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venerdì 7 febbraio 2014

Diritto e società

The SAGE Handbook of Online Research Methods

Nigel G Fielding, Raymond M Lee, Grant Blank - SAGE Publications, 2008 

This handbook provides comprehensive coverage of contemporary and developing Internet and online social research methods, spanning both quantitative andqualitative research applications.
The editors have brought together leading names in the field of online research to give a thoroughly up to date commentary on current debates. The chapters cover both methodological and procedural themes, offering readers a sophisticated treatment of the practice and uses of Internet and online research that is grounded in research methodology. Beginning with an examination of the significance of the Internet as a research medium, the book goes on to cover research design, data capture, the survey, virtual ethnography, and the internet as an archival resource, and concludes by looking at potential directions for the future of Internet and online research.
The Handbook of Internet and Online Research Methods will be welcomed by anyone interested in the contemporary practice of computer-mediated research and scholarship. Postgraduates, researchers and methodologists from dicsplines across the social sciences will find this an inavlauble source of reference.