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mercoledì 30 giugno 2010

In evidenza

2 Luglio 2010
ore 16,00
Dipartimento Studi su Politica, Diritto e Società
Aula Seminari
Piazza Bologni, 8

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Constitutional Courts and Democratic Values:
A European Perspective
Victor Ferreres Comella

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In this book, Víctor Ferreres Comella contrasts the European “centralized” constitutional court model, in which one court system is used to adjudicate constitutional questions, with a decentralized model, such as that of the United States, in which courts deal with both constitutional and nonconstitutional questions.

Comella’s systematic exploration of the reasons for and against the creation of constitutional courts is rich in detail and offers an ambitious theory to justify the European preference for them. Based on extensive research on eighteen European countries, Comella finds that centralized review fits well with the civil law tradition and structures of ordinary adjudication in those countries. Comella concludes that—while the decentralized model works for the United States—there is more than one way to preserve democratic values and that these values are best preserved in the parliamentary democracies of Europe through constitutional courts.

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H.L.A. Hart Di Neil MacCormick

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In this substantially revised second edition, Neil MacCormick delivers a clear and current introduction to the life and works of H.L.A. Hart, noted Professor of Jurisprudence at Oxford University from 1952 to 1968. Hart established a worldwide reputation through his powerful philosophical arguments and writings in favor of liberalizing criminal law and applying humane principles to punishment. This book demonstrates that Hart also made important contributions to analytical jurisprudence, notably by clarifying many terms and concepts used in legal discourse, including the concept of law itself.Taking into account developments since the first edition was published, this book provides a constructively critical account of Hart's legal thought. The work includes Hart's ideas on legal reasoning, judicial discretion, the social sources of law, the theory of legal rules, the sovereignty of individual conscience, the notion of obligation, the concept of a right, and the relationship between morality and the law. MacCormick actively engages with current scholarly interpretations, bringing this accessible account of England's greatest legal philosopher of the twentieth century up-to-date.

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Legal reason: the use of analogy in legal argument
Lloyd L. Weinreb

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Legal Reason describes and explains the process of analogical reasoning, which is the distinctive feature of legal argument. It challenges the prevailing view, urged by Edward Levi, Cass Sunstein, Richard Posner and others, which regards analogical reasoning as logically flawed or as a defective form of deductive reasoning. Lloyd Weinreb reveals that it is the same as the reasoning used routinely everyday--derived from the innate human capacity to recognize the general in the particular, on which thought itself depends. Moreover, the use of analogical reasoning is dictated by the nature of law, which requires the application of rules to particular facts.

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Torture, Terror, and Trade-Offs:
Philosophy for the White House
Jeremy Waldron

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Torture, Terror, and Trade-offs Jeremy Waldron has been a challenging and influential voice in the moral, political and legal debates surrounding the response to terrorism since 9/11. His contributions have spanned the major controversies of the War on Terror including the morality and legality of torture, whether security can be 'balanced' with liberty, and the relationship between public safety and individual rights. He has also tackled underlying questions essential to understanding the practical debates - including what terrorism is, and what a right to security would entail.This volume collects all Waldron's work on these issues, including six published essays and two previously unpublished essays. It also includes a new introduction in which Waldron presents an overview of his contribution, and looks at the problems currently facing the Obama administration and the UK Government in dealing with the legacy of the Bush White House.The volume will be essential reading for all those engaged with contemporary politics, security law, and the continuing struggle for an ethical response to terrorism.

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Sovereignty, Emergency, Legality
di Austin Sarat

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It is widely recognized that times of national emergency put legality to its greatest test. In such times we rely on sovereign power to rescue us, to hold the danger at bay. Yet that power can and often does threaten the values of legality itself. Sovereignty, Emergency, Legality examines law's complex relationship to sovereign power and emergency conditions. It puts today's responses to emergency in historical and institutional context, reminding readers of the continuities and discontinuities in the ways emergencies are framed and understood at different times and in different situations. And, in all this, it suggests the need to be less abstract in the way we discuss sovereignty, emergency, and legality. This book concentrates on officials and the choices they make in defining, anticipating, and responding to conditions of emergency as well as the impact of their choices on embodied subjects, whether citizen or stranger.

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Constitutional review under the UK Human Rights Act
di Aileen Kavanagh

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Under the Human Rights Act, British courts are for the first time empowered to review primary legislation for compliance with a codified set of fundamental rights. In this book, Aileen Kavanagh argues that the HRA gives judges strong powers of constitutional review, similar to those exercised by the courts under an entrenched Bill of Rights. The aim of the book is to subject the leading case-law under the HRA to critical scrutiny, whilst remaining sensitive to the deeper constitutional, political and theoretical questions which underpin it. Such questions include the idea of judicial deference, the constitutional status of the HRA, the principle of parliamentary sovereignty and the constitutional division of labour between Parliament and the courts. The book closes with a sustained defence of the legitimacy of constitutional review in a democracy, thus providing a powerful rejoinder to those who are sceptical about judicial power under the HRA.

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En camino de una justicia global
Osvaldo Guariglia

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El presente libro se inscribe en una tradición que se remonta al menos hasta el siglo XVIII: el ensayo filosófico dedicado a reflexionar sobre la mejor organización política, aunque en este caso no del Estado#nación, como ocurrió entonces, sino de las formas de organización para el futuro gobierno global, que se halla aún en su etapa incipiente. Es, pues, una reflexión filosófica sobre el derecho internacional o, quizá mejor, de gentes, que recorre sus comienzos en la modernidad temprana, su transformación revolucionaria en la filosofía kantiana del derecho y del Estado y se enfoca, por último, en la tensión permanente entre una posición realista y otra normativa, que persiste en las concepciones de las relaciones internacionales hasta la actualidad. La renovación que produjo el libro póstumo de John Rawls sobre la filosofía del derecho internacional, reabrió viejos dilemas, como los principios de una sociedad de los pueblos, y planteó otros nuevos, que giran básicamente sobre los criterios de justicia en un mundo aún no globalizado pero sí en camino de un ordenamiento global. ÍNDICE (Resumen): Los fundamentos filosóficos del derecho de gentes en la modernidad temprana. La filosofía kantiana del derecho internacional y sus tesis para una paz perpetua. El desafío del realismo. Realismo versus juridicidad en las relaciones internacionales. La filosofía en la justicia internacional: un regreso por sus fueros. El tramo del camino abierto en el siglo XXI.

venerdì 25 giugno 2010

In evidenza

28 giugno 2010
ore 17,00
Dipartimento di Studi su Politica Diritto e Società
Piazza Bologni, 8
Rettore Prof. Roberto la Galla
Preside della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Prof. Giuseppe Verde
Preside della Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, Prof. Antonello Miranda
Preside della Facoltà di Economia, Prof. Fabio Mazzola

mercoledì 16 giugno 2010

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Secular Philosophy and the Religious Temperament
Essays 2002-2008
Thomas Nagel

This volume collects recent essays and reviews by Thomas Nagel in three subject areas. The first section, including the title essay, is concerned with religious belief and some of the philosophical questions connected with it, such as the relation between religion and evolutionary theory, the question of why there is something rather than nothing, and the significance for human life of our place in the cosmos. It includes a defense of the relevance of religion to science education. The second section concerns the interpretation of liberal political theory, especially in an international context. A substantial essay argues that the principles of distributive justice that apply within individual nation-states do not apply to the world as a whole. The third section discusses the distinctive contributions of four philosophers to our understanding of what it is to be human - the form of human consciousness and the source of human values.

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Globalization, the Nation-State and the Citizen
Dilemmas and Directions for Civics and Citizenship Education
Edited by
Alan Reid, Judith Gill, Alan Sears

Anteprima non disponibile

The past decade has seen an explosion of interest in civics and citizenship education. There have been unprecedented developments in citizenship education taking place in schools, adult education centers, or in the less formally structured spaces of media images and commentary around the world. This book provides an overview of the development of civics and citizenship education policy across a range of nation states. The contributors, all widely respected scholars in the field of civics and citizenship education, provide a thorough understanding of the different ways in which citizenship has been taken up by educators, governments and the wider public. Citizenship is never a single given, unproblematic concept, but rather its meanings have to be worked through and developed in terms of the particularities of socio-political location and history. This volume promotes a wider and more grounded understanding of the ways in which citizenship education is enacted across different nation states in order to develop education for active and participatory citizenry in both local and global contexts.

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Illiberal Liberal States by
Elspeth Guild
Kees Groenendijk
Sergio Carrera

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Understanding the dynamics of the illiberal practices of liberal states is increasingly important in Europe today. This book examines the changing relationship and interaction between immigration, citizenship and integration at the European and national arenas. It studies some of the main effects and open questions as regards the comprehensiveness of the exchange and coordination of diverse public responses on the mobility and inclusion of third country nationals in Europe. As well as their compatibility with a common European immigration policy driven by a rights-based approach and the respect of the principles of fair and equal treatment of third country nationals. It reviews key national experiences regarding immigration and citizenship laws, the use that they are making of integration and the 'moving of ideas' between national arenas. The constructed framing of integration into immigration and citizenship law and the ways in which policy convergence is being achieved through the EU Framework on integration, raises a number of conceptual dilemmas and a set of definitional premises in need of reflection and consideration. These dilemmas and premises might put social inclusion and liberty at stake in the Union.

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The Crisis of Capitalist Democracy
Richard A. Posner

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Following up on his timely and well-received book, A Failure of Capitalism, Richard Posner steps back to take a longer view of the continuing crisis of democratic capitalism as the American and world economies crawl gradually back from the depths to which they had fallen in the autumn of 2008 and the winter of 2009.
By means of a lucid narrative of the crisis and a series of analytical chapters pinpointing critical issues of economic collapse and gradual recovery, Posner helps non-technical readers understand business-cycle and financial economics, and financial and governmental institutions, practices, and transactions, while maintaining a neutrality impossible for persons professionally committed to one theory or another. He calls for fresh thinking about the business cycle that would build on the original ideas of Keynes. Central to these ideas is that of uncertainty as opposed to risk. Risk can be quantified and measured. Uncertainty cannot, and in this lies the inherent instability of a capitalist economy.
As we emerge from the financial earthquake, a deficit aftershock rumbles. It is in reference to that potential aftershock, as well as to the government’s stumbling efforts at financial regulatory reform, that Posner raises the question of the adequacy of our democratic institutions to the economic challenges heightened by the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression. The crisis and the government’s energetic response to it have enormously increased the national debt at the same time that structural defects in the American political system may make it impossible to pay down the debt by any means other than inflation or devaluation.

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When the Rule of Law Is Illegal
di: Ugo Mattei - Laura Nader

"Plunder" examines the dark side of the Rule of Law and explores how it has been used as a powerful political weapon by Western countries in order to legitimize plunder - the practice of violent extraction by stronger political actors victimizing weaker ones. Challenges traditionally held beliefs in the sanctity of the Rule of Law by exposing its dark side Examines the Rule of Law's relationship with 'plunder' - the practice of violent extraction by stronger political actors victimizing weaker ones - in the service of Western cultural and economic domination Provides global examples of plunder: of oil in Iraq; of ideas in the form of Western patents and intellectual property rights imposed on weaker peoples; and of liberty in the United States Dares to ask the paradoxical question - is the Rule of Law itself illegal?

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How judges think
di Richard A. Posner

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Posner is unique in the world of American jurisprudence, a highly regarded U.S. appellate judge and a prolific and controversial writer on legal philosophy (The Little Book of Plagiarism). Opinionated, sarcastic and argumentative as ever, Posner is happy to weigh in not only on how judges think, but how he thinks they should think. When sticking to explaining the nine intellectual approaches to judging that he identifies, and to the gap between legal academics and judges, and his well-formulated pragmatic approach to judging, Posner is insightful, accessible, often funny and a model of clarity. When he charges off into longstanding arguments with fellow legal theorists (liberal commentator Ronald Dworkin, for one) or examines doctrinal discrepancies in the opinions of Supreme Court justices, he writes for a far more limited audience. For the record, although Justice Scalia is a favorite target, none of the Supreme Court nine escapes Posner's lethally sharp pen. Posner's two major points—that to a great extent judges make decisions based not on theory but on who they are, their gender, education, class and experiences, and that the Supreme Court is a political court regardless of what theory of constitutional interpretation justices claim—are well worthwhile and deeply rooted in common sense and experience.

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Territory, Authority, Rights:
From Medieval to Global Assemblages
Saskia Sassen

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Where does the nation-state end and globalization begin? In Territory, Authority, Rights, one of the world's leading authorities on globalization shows how the national state made today's global era possible. Saskia Sassen argues that even while globalization is best understood as "denationalization," it continues to be shaped, channeled, and enabled by institutions and networks originally developed with nations in mind, such as the rule of law and respect for private authority. This process of state making produced some of the capabilities enabling the global era. The difference is that these capabilities have become part of new organizing logics: actors other than nation-states deploy them for new purposes. Sassen builds her case by examining how three components of any society in any age--territory, authority, and rights--have changed in themselves and in their interrelationships across three major historical "assemblages": the medieval, the national, and the global.
The book consists of three parts. The first, "Assembling the National," traces the emergence of territoriality in the Middle Ages and considers monarchical divinity as a precursor to sovereign secular authority. The second part, "Disassembling the National," analyzes economic, legal, technological, and political conditions and projects that are shaping new organizing logics. The third part, "Assemblages of a Global Digital Age," examines particular intersections of the new digital technologies with territory, authority, and rights.
Sweeping in scope, rich in detail, and highly readable, Territory, Authority, Rights is a definitive new statement on globalization that will resonate throughout the social sciences.
Saskia Sassen is professor of sociology and a member of the Committee on Global Thought at Columbia University, and Centennial Visiting Professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science. She is the author of The Global City (Princeton), The Mobility of Labor and Capital, and Globalization and its Discontents, and coeditor of Digital Formations (Princeton). She has written for the New York Times, Financial Times, and International Herald Tribune.

mercoledì 9 giugno 2010

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1688: the first modern revolution
di Steven C. A. Pincus

For two hundred years historians have viewed England’s Glorious Revolution of 1688–1689 as an un-revolutionary revolution—bloodless, consensual, aristocratic, and above all, sensible. In this brilliant new interpretation Steve Pincus refutes this traditional view.

By expanding the interpretive lens to include a broader geographical and chronological frame, Pincus demonstrates that England’s revolution was a European event, that it took place over a number of years, not months, and that it had repercussions in India, North America, the West Indies, and throughout continental Europe. His rich historical narrative, based on masses of new archival research, traces the transformation of English foreign policy, religious culture, and political economy that, he argues, was the intended consequence of the revolutionaries of 1688–1689.

James II developed a modernization program that emphasized centralized control, repression of dissidents, and territorial empire. The revolutionaries, by contrast, took advantage of the new economic possibilities to create a bureaucratic but participatory state. The postrevolutionary English state emphasized its ideological break with the past and envisioned itself as continuing to evolve. All of this, argues Pincus, makes the Glorious Revolution—not the French Revolution—the first truly modern revolution. This wide-ranging book reenvisions the nature of the Glorious Revolution and of revolutions in general, the causes and consequences of commercialization, the nature of liberalism, and ultimately the origins and contours of modernity itself

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Active Liberty
Interpreting a Democratic Constitution
Stephen G. Breyer

A brilliant new approach to the Constitution and courts of the United States by Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer. For Justice Breyer, the Constitution's primary role is to preserve and encourage what he calls "active liberty": citizen participation in shaping government and its laws. As this book argues, promoting active liberty requires judicial modesty and deference to Congress; it also means recognizing the changing needs and demands of the populace. Indeed, the Constitution's lasting brilliance is that its principles may be adapted to cope with unanticipated situations, and Breyer makes a powerful case against treating it as a static guide intended for a world that is dead and gone. Using contemporary examples from federalism to privacy to affirmative action, this is a vital contribution to the ongoing debate over the role and power of our courts.

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National responsibility and global justice
di David Miller

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Oxford Political Theory presents the best new work in contemporary political theory. It is intended to be broad in scope, including original contributions to political philosophy, and also work in applied political theory. The series will contain works of outstanding quality with no restriction as to approach or subject matter.Series Editors: Will Kymlicka, David Miller, and Alan Ryan. This book presents a non-cosmopolitan theory of global justice. In contrast to theories that seek to extend principles of social justice, such as equality of opportunity or resources, to the world as a whole, it argues that in a world made up of self-determining national communities, a different conception is needed. The book presents and defends an account of national responsibility which entails that nations may justifiably claim the benefits that their decisions and policies produce, while also being held liable for harms that they inflict on other peoples. Such collective responsibility extends to responsibility for the national past, so the present generation may owe redress to those who have been harmed by the actions of their predecessors. Global justice, therefore, must be understood not in terms of equality, but in terms of a minimum set of basic rights that belong to human beings everywhere. Where these rights are being violated or threatened, remedial responsibility may fall on outsiders. The book considers how this responsibility should be allocated, and how far citizens of democratic societies must limit their pursuit of domestic objectives in order to discharge their global obligations. The book presents a systematic challenge to existing theories of global justice without retreating to a narrow nationalism that denies that we have any responsibilities to the world's poor. It combines discussion of practical questions such as immigration and foreign aid with philosophical exploration of, for instance, the different senses of responsibility, and the grounds of human rights.

martedì 8 giugno 2010

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Cristianesimo, libertà, democrazia
Böckenförde Ernst-Wolfgang

Questa traduzione italiana di alcuni tra i più significativi saggi di Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde sul rapporto tra cristianesimo, libertà e democrazia si propone un duplice obiettivo: in primo luogo, favorire la conoscenza del pensiero teologico-politico di uno tra i più significativi intellettuali tedeschi contemporanei; in secondo luogo, introdurre nel dibattito civile, che si è aperto nel nostro Paese sul rapporto tra religione e politica, prospettive di pensiero e di azione di ampio respiro, fondate in modo serio e rigoroso su di una profonda cultura giuridica e teologica nutrite costantemente da un'attenta analisi storica

giovedì 3 giugno 2010

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Verità avvelenata
Buoni e cattivi nel dibattito pubblico
D'Agostini Franca

Nella teoria dell'argomentazione si chiama "avvelenamento del pozzo" la procedura di delegittimazione che investe tutto ciò che una persona afferma. È solo una delle tante forme di fallacia, ossia di mossa argomentativa corretta in apparenza, che occulta ad arte la propria erroneità logica, allo scopo di ingannare. Di fallacie e di molto altro parla questo trattatello, con cui una delle più note filosofe italiane ci fa acquisire consapevolezza delle molteplici trame logiche e illogiche che governano il nostro dibattito pubblico: uno spazio costituito - e saturato - perlopiù da cattivi argomenti, soprattutto nel nostro presente pretesamente postideologico, che procede per contaminazione e avvelenamento sistematici della verità. Ma c'è una via d'uscita: il potere democratico è ancora nelle mani di chi ascolta e valuta gli argomenti dei politici, degli intellettuali, dei manipolatori dell'opinione pubblica. Quanto più si impara a valutare gli argomenti e a conoscere la fragilità e insieme l'imprescindibilità della verità, tanto più si indebolisce il veleno che infetta la comunicazione pubblica. Il solco è dunque ancora quello tracciato dall'antico precetto di ispirazione socratica: "insegnate ai cittadini ad argomentare bene, a seguire la dialettica dei concetti, e prevarranno i migliori".

martedì 1 giugno 2010

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Ermanno Vitale
Difendersi dal potere

Ha ancora senso pensare al diritto di resistenza negli stati democratici di diritto? E innanzitutto: che cosa significa politicamente 'resistenza'? In cosa si differenzia da altre forme di opposizione e di cambiamento? Rispetto a chi o a che cosa è lecito o opportuno opporre resistenza? E ancora: è possibile porre un limite alla con-fusione dei poteri, ossia alle enormi capacità di influenza e condizionamento del potere economico e ideologico globalizzato? Ermanno Vitale analizza le tradizionali teorie del 'diritto di resistenza' alla luce delle nuove dimensioni che il potere politico, economico e ideologico ha assunto nel mondo contemporaneo e propone una definizione di resistenza costituzionale il cui scopo è difendere il patto sociale nel caso estremo in cui sia ragionevole dubitare dell'affidabilità delle garanzie istituzionali.

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Gestire i conflitti. Diritto, cultura, rituale
Chase Oscar G.

Esiste un collegamento profondo e reciproco tra cultura e metodi di soluzione delle dispute. Questo è vero sia per le società con un livello meno progredito di complessità, sia per gli ordinamenti moderni, caratterizzati da regole processuali sofisticate ed elaborate. Per sostenere questa tesi, controcorrente rispetto alla generale convinzione che sia il sistema giuridico e processuale della "Giustizia" a influenzare la società, e non viceversa, Oscar G. Chase applica un approccio interdisciplinare e ricorre alle conoscenze e ai metodi dell'antropologia culturale. Spaziando dall'oracolo benge, a cui gli Azande dell'Africa delegano la risoluzione pubblica delle controversie, per arrivare alla norma processuale delle cause civili in America, Chase dimostra che, in ogni società, i metodi di gestione dei conflitti sono in gran parte riflesso della cultura cui appartengono: sono insomma culturalmente radicati e socialmente determinati e non costituiscono affatto, come si crede, un sistema autonomo, prodotto prevalentemente da professionisti ed esperti che agiscono isolati.

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Diritti e dignità umana
Vincenti Umberto

Il legame tra diritti e dignità umana è un punto fermo nel pensiero giuridico corrente, fondato sul postulato che tutti gli uomini siano egualmente degni e si debbano reciproco rispetto per la comune umanità. Ma a questa accezione 'genetica' e ugualitaria della dignità umana, oggi prevalente, si sono contrapposte storicamente concezioni diverse, elitarie e subordinate all'esito dell'azione individuale. Umberto Vincenti risale alle origini classiche del concetto di dignitas hominis e ne ricostruisce il lungo percorso, fino alla odierna formulazione dei diritti: umani, inviolabili, fondamentali, della personalità.

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Guerra e diritto
di: Mario Fiorillo

Il diritto ha sempre tentato di disciplinare il fenomeno della guerra, prima attraverso norme e principi di tipo legislativo, poi per mezzo di misure costituzionali. Il percorso di giuridificazione del conflitto armato è culminato, nel XX secolo, nello ius contra bellum, il diritto volto a contrastare (e non più semplicemente a regolare) il conflitto, conseguenza diretta dei fantasmi di apocalisse finale. Mario Fiorillo ripercorre in questo volume l'evolversi del confronto tra il diritto e quel particolarissimo campo dell'agire umano che è il fatto bellico. La sua analisi da una parte passa in rassegna le diverse forme di legittimazione della guerra, delle sue cause e dei suoi fini, elaborate nei secoli dal pensiero occidentale, e dall'altra ricostruisce storicamente il processo di strutturazione giuridica del conflitto armato e delle sue modalità. L'autore si sofferma in particolare sui conflitti armati delle comunità globalizzate contemporanee, divise fra tradizionale garanzia dei diritti e ossessione di sicurezza. Dall'equilibrio del terrore della guerra fredda si è approdati oggi a un terrore senza equilibrio, una cortina di paura e panico che avvolge il mondo occidentale e che si richiama ancora una volta al diritto in cerca di legittimazione.

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Diritti umani e relativismo
Francescomaria Tedesco

I diritti umani parlano agli Stati. Ma solo a essi? E non anche agli individui in quanto soggetti di diritto internazionale? E se i diritti umani si rivolgono anche agli individui, qual è il loro scopo? La tesi di questo libro è che i diritti umani sono strumenti di lotta contro tutto ciò che impedisce di decidere autonomamente del proprio destino. Prima però di poter parlare di un 'universalismo degli oppressi', occorre chiedersi: coloro che vivono in condizione di subalternità sono in grado di appropriarsene? E desiderano farlo?

Nuovo arrivo

I diritti dei popoli.
Universalismo e differenze culturali
Luca Baccelli

Di diritti umani parlano testi costituzionali e dichiarazioni universali, Ong e organizzazioni finanziarie transnazionali, neoconservatori, liberali e no-global. Ci si riferisce ai diritti umani per legittimare sia le guerre umanitarie e l'imposizione delle politiche economiche, sia le lotte contro il neoliberismo. Ma cosa significa che i diritti umani sono "diritti", e cosa significa che sono "umani"? Davvero in tutto il mondo uomini e donne fanno riferimento agli stessi principi? Ne condividono il significato, vi attribuiscono lo stesso valore, li interpretano allo stesso modo? In che rapporto stanno i diritti collettivi e quelli degli individui, i diritti di libertà e i diritti sociali, i diritti politici e i diritti culturali? Definire una facoltà, un bene o un valore come un diritto è lo stesso che considerarli come l'oggetto di un dovere? L'autore muove da questi interrogativi per la sua analisi che unisce l'ottica teorico-giuridica alla ricerca storica sulla genealogia dei diritti umani.

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Pierluigi Consorti
Diritto e religione

Laicità, diritto, religione: attorno a questi termini ruotano i temi più attuali del diritto ecclesiastico, finora centrato sul rapporto fra Stato e religioni, e oggi sfidato a trovare risposte adeguate alle domande che emergono dal contesto multi religioso e multiculturale delle nostre società europee. Concordato, otto per mille, obiezioni di coscienza, insegnamento della religione, matrimonio degli omosessuali, simboli religiosi, testamento biologico non riguardano solo le relazioni tra Stato e Chiese, ma coinvolgono la libertà delle coscienze e il diritto di ciascuno a essere se stesso.

Indice - Sommario
- 1. «Diritto ecclesiastico» o «diritto e religione»?
- 2. La Costituzione repubblicana e la religione
- 3. La libertà religiosa individuale
- 4. La libertà religiosa collettiva
- 5. Contenuti e limiti della libertà religiosa
- 6. Il sistema dei rapporti fra Stato e confessioni religiose: la bilateralità incompiuta
- 7. Diritto e religione fra multiculturalismo e globalizzazione
- 8. Libertà, diritti e doveri delle coscienze - Indice dei nomi

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Le regole della fiducia
Resta Eligio

Dalla comunicazione pubblica al linguaggio della vita quotidiana, la fiducia è tornata ad essere un punto di riferimento: si chiede, si coltiva, si revoca, costruisce e demolisce mondi, si da e si ha fiducia. Improvvisamente essa riemerge da teorie polverose e diventa la parola chiave di fronte alla crisi economica, alle difficoltà di governi e parlamenti, alla diffidenza di tutti i giorni nei confronti dei mercati. Eligio Resta ripercorre le tracce del concetto di 'fiducia' nel diritto nell'economia, nella filosofia. Con qualche inattesa sorpresa.

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Michele Taruffo
La semplice verità
Il giudice e la costruzione dei fatti

Il volume parte da un assunto forte: il raggiungimento della verita' nel processo giudiziario e' possibile, opportuno ed essenziale. Piu' propriamente: in ogni tipo di processo la scoperta della verita' e' una condizione necessaria di giustizia della decisione, in particolare nei sistemi che si ispirano al principio di legalita' e a una concezione democratica del potere. Michele Taruffo illustra e giustifica questa tesi affrontandola da diverse prospettive. Dopo un approfondimento di carattere storico, discute le caratteristiche delle 'narrazioni' dipanate nel corso del processo dai diversi partecipanti - avvocati, testimoni, parti in causa - e sottolinea l'importanza della ricostruzione finale dei fatti elaborata dal giudice e posta a fondamento della sua decisione. La coerenza e veridicita' di quel racconto, e soprattutto l'esposizione della motivazione che l'ha prodotto, sono garanzia essenziale di una giustizia che sia veramente giusta. Il tema della verita' giudiziaria viene poi affrontato discutendo le tesi che ne negano la possibilita' o la rilevanza, e mostrando come essa sia invece un presupposto indispensabile per la corretta applicazione della legge. pagine 318, Brossura, volume in Italiano .

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Dal potere ai princìpi
Libertà ed eguaglianza nel costituzionalismo contemporaneo

La ‘giustizia’ complessiva realizzabile nel sistema costituzionale è il prodotto del massimo di integrazione possibile tra eguaglianza e libertà»: una concezione integrata dei due princìpi e non più una opposizione reciproca secondo la quale a più libertà corrisponderebbe meno eguaglianza e viceversa. Questa la nuova sfida che il costituzionalismo lancia ai detentori del potere.

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Contro l'etica della verità
Zagrebelsky Gustavo

La tesi di Zagrebelsky è che la Verità (con la V maiuscola) e la Giustizia (sempre con la G maiuscola) non esistono o, se anche esistessero, sarebbero inconoscibili. Ma non è affatto insensato, anzi è conforme alla natura umana, agire con prove e controprove per avvicinarsi a qualcosa come la verità e la giustizia (con le iniziali minuscole). È pertanto necessario darsi principi e valori d'azione e combattere il nichilismo, a vantaggio del dialogo costruttivo tra tutti i portatori delle diverse visioni della verità e della giustizia. Poiché oggi l'unica e la più potente "agenzia" della Verità è la Chiesa cattolica, gran parte del libro ne considera e ne analizza le posizioni sui principali temi della vita collettiva, in particolare in materia di diritti civili: famiglia, rapporti tra i sessi, ricerca in campo bio-medico, testamento biologico, eutanasia. L'atteggiamento della Chiesa su questi temi, coinvolgendo i credenti in un obbligo di coscienza rigido che lede la loro autonomia e la loro responsabilità nel campo delle scelte pratiche, impedisce il dialogo onesto, cioè improntato alla reciproca disponibilità ad apprendere, e pone problemi di compatibilità con la democrazia stessa, che presuppone la comune libertà.

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Operazioni elementari di discorso e sapere giuridico
Lantella Lelio, Stolfi Emanuele, Deganello Mario

Tutti devono conoscere, e tutti conoscono, le quattro operazioni dell'aritmetica; ma non è altrettanto noto che anche il discorso ha le sue operazioni elementari, dotate di fecondità elevatissima. Qui ci si occupa di alcune: qualificare (a cui, per i giuristi, si accosta il sussumere), definire, esemplificare, elencare, classificare. Operazioni molto praticate e tuttavia (tranne il definire) poco analizzate. Per di più, mai studiate e presentate nel loro insieme. Questo manuale è finalizzato a far sì che tali operazioni entrino meglio nei sapere e nelle competenze di chi studia (soprattutto, di chi studia giurisprudenza).

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Anna Pintore
Democrazia e diritti
Sette studi analitici

La nostra cultura giuridica tende per lo più a ignorare od occultare il conflitto tra democrazia e diritti. Talora lo maschera dilatando l'area semantica del concetto di democrazia fino a includervi la vasta congerie di diritti proclamati nelle costituzioni o da esse ritenuti comunque estrapolabili. Altre volte lo dissolve trattando il principio democratico come subordinato e residuale rispetto ai diritti fondamentali e intendendo questi ultimi come un dato normativo sottratto all'esercizio dell'autonomia politica dei cittadini, cristallizzato nel documento costituzionale e affidato alla custodia dei giudici.Questo libro censura ambedue le operazioni. Esso si propone innanzi tutto di evidenziare le buone ragioni che suggeriscono un uso sorvegliato della parola democrazia e raccomandano di intenderla come un insieme di regole di procedura per la formazione di decisioni collettive, secondo la nota definizione di Bobbio. Cerca altresì di portare alla luce alcune tra le tante ambiguità che affliggono la nozione di diritto fondamentale e ne fanno il veicolo di insidiose operazioni ideologiche.Il libro denuncia poi i pericoli insiti in un mondo giuridico dominato dai diritti, primo fra tutti quello della giuridicizzazione dell'etica e della politica, con la conseguente svalutazione del ruolo dell'organo legislativo e l'elevazione dell'organo giudiziario a decisore di ultima istanza. Segnala inoltre i rischi di una politica dominata da quelle retoriche dell'intransigenza che tendono ad accompagnarsi alla raffigurazione dei diritti come carte vincenti del gioco politico. Critica infine l'idea che i diritti siano l'unico strumento di protezione degli interessi individuali e che la loro moltiplicazione sia cosa necessariamente buona.

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Prima lezione di diritto
Grossi Paolo

Ordinario di Storia del diritto medievale e moderno presso la facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell'Università di Firenze, Paolo Grossi introduce il lettore ai segreti del diritto occidentale. Il diritto, prima ancora che tecnica, è un'esperienza culturale, un modo insostituibile di leggere e organizzare la società. La limitazione del potere e della violenza, il rapporto con le cose, le relazione tra soggetti e gruppi sociali sono stati possibili essenzialmente in virtù della mediazione giuridica. Essa oppone all'arbitrio le regole, al conflitto un ordine concreto.

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Vincenzo Ferrari
Prima lezione di sociologia del diritto

Il diritto è un fenomeno sociale della massima importanza. Regolando le azioni umane, fornisce criteri di orientamento nella grande complessità del mondo. Naturalmente, nel corso dei secoli, ha ispirato una infinita serie di studi dogmatici, storici, filosofici e teorici. Eppure, per un sottile paradosso, questa tradizione di pensiero ha lasciato in ombra proprio l'elemento di socialità degli ordinamenti giuridici, non perché su questo aspetto siano mancate riflessioni episodiche di grande rilievo ma per la mancanza di un metodo e di un sistema armonico di riferimenti teorici, in breve di un discorso scientifico. La sociologia del diritto, tra la fine dell'800 e l'inizio del '900, è sorta per colmare questa lacuna. Grandi figure di studiosi, come Max Weber, Emile Durkheim, Eugen Ehrlich e Theodor Geiger, ne hanno tracciato la strada attingendo all'insegnamento dei classici, all'esperienza bimillenaria dei giuristi, alle conoscenze storiche, sociologiche e antropologiche accumulate nei primi decenni di sviluppo delle scienze sociali. Vincenzo Ferrari espone in breve sintesi i concetti essenziali della disciplina, rivolgendosi a chiunque abbia curiosità per l'agire giuridico e per il suo impatto sulle strutture sociali.

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Social conventions: from language to law
Andrei Marmor

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Social conventions are those arbitrary rules and norms governing the countless behaviors all of us engage in every day without necessarily thinking about them, from shaking hands when greeting someone to driving on the right side of the road. In this book, Andrei Marmor offers a pathbreaking and comprehensive philosophical analysis of conventions and the roles they play in social life and practical reason, and in doing so challenges the dominant view of social conventions first laid out by David Lewis. Marmor begins by giving a general account of the nature of conventions, explaining the differences between coordinative and constitutive conventions and between deep and surface conventions. He then applies this analysis to explain how conventions work in language, morality, and law. Marmor clearly demonstrates that many important semantic and pragmatic aspects of language assumed by many theorists to be conventional are in fact not, and that the role of conventions in the moral domain is surprisingly complex, playing mostly an auxiliary and supportive role. Importantly, he casts new light on the conventional foundations of law, arguing that the distinction between deep and surface conventions can be used to answer the prevalent objections to legal conventionalism.Social Conventions is a much-needed reappraisal of the nature of the rules that regulate virtually every aspect of human conduct.

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Macroeconomic Theory and Its Failings: Alternative Perspectives on the ...
Steven Kates

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'This admirable and comprehensive collection should prove of interest to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the financial crisis.' Tyler Cowen, George Mason University, US 'The Great Crash of 2008 has raised profound questions concerning the orientation of modern economics and the adequacy of its theory. Those justifiably looking for alternatives will find this book invaluable. It contains a rich array of alternative perspectives on the crisis, and it will hopefully help stimulate the further theoretical developments that are so urgently required.' Geoffrey M. Hodgson, University of Hertfordshire, UK This innovative book focuses on the current global financial crisis and the inadequacies of the economic theories being used to guide policy. In so doing, it tackles the economic theories that have been used firstly to understand its causes and thereafter to contain the damage it has brought. The contributors bring together different perspectives from across the entire spectrum of economic opinion to examine what is likely to be the single most important economic problem of our time. The unifying feature is that all of the authors disagree with the standard mainstream neo-classical models being applied in attempting to comprehend what has gone on and then, more importantly, to devise policies to bring this recession to an end. The problems that modern macroeconomics may have caused in being the basis for economic policy are addressed, and it is concluded that the deepening problems found in economies across the developed world are not due to governments having refused to take the advice of their economic advisors but are in many respects due to their actually having taken this advice. Suggesting alternative ways of understanding how economies work so that other types of policies might be used instead, this book will prove a fascinating read not just for scholars and policy-makers concerned with our macroeconomic and financial problems but for anyone interested in deepening their understanding of our contemporary economic debate.

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Practical reason in law and morality
Neil MacCormick

The concept of practical reason is central to contemporary thought on ethics and the philosophy of law - acting well means acting for good reasons. Explaining this requires several stages. How do reasons relate to actions at all, as incentives and in explanations? What are values, how do they relate to human nature, and how do they enter practical reasoning? How do the concepts of 'right and wrong' fit in, and in what way do they involve questions of mutual trust among human beings? How does our moral freedom - our freedom to form our own moral commitments - relate to our responsibilities to each other? How is this final question transposed into law and legal commitments? This book explores these questions, vital to understanding the nature of law and morality. It presents a clear account of practical reason, valuable to students of moral philosophy and jurisprudence at undergraduate or postgraduate levels. For more advanced scholars it also offers a reinterpretation of Kant's views on moral autonomy and Smith's on self-command, marrying Smith's 'moral sentiments' to Kant's 'categorical imperative' in a novel way. The book concludes and underpins the author's Law, State and Practical Reason series.Taken together the books offer an overarching theory of the nature of law and legal reason, the role of the State, and the nature of moral reason and judgement.

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Theories of the Democratic State
di John S. Dryzek,Patrick Dunleavy

The major text begins by surveying the classical theories of the state. The core chapters then address the dominant pluralist and post-pluralist approaches to understanding the modern liberal democratic state, the main critiques from feminism, new elitism, green theory, neo-conservatism, and the challenges of globalization and postmodernism.

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Political Accountability and European Integration
a cura di Philipp Kiiver,Luc Verhey,Sandor Loeffen

This volume addresses the future of political control and accountability in a European and comparative perspective. It is based on the contributions to an international conference hosted by the Montesquieu Institute.

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Power and the State
di Martin J. Smith

In this important new text, Martin Smith reassesses traditional debates about power and offers a synthesis of a broad range of more recent work in terms of its relevance for understanding the key dimensions of state power. He considers the implications of globalization.

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Ethics of Climate Change
Right and Wrong in a Warming World
di James Garvey

The debate about the existence of climate change seems finally at an end. We now have to decide what to do about it. Here, James Garvey argues that the ultimate rationale for action on climate change cannot be simply economic, political, scientific or social, though no doubt our decisions should be informed by such things. Instead, climate change is largely a moral problem. What we should do about it depends on what matters to us and what we think is right.This book is an introduction to the ethics of climate change. It considers a little climate science and a lot of moral philosophy, ultimately finding a way into the many possible positions associated with climate change. It is also a call for action, for doing something about the moral demands placed on both governments and individuals by the fact of climate change. This is a book about choices, responsibility, and where the moral weight falls on our warming world.Articulate, provocative and stimulating, this timely book will make a significant contribution to one of the most important debates of our time." Think Now" is a brand new series of stimulating and accessible books examining key contemporary social issues from a philosophical perspective. Written by experts in philosophy, these books offer sophisticated and provocative yet engaging writing on political and cultural themes of genuine concern to the educated reader.

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Nicholas Fotion, Boris Kashnikov and Joanne K. Lekea
The new world disorder

Terrorism poses an undeniable threat to societies throughout the world today. Martyr terrorism, the fastest growing form of terrorist activity, and arguably the most effective, has become a regular occurrence. But how has terrorist activity evolved in the last 100 years, and what are the ethical costs of terrorism?
In this informative book, three philosophers, all experts on the ethics of conflict, examine the various definitions of terrorism and the nature of martyr terrorism. Through accounts of terrorist campaigns, from 19th century Russian terrorism, to the 20th century campaigns in Ireland, Israel and Greece, and contemporary campaigns in Chechnya, Afghanistan and Iraq, this fascinating book explores the ethical implications of terrorism from a philosophical perspective. Setting out the social, psychological and political causes of terrorism, the book interrogates the cases for and against terrorist activity in terms of just war theory.
Articulate, provocative and stimulating, this timely book is an ideal introduction to an important contemporary social issue.

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Public War, Pivate Conscience
The ethics of Political Violence
di Andrew Fiala

Public War, Private Conscience offers a philosophical reflection on the moral demands made upon us by war, providing a clear and accessible overview of the different ways of thinking about war. Engaging both with contemporary examples and historical ideas about war, the book offers unique analysis of issues relating to terrorism, conscience objection, just war theory and pacifism. Andrew Fiala examines the conflict between utilitarian and deontological points of view. On the one hand, wars are part of the project of public welfare, subject to utilitarian evaluation. On the other hand, war is also subject to deontological judgment that takes seriously the importance of private conscience and human rights. This book argues that the conflict between these divergent approaches is unavoidable. We are continually caught in the tragic conflict between these two values: public happiness and private morality. And it is in war that we find the conflict at its most obvious and most disturbing.

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The ethics of torture
di Wisnewski,R. D. Emerick

The first student-friendly introduction to the philosophical issues surrounding torture. It is a timely and useful contribution to a highly topical and on-going debate.