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giovedì 27 maggio 2010

Nuova pubblicazione

Aldo Schiavello
Perchè obbedire al diritto?
La risposta convenzionalista ed i suoi limiti

Le risposte affermative alla domanda scelta come titolo - Perchè obbedire al diritto? - sono riconducibili a tre alternative: a) la normatività del diritto dipende dalla coazione ("modello del banditismo"); b) la normatività del diritto dipende da ragioni morali ("modello della morale"); c) la normatività del diritto è indipendente sia dalla coazione sia da ragioni morali e deve essere ricondotta a "ragioni giuridiche" ( modello dell'autonomia"). Il convenzionalismo giuridico, che nasce con la practice theory of norms di Herbert Hart, è una versione del modello dell'autonomia. L'angolo visuale da cui in questo libro si guarda alla questione della normatività del diritto è proprio quello del positivismo giuridico hartiano e post-hartiano, caratterizzato dalla cosiddetta "svolta convenzionalista".

Il merito di questa versione del positivismo giuridico è, innanzitutto, quello di non avere trascurato il tema dell'obblico giuridico; in secondo luogo, quello di avere proposto una spiegazione dell'obblicatorietà del diritto almeno in parte originale rispetto alle spiegazioni proposte in precedenza; in terzo luogo, quello di avere tentato di distinguere l'obbligo giuridico rispettivamente dall'obbligo morale e dalla coazione. Aldo Schiavello propone una ricostruzione critica di questo modello di giustificazione della normatività del diritto e difende la tesi che l'autonomia dell'obbligo giuridico dall'obbligo morale è meramente apparente. Sostenere questa posizione, tuttavia, non implica affatto una abiura del positivismo giuridico

martedì 25 maggio 2010


Rodolfo Signorino
(Università di Palermo)
26 Maggio 2010
ore 16:00
Dipartimento Studi su Politica Diritto e Società
Aula Seminari

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Lelio Lantella - Raffaele Caterina
Se X allora Y
II: Lavorare con le regole

Questo volumetto nasce da alcune considerazioni sull'apprendere contemporaneo: gran parte del sapere è costituito da formulazioni recepite passivamente e rafforzate da associazioni suggestive. Anche l'università, sedotta dal festoso masochismo di accodarsi al banale, ha sposato l'approccio: più "frontalità" (che sviluppa l'udito a scapito dell'autonomia formativa), più parole nei corsi, più pagine dei manuali. Ma ne escono persone destinate a saper fare qualche cosa? Viene in mente un pensiero che piaceva a Giambattista Vico: "verum ipsum factum": in una delle sue implicazioni, "Il sapere vero è quello che si fonda nell'aver fatto". Traendone un corollario, occorre valorizzare il momento delle abilità: non quelle meschine del praticonzolo; ma quelle alte, in cui teoria e prassi si valorizzano dialetticamente (cosa utile anche per chi si occupa di diritto!).

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Lelio Lantella - Raffaele Caterina
Se X allora Y
I: L'universo della regola

La regola è un dato di enorme rilievo: è essenziale in molti campi di esperienza; è ineludibile in ogni formazione (della Persona) finalizzata a consapevolezza e rigore; inoltre, sin dall'epoca "classica", la cultura delle regole è tra i formanti della civiltà occidentale. Incontrare regole è cosa di ogni momento e sembra facile cavarsela. Ma non è così: soprattutto, è difficile lavorare con le regole. Sta poi, sullo sfondo, una bivalenza non da poco: attraverso le regole è possibile tribolare la vita altrui e persino la propria; per contro, attraverso le regole è possibile garantire valori e vivere meglio. Conclusione: la regola è un utensile importante, la sua conoscenza è raccomandata, il suo impiego esige competenza.

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Domenico Losurdo
La non-violenza
Una storia fuori dal mito

Dopo un secolo tragicamente carico di violenza e di terrore, l'ideale della non-violenza esercita un fascino crescente sulle coscienze di donne e uomini. Ma quali sono stati i primi movimenti ad agitare questo ideale e quali difficoltà essi hanno dovuto affrontare in un periodo storico particolarmente ricco di guerre e rivoluzioni? Dalle organizzazioni cristiane che nei primi decenni dell'Ottocento si propongono negli Usa di combattere congiuntamente e in modo pacifico i flagelli della schiavitù e della guerra, fino ai protagonisti della non-violenza: Thoreau, Tolstoj, Gandhi, Capitini, Dolci, M.L. King, il Dalai Lama o i più recenti ispiratori delle 'rivoluzioni colorate'. Costante è il confronto tra il movimento non-violento e il movimento anticolonialista e antimilitarista di ispirazione socialista e sono prese in considerazione anche le posizioni di illustri teologi cristiani (R. Niebuhr e D. Bonhoeffer) e filosofe di diverso orientamento ma entrambe autrici di importanti contributi sul problema della violenza, come Simone Weil e Hannah Arendt.

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Basil Markesinis
Jorg Fedtke
Giudici e diritto straniero
La pratica del diritto comparato

Nel diritto contemporaneo crescono anche a livello giurisprudenziale le necessità di scambio e le occasioni di "contaminazione", come conseguenza dell'interdipendenza e stretta interrelazione degli atti e delle situazioni giuridiche. Che si tratti di tutela dei diritti umani, di risarcimenti, di modelli societari, finanziari o di mercato per il commercio e gli affari, i giudici, nelle loro decisioni, possono ispirarsi ad una pluralità di fonti, soprattutto quando il diritto nazionale è obsoleto, poco chiaro o contraddittorio. Nel loro approfondito studio Markesinis e Fedtke analizzano l'operato dei giudici nazionali nel momento in cui si trovano a dialogare con leggi e prassi giuridiche altre, evidenziano il ruolo della mentalità del giudice nell'indirizzarsi al diritto non nazionale, sottolineando le implicazioni del ricorso al diritto straniero in termini di accettazione e adozione di valori etici ed aspirazioni comuni. Il volume prende in considerazione i più importanti sistemi giuridici occidentali, tocca sia l'ambito del diritto privato sia quello del diritto pubblico, ed è corredato dagli interventi di alcuni fra i più autorevoli giudici delle Corti supreme.
Sir Basil Markesinis è professore di Common and Civil Law nell'University College di Londra e a Austin nella University of Texas. Ha inoltre insegnato a Cambridge e a Oxford, dove ha fondato l'Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law. Jörg Fedtke è Direttore dell'Institute of Global Law dell'University College di Londra e insegna Diritto dell'Unione europea a Austin nella University of Texas.

lunedì 17 maggio 2010

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Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters ...
di George A. Akerlof,Robert J. Shiller

Anteprima limitata

The global financial crisis has made it painfully clear that powerful psychological forces are imperiling the wealth of nations today. From blind faith in ever-rising housing prices to plummeting confidence in capital markets, "animal spirits" are driving financial events worldwide. In this book, acclaimed economists George Akerlof and Robert Shiller challenge the economic wisdom that got us into this mess, and put forward a bold new vision that will transform economics and restore prosperity. Akerlof and Shiller reassert the necessity of an active government role in economic policymaking by recovering the idea of animal spirits, a term John Maynard Keynes used to describe the gloom and despondence that led to the Great Depression and the changing psychology that accompanied recovery. Like Keynes, Akerlof and Shiller know that managing these animal spirits requires the steady hand of government--simply allowing markets to work won't do it. In rebuilding the case for a more robust, behaviorally informed Keynesianism, they detail the most pervasive effects of animal spirits in contemporary economic life--such as confidence, fear, bad faith, corruption, a concern for fairness, and the stories we tell ourselves about our economic fortunes--and show how Reaganomics, Thatcherism, and the rational expectations revolution failed to account for them.Animal Spirits offers a road map for reversing the financial misfortunes besetting us today. Read it and learn how leaders can channel animal spirits--the powerful forces of human psychology that are afoot in the world economy today. In a new preface, they describe why our economic troubles may linger for some time--unless we are prepared to take further, decisive action.

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Political foundations of judicial supremacy: the presidency, the Supreme Court, and Constitutional Leadership in U.S. History
di Keith E. Whittington

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Should the Supreme Court have the last word when it comes to interpreting the Constitution? The justices on the Supreme Court certainly seem to think so--and their critics say that this position threatens democracy. But Keith Whittington argues that the Court's justices have not simply seized power and circumvented politics. The justices have had power thrust upon them--by politicians, for the benefit of politicians. In this sweeping political history of judicial supremacy in America, Whittington shows that presidents and political leaders of all stripes have worked to put the Court on a pedestal and have encouraged its justices to accept the role of ultimate interpreters of the Constitution. Whittington examines why presidents have often found judicial supremacy to be in their best interest, why they have rarely assumed responsibility for interpreting the Constitution, and why constitutional leadership has often been passed to the courts. The unprecedented assertiveness of the Rehnquist Court in striking down acts of Congress is only the most recent example of a development that began with the founding generation itself. Presidential bids for constitutional leadership have been rare, but reflect the temporary political advantage in doing so. Far more often, presidents have cooperated in increasing the Court's power and encouraging its activism. Challenging the conventional wisdom that judges have usurped democracy, Whittington shows that judicial supremacy is the product of democratic politics.

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European Constitutionalism Beyond Lisbon
di Jan Wouters,Luc Verhey

As Europe's leaders seek to finally secure the ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon after the Irish "no" vote, it is time to take a step back and review, in a broader perspective, the past decade of attempts at European constitutional reform.

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Law, pragmatism, and democracy
di Richard A. Posner

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A liberal state is a representative democracy constrained by the rule of law. Richard Posner argues for a conception of the liberal state based on pragmatic theories of government. He views the actions of elected officials as guided by interests rather than by reason and the decisions of judges by discretion rather than by rules. He emphasizes the institutional and material, rather than moral and deliberative, factors in democratic decision making.
Posner argues that democracy is best viewed as a competition for power by means of regular elections. Citizens should not be expected to play a significant role in making complex public policy regarding, say, taxes or missile defense. The great advantage of democracy is not that it is the rule of the wise or the good but that it enables stability and orderly succession in government and limits the tendency of rulers to enrich or empower themselves to the disadvantage of the public. Posner's theory steers between political theorists' concept of deliberative democracy on the left and economists' public-choice theory on the right. It makes a significant contribution to the theory of democracy--and to the theory of law as well, by showing that the principles that inform Schumpeterian democratic theory also inform the theory and practice of adjudication. The book argues for law and democracy as twin halves of a pragmatic theory of American government.

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A failure of capitalism: the crisis of '08 and the descent into depression
di Richard A. Posner

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The financial and economic crisis that began in 2008 is the most alarming of our lifetime because of the warp-speed at which it is occurring. How could it have happened, especially after all that we’ve learned from the Great Depression? Why wasn’t it anticipated so that remedial steps could be taken to avoid or mitigate it? What can be done to reverse a slide into a full-blown depression? Why have the responses to date of the government and the economics profession been so lackluster? Richard Posner presents a concise and non-technical examination of this mother of all financial disasters and of the, as yet, stumbling efforts to cope with it. No previous acquaintance on the part of the reader with macroeconomics or the theory of finance is presupposed. This is a book for intelligent generalists that will interest specialists as well.
Among the facts and causes Posner identifies are: excess savingsflowing in from Asia and the reckless lowering of interest rates by theFederal Reserve Board; the relation between executive compensation,short-term profit goals, and risky lending; the housing bubble fuelled bylow interest rates, aggressive mortgage marketing, and loose regulations; the low savings rate of American people; and the highly leveraged balance sheets of large financial institutions.
Posner analyzes the two basic remedial approaches to the crisis, which correspond to the two theories of the cause of the Great Depression:the monetarist—that the Federal Reserve Board allowed the money supply to shrink, thus failing to prevent a disastrous deflation—and the Keynesian—that the depression was the product of a credit binge in the 1920’s, a stock-market crash, and the ensuing downward spiral in economic activity. Posner concludes that the pendulum swung too far and that our financial markets need to be more heavily regulated.

mercoledì 5 maggio 2010

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L'economia italiana dall'Unità alla Grande Guerra
Stefano Fenoaltea

L'economia italiana dall'Unità alla Grande Guerra
Collezione storica
Stefano Fenoaltea
Laterza, 2006
8842079251, 9788842079255

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Lo sviluppo economico italiano, 1820-1960
Jon Cohen,Giovanni Federico

Titolo: Lo sviluppo economico italiano, 1820-1960
Autori: Jon Cohen, Giovanni Federico
tradotto da: Massimiliano Landi
Editore: Il Mulino, 2001
ISBN 8815083111, 9788815083111

lunedì 3 maggio 2010

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Philosophy After Objectivity: Making Sense in Perspective
Paul K. Moser

Anteprima del libro

Since the beginning of philosophy, philosophers have sought objective knowledge: knowledge of things whose existence does not depend on one's conceiving of them. This book uses lessons from debates over objective knowledge to characterize the kinds of reasons pertinent to philosophical and other theoretical views. It argues that we cannot meet skeptics' typical demands for nonquestion-begging support for claims to objective truth, and that therefore we should not regard our supporting reasons as resistant to skeptical challenges. One key lesson is that a constructive, explanatory approach to philosophy must change the subject from skeptic-resistant reasons to perspectival reasons arising from variable semantic commitments and instrumental, purpose-relative considerations. The book lays foundations for such a reorientation of philosophy, treating fundamental methodological issues in ontology, epistemology, the theory of meaning, the philosophy of mind, and the theory of practical rationality. It explains how certain perennial debates in philosophy rest not on genuine disagreement, but on conceptual diversity: talk about different matters. The book shows how acknowledgment of conceptual diversity can resolve a range of traditional disputes in philosophy. It also explains why philosophers need not anchor their discipline in the physicalism of the natural sciences.

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Conflicts of Rights in the European Union: A Theory of Supranational Adjudication
Aida Torres Pérez

Underlying the protection of human rights in Europe is a complex network of overlapping legal systems - domestic, EU, and ECHR. This book focuses on the potential for conflict to emerge between the systems where rights overlap and interpretations in different courts begin to diverge. From the perspective of EU law, where the interpretation of rights differs national courts are asked to renounce the constitutional scope of protection, and the interpretations of the European Court of Human Rights, in favor of the scope defined by the European Court of Justice. From the perspective of the ECHR, the European Court of Human Rights is the ultimate authority on rights protection in Europe. This work presents a theory of supranational judicial authority to confront this problem, grounded in an ideal of judicial dialogue. It represents the first attempt to provide a thorough theoretical account of the value of judicial dialogue, and its potential for legitimating judicial decision-making at an international level. Combining theoretical rigor with attention to the practicalities of European human rights law, the book will be accessible to a broad readership of legal theorists, EU lawyers and judges involved in building inter-judicial dialogue.

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A Europe of rights: the impact of the ECHR on national legal systems
Helen Keller,Alec Stone Sweet

This volume focuses, comparatively and dynamically, on the reception of the ECHR regime within the national legal orders of the Member States of the Council of Europe. The definition of "legal order" used is expansive, including the legislature, the executive, the judiciary, and any public authority established through constitutional and public law that produces or applies legal norms. The central inquiry of the book is how, through what mechanisms, and to what extent, the national legal orders of the Member States are coordinated with, adapted to, or adjusted by the ECHR - emphasizing both the cooperative and conflictive aspects of reception.The book brings together a series of structured-focused comparisons: each chapter undertaking a comparative case study which collects and analyzes basic data on the reception of the ECHR within national legal orders. These structured-focused comparisons, whose purpose is not so much to test theory, but to develop appropriate theoretical concepts and to generate hypotheses, work on the assumption that comparing two, relatively like cases offer a better opportunity to build more general theoretical frameworks.Through an examination of a set of general questions about how national decision-makers - governments, legislators, and judges - have reacted to the evolution of European human rights law, the chapters enquire how various actors within national legal orders could take decisions to either hinder or to enhance the status of the ECHR. What interests or values, individual or corporate, are judges maximizing? How has this affected the evolution of the ECHR? How do national constitutions take into account treaty law (or international law generally)? Do separation of powers doctrines (or other explicit provisions of public law) permit or prohibit the judicial review of the legal validity of legislative and executive acts with reference to "higher" norms? To what extent should the federal or unitary nature of a Member State make a difference to reception? That is, should we expect the territorial distribution of powers and competences - judicial, legislative, administrative - to have an effect on the status or effectiveness of the ECHR, and if so, how?

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Debates in the Measurement of Global Poverty
Sudhir Anand,Paul Segal,Joseph E. Stiglitz

The international community's commitment to halve global poverty by 2015 has been enshrined in the first Millennium Development Goal. How global poverty is measured is a critical element in assessing progress towards this goal, and different researchers have presented widely-varying estimates. The chapters in this volume address a range of problems in the measurement and estimation of global poverty, from a variety of viewpoints. Topics covered include the controversiessurrounding the definition of a global poverty line; the use of purchasing power parity exchange rates to map the poverty line across countries; and the quality, and appropriate use, of data from national accounts and household surveys. Both official and independent estimates of global poverty have proved tobe controversial, and this volume presents and analyses the lively debate that has ensued.

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Legal Republicanism: National and International Perspectives
Samantha Besson,José Luis Martí

Interest in republicanism as a political theory has burgeoned in recent years, but its implications for the understanding of law have remained largely unexplored. Legal Republicanism is the first book to offer a comprehensive, critical survey of the potential for creating republican accounts of fundamental issues in law and legal theory.Bringing together contributors with backgrounds in political and legal philosophy, the essays in the volume assess republicanism's historical traditions, conceptual coherence, and normative proposals. The collection offers a valuable insight into new debates taking place in republican political and legal theory. It also analyzes potential republican approaches to concrete issues arising in areas of law such as criminal, constitutional and international law. Finally, the book includes comparisons between republican legal traditions and how they react to contemporary challenges. The book will be of value to political and democratic theorists, to legal philosophers and constitutional theorists, and all those interested in the legitimacy of decision-making in national and international settings.