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venerdì 17 gennaio 2014

Sezione Dismot

Sports Law

di: Mark James

The Palgrave Macmillan Law Masters series is a long-running and successful list of titles offering clear, concise and authoritative guides to the main subject areas, written by experienced and respected authors. Sports Law provides a comprehensive overview of the ways in which the law has impacted on how sport is played, administered and consumed. The author writes in a clear and engaging manner, tracing the origins and sources of this new subject and drawing examples from a wide range of professional and amateur sports to illustrate the important current debates and topics of interest. This second edition has been fully updated, and includes full coverage of the Olympic Games. Supported throughout by chapter summaries, explanations of key terms and detailed further reading lists, this text makes an ideal companion to the study of sports law at undergraduate or postgraduate level. A companion website featuring regular updates on latest developments and links to relevant websites can be found at www.palgrave.com/law/james2e