations, and discrimination and exclusion, and their links to crime in the United States and elsewhere. Leading scholars from sociology, criminology, law, psychology, geography, and political science document and explore relations among race, ethnicity, immigration, and crime.

Individual chapters provide in-depth critical overviews of key issues, controversies, and research. Contributors present the historical backdrops of their subjects, describe population characteristics, and summarize relevant data and research findings. Most articles provide synopses of racial, ethnic, immigration, and justice-related concerns and offer policy recommendations and proposals for future research. Some articles are case studies of particular problems in particular places, including juvenile incarceration, homicide, urban violence, social exclusion, and other issues disproportionately affecting disadvantaged minority groups. The Oxford Handbook of Ethnicity, Crime, and Immigration is the first major effort to examine and synthesize knowledge concerning immigration and crime, ethnicity and crime, and race and crime in one volume, and does so both for the United States and for many other countries.

Sezione Diritto Penale

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Intuitions of justice and the utility of desert

Autore : Paul H. Robinson

Research suggests that people of all demographics have nuanced and sophisticated notions of justice. The core of those judgments is often intuition rather than reason. Should the criminal law heed what principles are embodied in those deep seated judgments?

Sezione Diritto Penale

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Crime and punishment in the middle ages and early modern age

Autori : Albrecht Classen, Connie Scarborough

Norms, rules, and laws have determined the interaction of people throughout time, and yet transgressions have always occurred. Crime and subsequent punishments are fundamental issues identifying every society. The articles in this volume study medieval laws and documents reflecting on vices, crimes, and wrongdoings and thus give a profound analysis of the premodern world in its development in social, economic, legal, moral, and ethical terms.

giovedì 6 novembre 2014

Sezione Diritto e Società

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Fair trade and the Citizen consumer. Shopping for justice?

Autore : K. Wheeler

As sales of fair-trade goods explode across the globe, Fair Trade and the Citizen-Consumer provides a timely analysis of the organizations, institutions and grassroots networks behind this growing movement. Drawing on examples from the UK, Sweden and USA, this book moves away from models of individualized consumer choice and instead explores the collective cultures and practices that motivate and sustain fair-trade consumer behaviour. Although the fair-trade citizen-consumer has been called to action and publicly represented as an individual 'voting' in the marketplace, this book reveals how market interventions are editing the choices available to consumers, at the same time as 'Fairtrade Town' consumer networks are flourishing. Offering new and critical insights into the fair-trade success story, this book also contributes to debates about sustainable consumption behaviour and the growth of 'new' forms of political participation and citizenship.

mercoledì 5 novembre 2014

Sezione Diritto e Società

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Compendio di contabilità di stato
6. edizione

Autori : Andrea Monorchio e Lorenzo Giorgio Mottura

Dal punto di vista giuridico, per contabilità pubblica s'intende il sistema delle norme che regolano le attività di acquisizione, conservazione e impiego delle risorse da parte delle amministrazioni pubbliche, l'insieme delle procedure di formazione dei documenti di bilancio nonché i relativi criteri di contabilizzazione e controllo delle operazioni. Il termine "contabilità", dunque, non viene assunto nel significato di "tenuta dei conti", ma nel senso di "dare conto" che la gestione delle risorse pubbliche avvenga nel rispetto delle procedure e, più in generale, delle norme previste dall'ordinamento.

Sezione Diritto e Società

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Accertamento sintetico e redditometro

Autori : Alessandro Coscarelli, Nicola Monfreda

L'accertamento basato sulla capacità di spesa del contribuente era considerato, fino a poco tempo fa, una procedura "straordinaria". Negli ultimi anni, invece, si è registrato un diverso approccio: già la Legge 6 agosto 2008, n. 133 aveva stabilito, per il triennio 2009-2011, un piano straordinario di controlli; la manovra fiscale per l'anno 2010 ha poi riscritto la disciplina dell'accertamento sintetico, prevedendo - accanto all'accertamento sintetico "puro", ovvero desunto sulla base delle spese sostenute per l'acquisto di beni e servizi - quello "redditometrico", che determina il reddito del contribuente considerando il possesso di "beni indice" individuati - con periodicità biennale - da apposito decreto ministeriale. I nuovi indici presi in considerazione per il calcolo del reddito sono fondati su un elenco di beni (110) più numeroso rispetto al passato, parametrati all'area geografica di residenza del soggetto ed alla tipologia del nucleo familiare di appartenenza. A tale scopo, nel 2011 è stato presentato dall'Agenzia delle Entrate, in via sperimentale, un nuovo software.

Sezione Diritto e Società

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Dei diritti e delle garanzie

Autore : Luigi Ferrajoli

Segnata da un ventennio di conflitti tra politica e magistratura, la questione giustizia continua ad essere al centro del dibattito pubblico italiano. Populismo e giustizialismo hanno finito per promuovere un atteggiamento sprezzante l'uno nei confronti delle regole l'altro della politica, che erode le basi della legalità. In questa conversazione con Mauro Barberis, Luigi Ferrajoli, illustre teorico del garantismo penale e sociale, avanza alcune proposte di riforma originali del sistema giuridico e politico, destinate a far discutere: dall'organizzazione della giustizia alla riforma dei partiti, dal rapporto tra economia e politica al reddito di cittadinanza, dai beni comuni alla e-democracy.

Sezione Diritto e Società

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Conscious will and responsability

Edited by Walter Sinnott Armstrong, Lynn Nadel

We all seem to think that we do the acts we do because we consciously choose to do them. This commonsense view is thrown into dispute by Benjamin Libet's eyebrow-raising experiments, which seem to suggest that conscious will occurs not before but after the start of brain activity that produces physical action. Libet's striking results are often claimed to undermine traditional views of free will and moral responsibility, and to have practical implications for criminal justice. His work has also stimulated a flurry of further fascinating scientific research—including findings in psychology by Dan Wegner and in neuroscience by John–Dylan Haynes—that raises novel questions about whether conscious will plays any causal role in action. Critics respond that both commonsense views of action and traditional theories of moral and legal responsibility, as well as free will, can survive the scientific onslaught of Libet and his progeny. To further this lively debate, this book discusses whether our conscious choices really cause our actions, and what the answers to that question mean for how we view ourselves and how we should treat each other.