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giovedì 23 gennaio 2014

Sezione IURA: Diritto pubblico

The Interpretation and Application of the European Convention of Human Rights: Legal and Practical Implications

Malgosia FitzmauricePanos Merkouris - Martinus Nijhoff Publishers2012     Anteprima del libro

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In The Interpretation and Application of the European Convention of Human Rights: Legal and Practical Implications, the aim is to offer a two-pronged approach to demonstrate the influence the ECHR has had and continues to have in the field of human rights as well as in other areas of international law. The first part of the book explores general and theoretical aspects of the application of the ECHR, such as provisional applications, norm-conflict resolution, the interplay between human rights and occupation law. The second Part, building on the research and conclusions of the first Part, examines the relationship of the ECHR with other areas of law. Since no branch of international law exists in "clinical isolation", this Part analyses the effect that the ECHR has on and is recipient of, form a variety of diverse areas of law such as law of the sea, investment law and rights of indigenous peoples. Book jacket.