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lunedì 28 maggio 2018

Sezione Diritto privato

The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Law and Governance

Jeffrey N. Gordon, Wolf-Georg Ringe - Oxford University Press, 26 apr 2018     
Corporate law and corporate governance have been at the forefront of regulatory activities across the world for several decades now, and are subject to increasing public attention following the Global Financial Crisis of 2008. The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Law and Governance provides the global framework necessary to understand the aims and methods of legal research in this field. Written by leading scholars from around the world, the Handbook contains a rich variety of chapters that provide a comparative and functional overview of corporate governance. It opens with the central theoretical approaches and methodologies in corporate law scholarship in Part I, before examining core substantive topics in corporate law, including shareholder rights, takeovers and restructuring, and minority rights in Part II. Part III focuses on new challenges in the field, including conflicts between Western and Asian corporate governance environments, the rise of foreign ownership, and emerging markets. Enforcement issues are covered in Part IV, and Part V takes a broader approach, examining those areas of law and finance that are interwoven with corporate governance, including insolvency, taxation, and securities law as well as financial regulation. The Handbook is a comprehensive, interdisciplinary resource placing corporate law and governance in its wider context, and is essential reading for scholars, practitioners, and policymakers in the field.

giovedì 24 maggio 2018

Sezione Storia del diritto

Marcelli ratio: Die Argumentationsweise des hochklassischen Juristen Ulpius Marcellus

Sezione Diritto privato

Shareholders’ agreements   7. Ed.

Sean Fitzgerald, Geraldine Caulfield – Sweet & Maxwell, 2017  

Sezione Storia del diritto

Entscheidungskorrekturen mit unbestimmter Wertung durch die klassische römische Jurisprudenz

Leggi l'estratto
Die Monographienreihe "Münchner Beiträge zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte" wurde 1950 von Joachim Werner an der Universität München gegründet und wird seit 1964 von der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften herausgegeben. Bisher sind 63 Bände erschienen. In ihnen werden bedeutende archäologische Funde, kunsthistorische Objekte und umfangreich ausgegrabene Fundplätze in Mittel- und Osteuropa von der Bronzezeit bis ins Mittelalter publiziert und ausgewertet. Heute konzentrieren sich die Themen auf den Alpenraum und die angrenzenden Gebiete von der Eisenzeit bis ins frühe Mittelalter.

giovedì 17 maggio 2018

Sezione Storia del diritto

Dall'ordine repubblicano ai poteri di Augusto: aspetti della legislazione romana

Jean-Louis Ferrary - L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2016

Sezione Storia del diritto

Tabulae Herculanenses: edizione e commento. I

Giuseppe Camodeca - Edizioni Quasar, 2017
Il volume raccoglie i diversi contributi pubblicati dall'autore sulle Tabulae Herculanenses, gli archivi di tavolette cerate rinvenute carbonizzate nel corso degli scavi degli anni '30 del secolo scorso in otto case di Ercolano.

Sezione Storia del diritto

Itinera: pagine scelte di Luigi Capogrossi Colognesi

Luigi Capogrossi Colognesi - 2017  

Sezione Storia del diritto

I beni di questo mondo: teorie etico-economiche nel laboratorio dell'Europa medievale : atti del convegno della Società italiana per lo studio del pensiero medievale (S.I.S.P.M.), Roma, 19-21 settembre 2005

Roberto Lambertini - Fédération internationale des instituts d'études médiévales, 2010

Sezione Storia del diritto

Römische Jurisprudenz - Dogmatik, Überlieferung, Rezeption.: Festschrift für Detlef Liebs zum 75. Geburtstag.

Sezione Diritto privato

Digital Piracy: A Global, Multidisciplinary Account

Steven Caldwell Brown, Thomas J. Holt - Routledge, 19 apr 2018

Non-Commercial digital piracy has seen an unprecedented rise in the wake of the digital revolution; with wide-scale downloading and sharing of copyrighted media online, often committed by otherwise law-abiding citizens. Bringing together perspectives from criminology, psychology, business, and adopting a morally neutral stance, this book offers a holistic overview of this growing phenomenon. It considers its cultural, commercial, and legal aspects, and brings together international research on a range of topics, such as copyright infringement, intellectual property, music publishing, movie piracy, and changes in consumer behaviour. This book offers a new perspective to the growing literature on cybercrime and digital security.
This multi-disciplinary book is the first to bring together international research on digital piracy and will be key reading for researchers in the fields of criminology, psychology, law and business.

Sezione Storia del diritto

Argumenta Pomponiana (Tedesco)

mercoledì 16 maggio 2018

Sezione Diritto privato


The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World

Stephen Castles, Hein de Haas, Mark J. Miller - Macmillan International Higher Education, 18 dic 2013
This leading text in the field provides a comprehensive assessment of the nature, extent and dimensions of international population movements and of their consequences. Thoroughly revised and updated, the 5th edition assesses the impact of the global economic crisis for migration and includes new material on climate change and migration.

Sezione Storia del diritto

Il governo del territorio nell’esperienza storico-giuridica

Ferretti, Paolo, Fiorentini, Mario, Rossi, Davide -  EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2017

L’uomo deve necessariamente rapportarsi in modo simbiotico con la realtà che lo circonda, rispettandola e, allo stesso tempo, traendone il massimo beneficio. Con lo scorrere dei secoli, lo sviluppo industriale e la nascita di sempre nuove e differenti esigenze economiche e sociali, si è inevitabilmente modificata la relazione tra il territorio e i suoi fruitori, aumentando il bisogno di una migliore pianificazione, nella considerazione dei vari equilibri in gioco. Questo volume è la sintesi di un percorso di conferenze sviluppate su contesti argomentativi e temporali che possono prima facie apparire distanti tra loro, ma che sono tutti uniti dalla medesima sensibilità, nonché dalla volontà di dimostrare l’ineliminabile e poliedrico flusso di relazioni che si sviluppano tra la natura e il genere umano.

Sezione Storia del diritto

Lorenzo Valla e la polemica sulla donazione di Costantino

Giovanni Antonazzi - Ed. di Storia e Letteratura, 1985 

Sezione Diritto pubblico

Giustizia costituzionale: 2. vol. Oggetti, procediemnti, decisioni

Sezione Storia del diritto

Affari, finanza e diritto nei primi due secoli dell'impero: atti del convegno internazionale di diritto romano, Copanello, 5-8- giugno 2004

Francesco Milazzo - Giuffrè Editore, 2012
Mercato, rischio, impresa, affari, lavoro autonomo, raccolta fiscale, relazioni pubbliche e etica sono le parole chiave attorno a cui è ricostruita la relativa trama giuridica per come questa si presentava in una delle più vivaci fasi dell'imperialismo romano. Otto relazioni specialistiche e numerosi interventi di esperti vagliano posizioni, letture e interpretazioni antiche e moderne, fornendo un quadro di indubbio interesse, completo e "in movimento", secondo l'ormai quasi trentennale consuetudine degli incontri ospitati ad anni alterni dalla località jonica di Copanello.

Sezione Diritto e società

Changing Sustainability Norms through Communication Processes: The Emergence of the Business and Human Rights Regime as Transnational Law

Karin Buhmann - Edward Elgar Publishing, 29 dic 2017

This book traces the development of the Business & Human Rights (BHR) regime that has so far culminated with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. It first surveys the argumentation and negotiation strategies that led to agreement on key elements of the BHR regime despite a range conflicting interests across stakeholders from public, private and not-for-profit organisations.  It then maps out pro-active regulatory strategies and public-private regulation for promoting responsible business conduct, offering insights for civil society, public regulators, business managers, academics and others. The book will assist engaged parties in structuring their arguments within negotiation processes with a view to enhancing their influence on change in business organisations in support of sustainability and new norms of conduct.

Sezione Diritto e società

Human Rights and Islam: An Introduction to Key Debates between Islamic Law and International Human Rights Law 

Abdullah Saeed - Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018  
Is there a basis for human rights in Islam? Beginning with an exploration of what rights are and how the human rights discourse developed, Abdullah Saeed explores the resources that exist within Islamic tradition. He looks at those that are compatible with international human rights law and can be garnered to promote and protect human rights in Muslim-majority states. A number of rights are given specific focus, including the rights of women and children, freedom of expression and religion, as well as jihad and the laws of war. Human Rights and Islam emphasises the need for Muslims to rethink problematic areas of Islamic thought that are difficult to reconcile with contemporary conceptions of human rights.

Sezione Diritto privato

Cross-Border Insolvency: The Enactment and Interpretation of the UNCITRAL Model Law

Neil Hannan - Springer, 21 ago 2017

This book examines the effect of the adoption of the United Nations Committee on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency in five common law jurisdictions, namely Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. It examines how each of those states has adopted, interpreted and applied the provisions of the Model Law, and highlights the effects of inconsistencies by examining jurisprudence in each of these countries, specifically how the Model Law affects existing principles of recognition of insolvency proceedings.
The book examines how the UNCITRAL Guide to enactment of the Model Law has affected the interpretation of each of its articles and, in turn, the courts’ ability to interpret and hence give effect to the purposes of the Model Law. It also considers the ability of courts to refer to amendments made to the Guide after enactment of the Model Law in a state, thereby questioning whether the current inconsistencies in interpretation can be overcome by UNCITRAL amending the Guide.

Sezione Diritto privato

World Without Mind: The Existential Threat of Big Tech

Franklin Foer - Penguin, 12 set 2017  

Over the past few decades there has been a revolution in terms of who controls knowledge and information. This rapid change has imperiled the way we think. Without pausing to consider the cost, the world has rushed to embrace the products and services of four titanic corporations. We shop with Amazon; socialize on Facebook; turn to Apple for entertainment; and rely on Google for information. These firms sell their efficiency and purport to make the world a better place, but what they have done instead is to enable an intoxicating level of daily convenience. As these companies have expanded, marketing themselves as champions of individuality and pluralism, their algorithms have pressed us into conformity and laid waste to privacy. They have produced an unstable and narrow culture of misinformation, and put us on a path to a world without private contemplation, autonomous thought, or solitary introspection—a world without mind. In order to restore our inner lives, we must avoid being coopted by these gigantic companies, and understand the ideas that underpin their success.

Elegantly tracing the intellectual history of computer science—from Descartes and the enlightenment to Alan Turing to Stuart Brand and the hippie origins of today's Silicon Valley—Foer exposes the dark underpinnings of our most idealistic dreams for technology. The corporate ambitions of Google, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon, he argues, are trampling longstanding liberal values, especially intellectual property and privacy. This is a nascent stage in the total automation and homogenization of social, political, and intellectual life. By reclaiming our private authority over how we intellectually engage with the world, we have the power to stem the tide.

At stake is nothing less than who we are, and what we will become. There have been monopolists in the past but today's corporate giants have far more nefarious aims. They’re monopolists who want access to every facet of our identities and influence over every corner of our decision-making. Until now few have grasped the sheer scale of the threat. Foer explains not just the looming existential crisis but the imperative of resistance.

Sezione Storia del diritto

Recht Haben Und Recht Bekommen Im Imperium Romanum: Das Gerichtswesen Der Römischen Kaiserzeit Und Seine Dokumentarische Evidenz

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Promoting Sustainable Innovations in Plant Varieties

Mrinalini Kochupillai -  Springer, 28 lug 2016

This book develops the term ‘Sustainable Innovations’ and defines it on the basis of plant variety innovations that, by their very nature, (i) permit the in situ conservation of agrobiodiversity and genetic variability in diverse geographic and climatic conditions, (ii) do not exclude any potential innovators from the process of innovation, and thereby (iii) ensure that both formal and informal innovations can continue to take place in the generations to come (in both the developed and developing world). The book studies the Indian Plant Variety Protection Act, the UPOV Acts and associated agricultural policies from a legal, philosophical, historical and economic perspective with the aim of determining the means of promoting sustainable innovations in plant varieties and identifying laws, policies and practices that are currently acting as impediments to promoting the same.

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Law Relating to Biotechnology

N. S. Sreenivasulu - Oxford University Press, 2016
The book attempts to present the law relating to biotechnology regulation. Law and policy issues pertinent to the most promising, sophisticated, and yet controversial technology in the contemporary world have been discussed, debated, analysed, and presented in a simple, scientific, and specific manner. In the introductory chapters, the scientific analogy and development of biotechnology and also varied applications and commercial uses of biotechnology that raise legal concerns have been presented in a lucid manner. The various legal issues pertinent to biotechnology such as those related to policy, intellectual property, trade-related aspects, environmental concerns, biodiversity matters, and human rights concerns have been discussed in detail. Also, the legal concerns have been discussed from the perspective of the USA, Europe, the UK, and India. There is an exclusive chapter on biotechnology regulation in India, which highlights the regulatory canopy on biotechnology in the country. An attempt has been made to showcase the different legal aspects of biotechnology promotion, protection, regulation, and governance at the international, regional, and domestic levels.

Sezione Diritto privato

Exclusionary Practices: The Economics of Monopolisation and Abuse of Dominance

Chiara Fumagalli, Massimo Motta, Claudio Calcagno- Cambridge University Press, 11 gen 2018
The most controversial area in competition policy is that of exclusionary practices, where actions are taken by dominant firms to deter competitors from challenging their market positions. Economists have been struggling to explain such conduct and to guide policy-makers in designing sensible enforcement rules. In this book, authors Chiara Fumagalli, Massimo Motta, and Claudio Calcagno explore predatory pricing, rebates, exclusive dealing, tying, and vertical foreclosure, through a blend of theory and practice. They develop a general framework which builds on and extends existing economic theories, drawing upon case law, discussions of cases and other practical considerations to identify workable criteria that can guide competition authorities to assess exclusionary practices. Along with analyses of policy implications and insights applied to case studies, the book provides practitioners with non-technical discussions of the issues at hand, while guiding economics students with dedicated technical sections with rigorous formal models.