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venerdì 26 settembre 2014

Sezione Diritto e Società

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Neutrality and Theory of Law (Law and Philosophy Library)

Autori: Ferrer Beltrain...et al

This book brings together twelve of the most important legal philosophers in the Anglo-American and Civil Law traditions. The book is a collection of the papers these philosophers presented at the Conference on Neutrality and Theory of Law, held at the University of Girona, in May 2010. The central question that the conference and this collection seek to answer is: Can a theory of law be neutral? The book covers most of the main jurisprudential debates. It presents an overall discussion of the connection between law and morals, and the possibility of determining the content of law without appealing to any normative argument. It examines the type of project currently being held by jurisprudential scholarship. It studies the different approaches to theorizing about the nature or concept of law, the role of conceptual analysis and the essential features of law.  Moreover, it sheds some light on what can be learned from studying the non-essential features of law. Finally, it analyzes the nature of legal statements and their truth values. This book takes the reader a step further to understanding law.


Sezione Diritto e Società

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The mismeasure of desire. The science, theory, and ethics of sexual orientation

Autore : E. Stein

In recent years scientific research and popular opinion have favored the idea that sexual orientations are determined at birth. In this book, philosopher and legal theorist Edward Stein investigates scientific research on sexual orientation and shows that it is deeply flawed. He argues that this research assumes a picture of sexual desire that reflects unquestioned cultural stereotypes rather than cross-cultural scientific facts, and that it suffers from serious methodological problems. He then asks whether sexual orientation is amenable to empirical study and if it is useful for our understanding of human nature to categorize people based on their sexual desires. Perhaps most importantly, Stein examines some of the ethical issues surrounding such research, including gay and lesbian civil rights and the implications of parents trying to select or change the sexual orientation of their children.

Sezione Diritto e Società

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Conspiracy theories and other Dangerous ideas

Autore : Cass R. Sunstein

The nation’s most-cited legal scholar who for decades has been at the forefront of applied behavioral economics, and the bestselling author of Nudge and Simpler, Cass Sunstein is one of the world’s most innovative thinkers in the academy and the world of practical politics. In the years leading up to his confirmation as the administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), Sunstein published hundreds of articles on everything from same-sex marriage to cost-benefit analysis. Conspiracy Theories and Other Dangerous Ideas is a collection of his most famous, insightful, relevant, and inflammatory pieces,

Sezione Diritto e Società

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Simpler the future of government

Autore : Cass R. Sunstein

The future of government arrived four years ago. Government became simpler, it became smarter, and Cass Sunstein was at the centre of it all. Drawing on state-of-the-art work in behavioural psychology and economics, Sunstein, as administrator of the powerful White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), quietly helped save the nation billions of dollars while preventing thousands of deaths and countless illnesses and accidents. All this was accomplished in part through the extraordinary power of nudges-low-cost, seemingly modest policies that preserve freedom of choice. In combination with smart, disciplined cost-benefit analysis, nudges are simplifying government and making it far more effective. Twenty-first century insights now inform simplified mortgage and student loan applications, the labelling of food and energy-efficient cars, financial reform, and health care reform. New principles-democratizing data, presenting individuals and businesses with the most salient information, ensuring that the better outcome is the automatic outcome-are transforming government. Countless regulations are being streamlined or eliminated. Transparent review of which rules are working, and which aren't, is becoming the norm. Citing numerous examples from his years in the first term of the Obama Administration, and projecting forward into a data-driven future, Simpler provides a new understanding of how government can work.

Sezione Diritto Privato Generale

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European Tort Law
second edition

Autore : Cas van Dam

The new edition of European Tort Law provides an extensive revision and update of the only English language handbook in this constantly evolving area. The coverage in the new edition has been expanded with material on the latest developments in legislation, legal literature, and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, the Court of Justice of the European Union, and the highest courts in France, Germany, and England. The first part of the book, Systems of Liability, provides chapters on the state of tort law in France, Germany, and England, and the European Union. A concluding chapter gives an overall view of the European field, linking the variety of rules with cultural diversity, examining the consequences for European harmonization, and emphasizing the importance of a European policy discourse. The second part, Requirements for Liability, analyses and compares the classic requirements for liability in a comparative and supranational perspective: rights and protected interests, intention and negligence, breach of statutory duty, stricter rules of liability, causation, damage, damages, and contributory negligence. It also discusses the role of tort law in protecting human rights against violations by the state and by multinational corporations. The final part, Categories of Liability, assesses how national and supranational rules are applied in a number of categories, such as in liability for motor vehicles, defective products, and defective premises, in liability for children, employees, and subsidiaries, as well as in cases of nuisance, environmental liability, and liability of public bodies.

martedì 23 settembre 2014

Circolo Giuridico

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Corso del diritto pubblico in Europa. Dal medioevo all'età contemporanea

Autore : Antonio Padoa Schioppa

Le sei sezioni del libro scandiscono le grandi epoche di una lunga vicenda storica: l'alto medioevo (sec. V-XI), il diritto comune classico (sec. XII-XV), l'età moderna (sec. XVI-XVIII), l'età delle riforme (1750-1814), l'età delle nazioni (1815-1914), il Novecento. I filoni principali sono costituiti dalla legislazione, dal pensiero giuridico e dalla consuetudine, seguiti nel loro vario intreccio nel corso dei secoli. Particolare attenzione è dedicata al metodo giuridico, alla storia della giustizia, al ruolo dei giuristi, alle professioni legali. Accanto agli aspetti comuni e sovranazionali - il diritto comune romano nella sua complessa evoluzione, il diritto canonico, il giusnaturalismo, l'illuminismo giuridico - che configurano in Europa una sorta di "repubblica della cultura giuridica", vi è nel libro il riferimento alla storia dei principali diritti europei: Italia, Francia, Germania, Spagna, Paesi Bassi, Inghilterra. L'accento è posto sulle epoche in cui ciascun Paese ha svolto un ruolo di particolare rilievo sul terreno del diritto, sino agli sviluppi recenti dell'unione europea e della tutela internazionale dei diritti dell'uomo.

Circolo Giuridico

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Corso di diritto pubblico romano

Autore : Aldo Petrucci

Circolo Giuridico

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Istituzioni di diritto romano

Autore : Matteo Marrone

Circolo Giuridico

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La nuova costituzione economica

A cura di Sabino Cassese

Se il secolo XIX si è chiuso registrando la fine del laisser-faire, seguita dall'affermazione del Welfare State, dalla pianificazione e, poi, dalla crisi finanziaria dello Stato, il secolo XX è finito con altri importanti mutamenti: agli Stati si sostituiscono, nella disciplina dell'economia, istituzioni sovranazionali; l'ordinamento nazionale diviene parte di quello comunitario, al quale deve adeguarsi; il diritto comunitario finisce per stabilire le teste di capitolo del diritto pubblico dell'economia; l'assetto unitario dei poteri pubblici nazionali viene soppiantato dallo Stato multiorganizzativo; i controlli diretti sono sostituiti dai controlli indiretti; il potere conformativo cede al potere regolativo delle amministrazioni pubbliche; la gestione di imprese da parte di poteri pubblici diminuisce; si affacciano i poteri indipendenti, sull'esempio dell'Inghilterra ottocentesca e degli Stati Uniti; il diritto pubblico fa largo ad un diritto misto, pubblico e privato insieme. La tradizionale contrapposizione liberismo-interventismo perde rilevanza nella nuova costituzione economica, in cui la sfera di azione dei poteri pubblici è più ampia, ma meno pesante il loro intervento.          

Circolo Giuridico

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Teoria dell'argomentazione giuridica

Autore : Robert Alexy

Circolo Giuridico

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Appunti per un corso di logica giuridica

A cura di : Isabel Truijllo

Circolo Giuridico

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Una teoria pragmaticamente orientata dell'interpretazione giuridica

Autore : Vittorio Villa

Il volume affronta il tema dell'interpretazione, di importanza fondamentale per la teoria giuridica contemporanea. Il punto di partenza dell'analisi è costituito dall'individuazione di una relazione concettuale fra interpretazione e significato. La teoria del significato assume dunque il ruolo di chiave di lettura per ricostruire le idee semantiche presupposte dalle principali concezioni dell'interpretazione degli ultimi due secoli, ma anche di fulcro centrale per la costruzione di una prospettiva teorica alternativa, la teoria pragmaticamente orientata. L'idea principale di questo approccio, che si basa sulla prospettiva semantica contemporanea del "contestualismo moderato", è che il contesto (in tre diversi sensi) è un elemento necessario di ogni atto interpretativo. Di questo approccio vengono sviluppate alcune condizioni di base e alcune idee centrali. Vengono poi indicate alcune implicazioni di questa teoria, che concernono la critica delle tradizionali contrapposizioni fra interpretazione dottrinale e interpretazione operativa e fra interpretazione e applicazione del diritto. Infine la teoria viene sottoposta al test concernente la sua fecondità esplicativa come schema di riferimento per la ricostruzione di concrete vicende interpretative. A tale proposito viene presa in considerazione la vicenda giurisprudenziale e dottrinale riguardante l'interpretazione della formula "comune sentimento del pudore", contenuta nell'art. 529 cod. pen.          

lunedì 22 settembre 2014

Circolo Giuridico

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Diritto Amministrativo

a cura di Franco Gaetano Scoca

venerdì 19 settembre 2014

Circolo Giuridico

In giro per il mondo, il sud nel cuore. Mezzogiorno tra ritardi ed opportunità
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In giro per il mondo.- Il sud nel cuore. Mezzogiorno tra ritardi ed opportunità

a cura di Luca Paolazzi
prefazione di Gianfranco Viesti

La Sicilia ha bisogno di un serio e coerente progetto che assicuri l´utilizzo ottimale delle sue risorse e le consenta di essere parte attiva, non più assistita, del Paese.” Parole di metà anni 90, ma valide ancor più oggi e per l´intero Mezzogiorno. Simboleggiano l´attualità degli articoli firmati da Pietro Busetta tra il 1995 e il 2000, raccolti in questo volume. Con tesi originali, spesso controcorrente, che costringono il lettore a riflettere sui mali che bloccano lo sviluppo dell´economia e della società meridionale e sempre più tutta l´Italia. Sono scritti con mente fredda e calda passione, analisi limpida e spirito civico. Anche quando esplora con curiosità e capacità di meravigliarsi (e meravigliare) realtà lontane, non solo geograficamente, il cuore batte sempre al Sud.

mercoledì 17 settembre 2014

Sezione IURA: Diritto pubblico

Resistance in the Age of Austerity: Nationalism, the Failure of the Left and the Return of God

Owen Worth - Zed Books 2013   

In November 1999 the first protests associated with the "anti-globalisation movement" took place in Seattle, and came to be seen as the starting point for globalised resistance to neoliberal capitalism. However, the following years have seen little progress in formulating a coherent alternative to neoliberalism, a failure more poignant in the aftermath of the recent credit crisis.

In this book, Owen Worth assesses the growing diversity of resistance to neoliberalism and argues that the more reactionary alternatives to globalization currently provide just as coherent a base for building opposition as those associated with the traditional "left-wing" anti-globalisation movements. From the shortcomings of the Occupy movement to the rise of Radical Islam - Worth shows that while a progressive alternative cannot be taken for granted. 

Sezione IURA: Diritto pubblico

The Meanings of Rights: The Philosophy and Social Theory of Human Rights 

Costas Douzinas, Conor Gearty - Cambridge University Press 2014          Anteprima del libro

Does the apparent victory, universality and ubiquity of the idea of rights indicate that such rights have transcended all conflicts of interests and moved beyond the presumption that it is the clash of ideas that drives culture? Or has the rhetorical triumph of rights not been replicated in reality? The contributors to this book answer these questions in the context of an increasing wealth gap between the metropolitan elites and the rest, a chasm in income and chances between the rich and the poor, and walls which divide the comfortable middle classes from the 'underclass'. Why do these inequalities persist in our supposed human rights-abiding societies? In seeking to address the foundations, genealogies, meaning and impact of rights, this book captures some of the energy, breadth, power and paradoxes that make deployment of the language of human rights such an essential but changeable part of so many of our contemporary discourses.

Sezione IURA: Diritto pubblico

Memory and Law

Lynn Nadel, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong - Oxford University Press 2012   Anteprima del libro

The legal system depends upon memory function in a number of critical ways, including the memories of victims, the memories of individuals who witness crimes or other critical events, the memories of investigators, lawyers, and judges engaged in the legal process, and the memories of jurors. How well memory works, how accurate it is, how it is affected by various aspects of the criminal justice system — these are all important questions. But there are others as well: Can we tell when someone is reporting an accurate memory? Can we distinguish a true memory from a false one? Can memories be selectively enhanced, or erased? Are memories altered by emotion, by stress, by drugs? These questions and more are addressed by Memory and Law, which aims to present the current state of knowledge among cognitive and neural scientists about memory as applied to the law

Sezione IURA: Diritto pubblico

Neuroscience and Legal Responsibility

Nicole A Vincent - Oxford University Press 2013             Anteprima del libro

How should neuroscience, psychology and behavioral genetics impact legal responsibility practices? Recent findings from these fields are sometimes claimed to threaten the moral foundations of legal responsibility practices by revealing that determinism, or something like it, is true. On this account legal responsibility practices should be abolished because there is no room for such outmoded fictions as responsibility in an enlightened and scientifically-informed approach to the regulation of society. However, the chapters in this volume reject this claim and its related agenda of radical legal reform. Embracing instead a broadly compatibilist approach - one according to which responsibility hinges on psychological features of agents not on metaphysical features of the universe - this volume's authors demonstrate that the behavioral and mind sciences may impact legal responsibility practices in a range of different ways, for instance: by providing fresh insight into the nature of normal and pathological human agency, by offering updated medical and legal criteria for forensic practitioners as well as powerful new diagnostic and intervention tools and techniques with which to appraise and to alter minds, and by raising novel regulatory challenges. Science and law have been locked in a philosophical dialogue on the nature of human agency ever since the 13th century when a mental element was added to the criteria for legal responsibility. The rich story told by the 14 essays in this volume testifies that far from ending this philosophical dialogue, neuroscience, psychology and behavioral genetics have the potential to further enrich and extend this dialogue.

Sezione IURA: Diritto pubblico

Handbook on Psychopathy and Law

Kent A. Kiehl, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong - OUP 2013                 Anteprima del libro               

Psychopaths constitute less than 1% of the general population but over 20% of prison populations. They commit a disproportionate amount of crime and violence in society. Given that the economic burden of crime in the United States is estimated to be over $2.3 trillion per year, psychopaths likely constitute one of the most expensive mental health conditions known today. This volume chronicles the latest science of psychopathy and the various ways the condition intersects with the criminal justice system. From the modern techniques to assess the symptoms, to its utility in predicting violent recidivism, to the latest neuroscience youth and adults, and the most promising avenues for treatment, this volume captures the modern science of the condition and discusses ethical and legal issues surrounding psychopaths.

Sezione IURA: Diritto pubblico

African Americans Confront Lynching: Strategies of Resistance from the Civil War to the Civil Rights Era

Christopher Waldrep - Rowman & Littlefield, 2009                    Antepima del libro

This book examines African Americans' strategies for resisting white racial violence from the Civil War until the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., in 1968 and up to the Clinton era. Christopher Waldrep's semi-biographical approach to the pioneers in the anti-lynching campaign portrays African Americans as active participants in the effort to end racial violence rather than as passive victims. In telling this more than 100-year-old story of violence and resistance, Waldrep describes how white Americans legitimized racial violence after the Civil War, and how black journalists campaigned against the violence by invoking the Constitution and the law as a source of rights. He shows how, toward the end of the nineteenth century and into the twentieth, anti-lynching crusaders Ida B. Wells and Monroe Work adopted a more sociological approach, offering statistics and case studies to thwart white claims that a black propensity for crime justified racial violence. Waldrep describes how the NAACP, founded in 1909, represented an organized, even bureaucratic approach to the fight against lynching. Despite these efforts, racial violence continued after World War II, as racists changed tactics, using dynamite more than the rope or the gun. Waldrep concludes by showing how modern day hate crimes continue the lynching tradition, and how the courts and grass-roots groups have continued the tradition of resistance to racial violence. A rich selection of documents helps give the story a sense of immediacy. Sources include nineteenth-century eyewitness accounts of lynching, courtroom testimony of Ku Klux Klan victims, South Carolina senator Ben Tillman's 1907 defense of lynching, and the text of the first federal hate crimes law."

Circolo Giuridico

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Il doppio binario nell'accertamento dei fatti di mafia

Autore : Alfredo Bargi

L'incessante espansione del fenomeno mafioso ha comportato la progressiva evoluzione delle misure di contrasto del crimine organizzato, secondo linee per lo più sviluppate dalla giurisprudenza, sia nazionale che sovranazionale, che hanno trovato ampio riscontro in un'intensa produzione legislativa. La frequente elusione delle garanzie penali e processuali di rango costituzionale ha concorso a dare origine alla creazione di un sottosistema normativo cadenzato dal varo di periodici "pacchetti sicurezza" che, di volta in volta, hanno modificato le fattispecie normative ed introdotto nuove figure di misure ablative patrimoniali, di pari passo con un significativo inasprimento sanzionatorio poco rispettoso dei criteri di razionale dosimetria della pena. L'adozione della politica del "doppio binario", quale risposta dell'ordinamento alle attività illecite di sempre più agguerriti sodalizi criminosi, ha progressivamente determinato l'erosione di tradizionali profili dogmatici d'istituti di diritto penale sostanziale e processuale ed allo stesso tempo il concreto rischio di contaminazione dell'intero sistema penale. L'opera si propone di individuare le linee specifiche del regime normativo delle fattispecie associative e della relativa disciplina che governa il giudizio.          

Sezione IURA: Diritto pubblico

Estado social, empleo y derechos: una revisión crítica

Pablo Miravet Bergón - Tirant lo Blanch, 2014 

Circolo Giuridico

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Diritto internazionale

di Antonio Cassese, a cura di Paola Gaeta

Il manuale offre un quadro completo del diritto internazionale quale essenziale fattore di regolazione delle relazioni e dei conflitti della società internazionale. Questa nuova edizione, curata da Paola Gaeta, tiene conto dei più recenti e importanti sviluppi della prassi e della giurisprudenza internazionale. Il testo, arricchito e in parte ristrutturato, mantiene quella peculiare ispirazione a considerare gli istituti giuridici internazionali non solo da un punto di vista strettamente giuridico, ma anche come istituzioni calate nella realtà storica, politica e sociale in cui operano

Circolo Giuridico

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Compendio di diritto tributario 2013

Autore : Raffaello Lupi

Pur con la sintesi e l'oggettività dei "compendi", il testo evita dispersivi appiattimenti sulla sterminata normativa tributaria, cogliendo invece gli snodi fondamentali della moderna determinazione della ricchezza ai fini tributari. Il fulcro del volume sta nella dialettica tra la tradizionale determinazione valutativa dei tributi da parte di pubblici uffici e la determinazione ragionieristica da parte delle aziende. Attraverso questo filo conduttore il compendio esamina in modo esauriente i tradizionali argomenti del diritto tributario, dalle fonti normative ai poteri amministrativi, dal contenzioso all'interpretazione, dalle sanzioni ai soggetti passivi, nonché i concetti strutturali dei singoli tributi.          

venerdì 12 settembre 2014

Sezione Diritto e società

The Supreme Court and the Attitudinal Model Revisited

Jeffrey A. Segal, Harold J. Spaeth - Cambridge University Press, 2002    Anteprima del libro

Authored by two leading scholars of the Supreme Court and its policy making, this study systematically presents and validates the use of the attitudinal model to explain and predict Supreme Court decision making. In the process, it critiques the two major alternative models of Supreme Court decision making and their major variants--the legal and rational choice. Using the U.S. Supreme Court Data Base, the justices' private papers, and other sources of information, the book analyzes the appointment process, certiorari, the decision on the merits, opinion assignments, and the formation of opinion coalitions.

Sezione Diritto e società

Designing Democracy: What Constitutions Do

Cass R. Sunstein - Oxford University Press, 2001         Anteprima del libro

"In modern nations, political disagreement is the source of both the gravest danger and the greatest security," writes Cass Sunstein. All democracies face intense political conflict. But is this conflict necessarily something to fear? In this provocative book, one of our leading political and legal theorists reveals how a nation's divisions of conviction and belief can be used to safeguard democracy.
Confronting one explosive political issue after another, from presidential impeachment to the limits of religious liberty, from discrimination against women and gays to the role of the judiciary, Sunstein constructs a powerful new perspective from which to show how democracies negotiate their most divisive real-world problems. He focuses on a series of concrete concerns that go to the heart of the relationship between the idea of democracy and the idea of constitutionalism. Illustrating his discussion with examples from constitutional debates and court-cases in South Africa, Eastern Europe, Israel, America, and elsewhere, Sunstein takes readers through a number of highly charged questions: When should government be permitted to control discriminatory behavior by or within religious organizations? Does it make sense to govern on the basis of popular referenda? Can the right to have an abortion be defended? Can we defend Internet regulation? Should the law step in if children are being schooled in discriminatory preferences and beliefs? Should a constitution protect rights to food, shelter, and health care?
Disputes over questions such as these can be fierce enough to pose a grave threat. But in a paradox whose elaboration forms the core of Sunstein's book, it is a nation's apparently threatening diversity of opinion that can ensure its integrity.

Extending his important recent work on the way deliberation within like-minded groups can produce extremism, Sunstein breaks new ground in identifying the mechanisms behind political conflict in democratic nations. At the same time, he develops a profound understanding of a constitutional democracy's system of checks and balances. Sunstein shows how a good constitution, fostering a "republic of reasons," enables people of opposing ethical and religious commitments to reach agreement where agreement is necessary, while making it unnecessary to reach agreement when agreement is impossible.

A marvel of lucid, subtle reasoning, DESIGNING DEMOCRACY makes invaluable reading for anyone concerned with the promises and pitfalls of the democratic experiment

Sezione Diritto e società

Why Nudge?: The Politics of Libertarian Paternalism

Cass R. Sunstein - Yale University Press, 2014            

Based on a series of pathbreaking lectures given at Yale University in 2012, this powerful, thought-provoking work by national best-selling author Cass R. Sunstein combines legal theory with behavioral economics to make a fresh argument about the legitimate scope of government, bearing on obesity, smoking, distracted driving, health care, food safety, and other highly volatile, high-profile public issues. Behavioral economists have established that people often make decisions that run counter to their best interests—producing what Sunstein describes as “behavioral market failures.” Sometimes we disregard the long term; sometimes we are unrealistically optimistic; sometimes we do not see what is in front of us. With this evidence in mind, Sunstein argues for a new form of paternalism, one that protects people against serious errors but also recognizes the risk of government overreaching and usually preserves freedom of choice.

Against those who reject paternalism of any kind, Sunstein shows that “choice architecture”—government-imposed structures that affect our choices—is inevitable, and hence that a form of paternalism cannot be avoided. He urges that there are profoundly moral reasons to ensure that choice architecture is helpful rather than harmful—and that it makes people’s lives better and longer

Sezione Diritto e società

Bad Samaritans: The Guilty Secrets of Rich Nations and the Threat to Global Prosperity

Ha-Joon Chang - Random House Business, 2008                                        

It's rare that a book appears with a fresh perspective on world affairs, but renowned economist Ha-Joon Chang has some startlingly original things to say about the future of globalization. In theory, he argues, the world's wealthiest countries and supra-national institutions like the IMF, World Bank and WTO want to see all nations developing into modern industrial societies. In practice, though, those at the top are 'kicking away the ladder' to wealth that they themselves climbed.

Why? Self-interest certainly plays a part. But, more often, rich and powerful governments and institutions are actually being 'Bad Samaritans': their intentions are worthy but their simplistic free-market ideology and poor understanding of history leads them to inflict policy errors on others. Chang demonstrates this by contrasting the route to success of economically vibrant countries with the very different route now being dictated to the world's poorer nations. In the course of this, he shows just how muddled the thinking is in such key areas as trade and foreign investment. He shows that the case for privatisation and against state involvement is far from proven. And he explores the ways in which attitudes to national cultures and political ideologies are obscuring clear thinking and creating bad policy. Finally, he argues the case for new strategies for a more prosperous world that may appall the 'Bad Samaritans'

Sezione Diritto e società


Ha-Joon Chang - Pelican, 2014 

What is economics?
What can - and can't it explain about the world?
Why does it matter?
In Economics: The User's Guide, bestselling author Ha-Joon Chang explains how the global economy works, and why anyone can understand the dismal science. Unlike many economists who claim there is only one way of 'doing economics', he introduces readers to a wide range of economic theories, from classical to Keynesian, revealing how they all have their strengths, weaknesses and blind spots. By ignoring the received wisdom, and exposing the myriad forces that shape our financial fate, Chang provides the tools that every responsible citizen needs to understand - and address - our current economic woes.

giovedì 11 settembre 2014

Sezione IURA: Diritto pubblico

Interpretation and Revision of International Boundary Decisions 

Kaiyan Homi Kaikobad - Cambridge University Press, 2007         Anteprima del libro          

This book, first published in 2007, seeks to examine a consistent theme occurring in judgements and awards given by international tribunals in the matter of boundary disputes, a theme which is predicated on finding some sort of difficulty in the implementation of those awards and judgements. This is a feature prominent in boundary and territorial disputes inasmuch as decisions relative to title to territory and location of a boundary line are always keenly contested and hotly disputed. Two remedies which have frequently been relied on by States are those of interpretation and revision. The author sheds light on how, when and in what circumstances will the tribunal be able to interpret or revise either its own or another tribunal's decisions. By doing so, the study succeeds in contributing to an understanding of this area of the law

Sezione IURA: Diritto pubblico

The Interpretation of Acts and Rules in Public International Law

Alexander Orakhelashvili - Oxford University Press 2008            Anteprima del libro     

There are frequent claims that the international legal regulation of international law is uncertain, vague, ambiguous, or indeterminate, which does not support the stability, transparency, or predictability of international legal relations. This monograph examines the framework of interpretation in international law based on the premise of the effectiveness and determinacy of international legal regulation, which is a necessary pre-requisite for international law to be viewed as law. 
This study examines this problem for the first time since these questions were addressed, and taken as the basic premises of the international legal analysis, in the works of JL Brierly and Sir Hersch Lauterpacht. Addressing the different aspects of the effectiveness of legal regulation, this monograph explores the structural limits on, and threshold of, legal regulation, and the relationship between the established legal regulation and non-law. Once the limits of legal regulation are ascertained, the analysis proceeds to study the legal framework of interpretation that serves the maintenance and preservation of the object and intendment of the existing legal regulation. 
The final indispensable stage of analysis is the interpretation of those treaty provisions that embody the indeterminate conditions of non-law. Given that the generalist element of international legal doctrine has been virtually silent on the problem and implications of the effectiveness and determinacy of international legal regulation, this study examines the material accumulated in doctrine and practice for the past several decades, including the relevant jurisprudence of all major international tribunals

martedì 9 settembre 2014

venerdì 5 settembre 2014

Sezione Diritto Privato Generale

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Codice Civile
Tomo 1. Artt. 1-1677

a cura di Pietro Rescigno

Il Codice Civile a cura di Pietro Rescigno è una delle opere accolte con maggiore favore nella produzione giuridica Giuffrè. Alla sua nona edizione, commentata con la dottrina e annotata con la giurisprudenza, si arricchisce nei commenti e nei contenuti con le novità delle due epocali riforme: condominio e filiazione (l. n. 219/2012 e d.lgs. n. 154/2013). Con il consueto stile sintetico, scevro da riferimenti a questioni di carattere esclusivamente teorico e definitorio ma di forte valenza pratica, e con il confronto continuo tra le opinioni della dottrina, vengono commentati tutti gli articoli del codice civile (con le relative disposizioni di attuazione), comprese le disposizioni sulla legge in generale. Il volume è completato dal commento alla legge sullo scioglimento del matrimonio (l. 898/1970). L'opera, come l'edizione precedente, si ripartisce in due volumi così confermandone l'agevole consultazione.

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Il lavoro nelle reti di imprese : profili giuridici

Autore Ilario Alvino

Il libro esamina gli effetti giuridici che l'instaurazione di forme di collaborazione reticolare produce sull'applicazione del sistema di tutele predisposto dall'ordinamento a vantaggio del lavoratore subordinato. L'indagine si dipana in quattro tappe. La prima è dedicata a valutare in che modo la creazione di rapporti di collaborazione reticolare è suscettibile di incidere sulla nozione di datore di lavoro, alterando la formale imputazione del contratto di lavoro o ponendo responsabilità in capo a soggetti estranei al rapporto di lavoro. La seconda parte è dedicata all'esame degli strumenti che meglio di altri appaiono funzionali a favorire l'acquisizione e la circolazione del lavoro all'interno della rete per fronteggiarne le esigenze produttive ed organizzative. Particolare attenzione viene dedicata in quest'ambito alla facoltà di assumere congiuntamente il lavoratore recentemente riconosciuta alle imprese stipulanti il contratto di rete. Nella terza parte sono ricostruiti gli effetti che l'instaurazione di rapporti di collaborazione reticolare produce sui diritti e sugli obblighi delle parti del contratto di lavoro. L'ultima parte è infine dedicata all'approfondimento del ruolo che può essere svolto dall'autonomia collettiva.

giovedì 4 settembre 2014

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Why Nudge?

Autore : Cass R. Sunstein

Based on a series of pathbreaking lectures given at Yale University in 2012, this powerful, thought-provoking work by national best-selling author Cass R. Sunstein combines legal theory with behavioral economics to make a fresh argument about the legitimate scope of government, bearing on obesity, smoking, distracted driving, health care, food safety, and other highly volatile, high-profile public issues. Behavioral economists have established that people often make decisions that run counter to their best interests—producing what Sunstein describes as “behavioral market failures.” Sometimes we disregard the long term; sometimes we are unrealistically optimistic; sometimes we do not see what is in front of us. With this evidence in mind, Sunstein argues for a new form of paternalism, one that protects people against serious errors but also recognizes the risk of government overreaching and usually preserves freedom of choice.

Against those who reject paternalism of any kind, Sunstein shows that “choice architecture”—government-imposed structures that affect our choices—is inevitable, and hence that a form of paternalism cannot be avoided. He urges that there are profoundly moral reasons to ensure that choice architecture is helpful rather than harmful—and that it makes people’s lives better and longer.

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Design Democracy. What Constitutions Do

Autore : Cass R. Sunstein

"In modern nations, political disagreement is the source of both the gravest danger and the greatest security," writes Cass Sunstein. All democracies face intense political conflict. But is this conflict necessarily something to fear? In this provocative book, one of our leading political and legal theorists reveals how a nation's divisions of conviction and belief can be used to safeguard democracy. Confronting one explosive political issue after another, from presidential impeachment to the limits of religious liberty, from discrimination against women and gays to the role of the judiciary, Sunstein constructs a powerful new perspective from which to show how democracies negotiate their most divisive real-world problems. He focuses on a series of concrete concerns that go to the heart of the relationship between the idea of democracy and the idea of constitutionalism. Illustrating his discussion with examples from constitutional debates and court-cases in South Africa, Eastern Europe, Israel, America, and elsewhere, Sunstein takes readers through a number of highly charged questions: When should government be permitted to control discriminatory behavior by or within religious organizations? Does it make sense to govern on the basis of popular referenda? Can the right to have an abortion be defended? Can we defend Internet regulation? Should the law step in if children are being schooled in discriminatory preferences and beliefs? Should a constitution protect rights to food, shelter, and health care? Disputes over questions such as these can be fierce enough to pose a grave threat. But in a paradox whose elaboration forms the core of Sunstein's book, it is a nation's apparently threatening diversity of opinion that can ensure its integrity. Extending his important recent work on the way deliberation within like-minded groups can produce extremism, Sunstein breaks new ground in identifying the mechanisms behind polit.

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Bad Samaritans

Autore : Ha-Joon Chang

It's rare that a book appears with a fresh perspective on world affairs, but renowned economist Ha-Joon Chang has some startlingly original things to say about the future of globalization. In theory, he argues, the world's wealthiest countries and supra-national institutions like the IMF, World Bank and WTO want to see all nations developing into modern industrial societies. In practice, though, those at the top are 'kicking away the ladder' to wealth that they themselves climbed. Why? Self-interest certainly plays a part. But, more often, rich and powerful governments and institutions are actually being 'Bad Samaritans': their intentions are worthy but their simplistic free-market ideology and poor understanding of history leads them to inflict policy errors on others. Chang demonstrates this by contrasting the route to success of economically vibrant countries with the very different route now being dictated to the world's poorer nations. In the course of this, he shows just how muddled the thinking is in such key areas as trade and foreign investment. He shows that the case for privatisation and against state involvement is far from proven. And he explores the ways in which attitudes to national cultures and political ideologies are obscuring clear thinking and creating bad policy. Finally, he argues the case for new strategies for a more prosperous world that may appall the 'Bad Samaritans'.

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Economic the user's guide

Autore : Ha-Joon Chang

What is economics? What can - and can't - it explain about the world? Why does it matter? Ha-Joon Chang teaches economics at Cambridge University, and writes a column for the Guardian. The Observer called his book 23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism, which was a no.1 bestseller, 'a witty and timely debunking of some of the biggest myths surrounding the global economy.' He won the Wassily Leontief Prize for advancing the frontiers of economic thought, and is a vocal critic of the failures of our current economic system.

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The Supreme Court and the attitudinal model revisited

Autori : Jeffrey a. Segal and Haroldm J. Spaeth

This book, authored by two leading scholars of the Supreme Court and its policy making, systematically presents and validates the use of the attitudinal model to explain and predict Supreme Court decision making. In the process, it critiques the two major alternative models of Supreme Court decision making and their major variants: the legal and rational choice. Using the US Supreme Court Data Base, the justices' private papers, and other sources of information, the book analyzes the appointment process, certiorari, the decision on the merits, opinion assignments, and the formation of opinion coalitions. The book will be the definitive presentation of the attitudinal model as well as an authoritative critique of the legal and rational choice models. The book thoroughly reflects research done since the 1993 publication of its predecessor, as well as decisions and developments in the Supreme Court, including the momentous decision of Bush v. Gore.

martedì 2 settembre 2014

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Scritti sul processo civile
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v.2.: Processo di cognizione. Impugnazioni

Autore : Girolamo Monteleone

Il volume racchiude i saggi aventi ad oggetto il processo di cognizione di primo grado e le impugnazioni nelle sue più varie sfumature e in diversi campi di applicazione, dall’estinzione del giudizio in primo grado all’inammissibilità del ricorso alla Cassazione Civile.

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Scritti sul processo civile
v.1.: Teoria generale del processo. Disposizioni generali del codice di procedura civile

Autore : Girolamo Monteleone

Il volume racchiude i saggi aventi ad oggetto problemi di Teoria generale del processo e questioni attinenti le disposizioni generali del codice di procedura civile. Esso si apre con il saggio più recente, riguardante la motivazione della sentenza, per sottolineare il dissenso dell'autore rispetto a recenti e deprecabili tendenze volte a sminuire l'importanza di questo fondamentale istituto.

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Ritrattazione della volontà risolutoria e reviviscenza del contratto

Autore : Luisa Pascucci

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Il contratto di assicurazione per conto

Autore : Domenica Pirilli

Sotto il titolo "Assicurazione per conto altrui o per conto di chi spetta" il disposto di cui all'art. 1891 c.c. trova opportuna collocazione tra i due poli dell'interesse (in senso tecnico-assicurativo) e del principio indennitario. È una dialettica centrale nelle problematiche civilistiche: essa, ponendosi in equilibrio tra criterio formale di legittimazione (es. possesso della polizza) e criterio sostanziale di titolarità dell'interesse assicurato, contribuisce a mantenere vivo il dibattito in un settore, quello assicurativo, da sempre foriero di idee nuove e pronto nel dare risposte adeguate alle esigenze che provengono dalla società, sia essa quella mercantile del XIV secolo o quella globalizzata odierna. Tutto ciò in ragione della duttilità che rende l'assicurazione inossidabile e che induce un sempre maggiore ricorso alla stessa. Ma l'assicurazione, pur incline all'interdisciplinarietà, per rimanere nell'alveo che le è proprio e continuare a svolgere il ruolo precipuo che ormai le viene riconosciuto, deve mantenere la propria identità di strumento principe di governo dei rischi evitando di tramutarsi in mezzo attraverso cui ottenere un ingiustificato arricchimento.